Is the Trump media frenzy a distraction for poor and uneducated classes?

To distract from the crypto revolution much like the internet revolution was happening during a time of a distracting controversial Bush presidency?

Attached: btcprices.png (1192x752, 758K)

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Yes. It's political theatre to divide the populace


The "education" is the constitution which all trump supporters understand.

Just because you have a marketing degree at some shitty public university doesn't mean your educated in the ideas and principles that made this country great.

Also... people are educated in all sorts of things. People educated in medicine can't do a welders job.... and people educated in welding can't do a doctors job.... but neither of these jobs mean your educated in the ideas and principles and capitalism of which made this country great.

Also..... since when does lack of college mean lack of education. Like I said you can be educated in lots of different things.

Also... everyone and their mother goes to college. Literal niggers can get a college degree... that's how easy it is.

Also.... people say trump supporters are white and uneducated...

Well if college is the metric for "educated" how come I never heard that most of the blacks voting for obama are non college educated? Since a higher % of blacks are less college educated than whites?

Basically if you think you are so smart for voting liberal/democrat.... just remember that you are voting the same way as 90% of niggers.... which we all know are the lowest IQ people on the planet.

If you are not college educated it really just means you aren't brainwashed. And understand things like free speech, private property, small govt being good...etc

Another thing you don't realize that your typical trump voter is the type of American that built this country...... miners, farmers, manufacturers, builders.

Which is much more important than some faggot getting an art history degree or a public administration degree.

60% of the college students in college shouldn't even be there. College is the biggest scam right now. Of course there are legit degrees but they are few and far between.

>College is the biggest scam right now.
Are you saying my basket weaving degree is a waste, user?

Engineering and STEM are important, everything else is a meme

I think crypto will be part of it.
Theyre trying to hide the devaluation of fiat currency rather than hide crypto
Will be interesting to see if trump and Q are just part of the theatre
Gold is the measure of value

>College is the biggest scam right now
Fucking trumptards. Refute pic related or leave.

Also not shown on the pic is the damage to your body manual jobs do, the complete lack of respect you get and how much less stable they are

Attached: ep_chart_001.png (1920x1080, 101K)


so in the end the drumpfies have no response and were just lying

typical drumpftardation

College is a scam because of govt student loans. Which unironically enables the 1% to become richer and richer

Yes... there are a few others but 80% are garbage degrees

>College is a scam because of govt student loans.
Alright, what's your alternative suggestion?

>Yes... there are a few others but 80% are garbage degrees
Clearly not, see the graph

Nice digits.
Consider this:
Q is part of the team that created Bitcoin.
Would you believe that?

Check pic related.
BTW, whose handwriting is that?


Attached: Proof-CSWandQ.png (1461x497, 352K)

>muh chart
Doesn’t take into account the stifling, nearly life long debt you take on for these degrees, cutting deeply into these “weekly earnings”

College is legit, and professionals and employers require it, but the way it is currently set up is bad. It's too expensive, and the standards are too low.
We can fix that.

Yes the only thing that could live up to the Q hype is Trump allowing a free market for currency
That would cause ww3 though the only thing holding the east back is the US extortion of the middle east to sell oil in us dollars exclusively

It’s a massive economic bubble. Easy loans>prices sky rocket
College is a scam, but not in the sense it doesn’t provide anything. It just doesn’t provide anything that equals the dollar amount you put into it.
I’ll go when the bubble pops.

take your LARP back to pol

From everything I've seen Trump doesn't want war. If he did we could've had one already in Syria or with North Korea.
I think he'll find a way to get things done peacefully. Other countries probably hate fiat just as much as we do.

I agree. Huge bubble.

average debt = $40k
average loss of earnings while not doing non college job = 712*4*52=150,000

Years working = 70-22=48

Total earnings college = 1401*48*52 - 40000 = 3,450,000
Total earnings no college = 712*48*52 + 150,000 = 1,930,000

Why are drumpftards incapable of doing basic math?

holy shit lmao. imagine studying for 5 years plus to only get $1,700 a week lmfaooo

>le Trump voters are uneducated

Attached: us presidential election 2016 black vote.png (4200x3105, 571K)

>holy shit lmao. imagine studying for 5 years plus to only get $1,700 a week lmfaooo
phds aren't really done for money, they're done for getting a job you enjoy

>If he did we could've had one already in Syria or with North Korea.

syria is suppose to be low intensity to block pipeline

nk is suppose to be tension as pretext for missile shields in japan

the only place we have any interest in blowing up right now is iran and trump brought in a bunch of hardline anti-iran folks a while back. probably no war until closer to '20 election, thats usually when they kick em off

Attached: white vote by income.png (696x2520, 407K)

I hope so, if every nation adopted non inflationary peer to peer cash tomorrow there would be no way to make them poor and hateful and ready to go to war. Thats not the way adoption works unfortunately

Interesting thoughts.
I agree that Iran is the most important place to keep an eye on.

Well it won't be 'tomorrow' but I think it's coming sooner or later.
The signs are out there. I think it'll start with smaller countries that have bad fiat first as a test, and over time as the network becomes more solid and trusted, you'll see bigger countries give it a shot.
One important takeaway is that you yourself have the power to make it happen by helping the network in some way. Whether through code, through awareness, through memes, or some other avenue. You can help decide the future.

Loads of the poor democrats will be college students, and loads of the rich republicans will be boomers.

Not really successful/unsuccessful people just at different stages in life. I'm not a native mutt but I've been to 2 of the elite mutt unis and spent a lot of time around MIT, with these all having the future us elite. They were 100 percent hiltown

This is the most wagecuck thing I've heard today, meanwhile smart people make much more per day browsing memes lol

Attached: 1533533197425.jpg (258x544, 32K)

>Not really successful/unsuccessful people just at different stages in life. I'm not a native mutt but I've been to 2 of the elite mutt unis and spent a lot of time around MIT, with these all having the future us elite. They were 100 percent hiltown
University's are generally heavily left-wing.

Attached: us presidential election 2016 white vote.png (4200x3105, 619K)

Wrong picture.

Attached: us presidential election 2016 educated white vote.png (4200x3105, 628K)

Just found this if you don't believe me. This is pretty much the impression I got while I was around there.

No one shills phds as being good for making money.

Attached: 452c3e69f79607d6e94577cd56e61e58d6f46a94c47fcb79fed97f8912e8b67c.png (1263x1020, 216K)

Universities are heavily democratic by design. It is due to the fact that communists have infiltrated the top positions of those institutions and select for professors that lean the same way and are willing to indoctrinate the impressionable students to the same ideologoy.

>Just found this if you don't believe me. This is pretty much the impression I got while I was around there.
But to be fair, even the rest of the state is heavily blue and the surrounding states are blue aswell.

Attached: 1494525366335.png (1280x812, 696K)

I'd guess it's all the shit unis. The ivy league, MIT, caltech and the other prestigious ones are very heavily democrat. I'm sure it changes with age but it's not going to be that much

Researchers are at odds with the funding-cutting Republicans. University students lean left by default and yes it does change the older they get.

If the govt forgave all stafford student loans universities would be forced to slash prices greatly. Colleges would only be offering courses that would give students real life skills.

The best schools would offer the best education at the cheapest price and many schools would close.

The reason tuition is so much is because of govt student loans.

There's a very clear peak if you look around the surrounding areas. The area is heavily blue but nothing like cambridge where it's overwhelmingly blue.

Or I could invest that 40k into a condo and receive about 12k a year in profit off its rental then double down in 3 years and double my profits.
College is a shit investment. It’s not without its returns as your keen math has pointed out, but your money can make more money elsewhere without being tied to a 10 year 6% interest rape fest.

You can clearly see that the districts in the Eastern and Western part of the state are nearly as blue as Boston.

Public schools suck much like public restrooms suck. ANYTHING public sucks

I'm in Phoenix......

There are pool parties every weekend in the summer at the upper tier resorts. But you can't get in unless you are staying as a guest. So you have a bit too big and good crowd.

Talking stick resort is a beautiful hotel casino on the Indian reservation.... every weekend they offer a pool party for the PUBLIC... and it's a fucking disaster. Every fucking hood rat spic from Glendale and Mesa is their with their fat ass mexican girlfriends...

If given the the option of going to a gay pool party with all dudes..... or the public one at talking stick crowded and full of fucking riffraff... I'd snap go to the gay pool party... and I'm homophobic.

PUBLIC sucks.... whether it's public schools... public restrooms or public pool parties or public transportation

So stop thinking your public education at a public university means anything. It doesn't. Your getting largely a garbage education. And they certainly aren't teaching capitalism and the constitution there

wew lad, its like you dont know returns on capital or inflation are a thing

obviously you didnt learn shit in college

which part? The second lowest I could find was somerville at 10.4, which is much higher than cambridge at 6.4. a 50 percent difference is not "nearly as blue"

You are right but housing might be an even worse investment right now. Inflated prices. There's going to be a currency crisis and deflationary collapse.

Put that 40k on gold or silver and you'll be able to buy a small town after the dollar implodes

>us government will be unable to maintain currency
>but society will be stable enough for me to LARP gold as money

holy shit you metal tards are the worst

look sweetie, I live in a upper middle class area. Excluding people who just inherited/married, at least 90 percent have gone to college.

Liberals need help and they don’t even know it.

honeybun, most people with wealth don't flaunt it. the jonesy rat race is 90% broke niggers that will be paying mortgage until they die

Lefties are retarded, righties are willfully ignorant not sure whats worse desu

China, India, and Russia have been accumulating record tonnage of gold for years now. You think they are doing this for fun?

Keep going to your Jew public schools teaching voodoo Keynesian economics... where they have taught you to be anti gold so the elite can continue to confiscate all your wealth through inflation.

"Gold is money, everything else is credit." - JP Morgan (testimony to congress 1912)

"In the absence of a gold standard there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation - there is no safe store of value" - Alan Greenspan (1966)

(((jp morgan is the authority we should trust on money)))

is there anything more cucked than an austrian metal tard?

I mean all the 70-80%+ blue districts. Perhaps Boston is bluer than them but if it's only 10% bluer than a non-uni district, one could easily claim that Boston isn't so blue because the educated hate Trump but because their surroundings are almost as blue as them (principle of locality). So unis lean only slightly more left than their surroundings.

>honeybun, most people with wealth don't flaunt it. the jonesy rat race is 90% broke niggers that will be paying mortgage until they die
Living in a nice area is completely different to acting like a rapper.

So you look up to people that work their entire lives rather than building passive income sources?

honeybun, if you have a mortgage you are acting like a nigger. debt is for cucks. >95% of your neighbors are niggermax cucks

You people are morons to think that you are only "educated" if you pay 40k a year to go to some shirty public school.

Well I paid for it so my commie professor must be right! Fucking morons.

The wealthiest country in the history of the world was built in a short 150 years..... and almost nobody went to college.

50 percent is not a small difference. There is no other way of looking at it. Realistically cambridge is the smartest/most succesful place in the entire us, and I expect it's also the most hiltown place as well. Accept it and move on.

A lot of them work prestigious jobs for enjoyment/don't actually need to work. There are a few cucks who hate working nd blow it all on crap though.

When did biz become a dogma dominated altright board?

Again.... what does "educated" mean?

You ever met a farmer? Those people are educated as fuck. They are literally scientists. Those are trump voters.

What? Because they didn't waste two years in college learning a bunch ln of useless gen eds and another year learning some bitch marketing degree means they aren't "educated?"

You people are retarded. People are educated in all sorts of shit.

The trump voter are the people who built this country.... and the your sold them out offshoring all their manufacturing jobs to Spicks and gooks.

You morons don't even understand that it's manufacturing and farming and mining which creates PROGRESS for a country.

Nice larp

people with money have been conservative since before we invented written language retard

>50 percent is not a small difference.
Let's look at the Western part of MA for a bit.
Mt Washington 73D - 18R
Great Barrington 78D - 15R
Williamstown 83D - 14R

Compared to
Boston 82D - 14R

Principle of locality. Blue states produce blue counties. Nothing to do with intelligence.
>Realistically cambridge is the smartest/most succesful place in the entire us, and I expect it's also the most hiltown place as well. Accept it and move on.
I wouldn't call it the most successful place in the US nor the smartest one. Also, intelligence has nothing to do with party leanings or else you wouldn't have 90%+ of blacks voting for the Democrats too.

All you fucking morons laughing at coal miners in West Virginia. Without coal miners the country would have been fucked. You'd be living like a nigger in the bush of it wasn't for miners.

It's truly incredible how fuckinf stupid you people are.

The govt sold out the white trump voter offshoring all their jobs. The same white trump voter that built this country

The greenspan quote is stupid
The dollar is no longer pegged to gold but its still redeemable, in that you can legally buy gold
If you understand inflation you just go and buy gold you dont need a gold standard. Having a gold standard is what allows people to fall into thr trap of inflation

Gold standards are tyrannical because people forget gold is money in a single generation, they allow currency debasement
It is not possible to debase bitcoin (bch) although it may remain volatile against gold even after global adoption which make it more tyrannical than what we currently have
It should stabilise though

That post was pure logic

Muh coal miners aren't even a significant voting portion in the West Virginia, much less in the US.

>I wouldn't call it the most successful place in the US nor the smartest one.
Give me a smarter/more successful area.

By what metric of success?

Attached: left wing retards live in dumb states.jpg (1802x757, 241K)

Bro... listen... understand this...people are LITERALLY throwing their fiat into bitcoin because the dollar is dying, unironically because gold doesn't back the dollar anymore! Think about that...

Gold doesn't back the dollar which creates massive inflation... which leads to countless NEETS on a white supremacist anime board to throw their money at imaginary shitcoins because it's impossible to "make it" otherwise.

The problem isn't with gold. The problem is with the dollar because gold doesn't back it anymore.

You dumbass millenials laugh at boomers and their 10% stock returns 30-30 years ago.... well.... 50 years ago if you made 10% returns in the market that was basically equivalent to 100% returns in crypto because when on a gold standard prices are super cheap.

50 years ago you could drive a bus full of retards to grade school everyday and "make it" and have a family with kids with the wife at home because we didn't have massive inflation on a gold standard.

In the 1960's.... there wasn't even a term called "income inequality" when on a gold standard. Yet today after being off the gold standard for 40 years....shit is hitting critical mass to the point where "income inequality" is literally a top 3 issue and a fucking communist in bernie sanders almost got elected because of it

Having a gold standard doesnt stop inflation, every gold standard in history has been debased people who dont understand inflation arent helped by a gold standard. The people who understood iflation before the FDRs new deal in the 1930s held gold illegally while everyone who didnt even realise they lost a huge percebtage of wealth overnight
Gold standards subsidise stupidity,

Bitcoin bch however cannot be debased, it is what you think a gold standard is

A better way to put it would be gold standards subsidise monetary ignorance

Probably, they've been calling it a scam and then accumulate, now they all want to set up trading desks so they can sell it to Joe Carpenter

Trump wasn't supposed to win. He's a rogue atop the people's pyramid. The entire system has united to eject him at all costs, like an auto-immune response.

>which all trump supporters understand
i very much doubt that most of them can barely read and count to 10.

he was supposed to win
he just won for the wrong team
putin keks

>Bitcoin bch however cannot be debased
sure it can lemme show how...
use bch standard
print bills denominated in bch and use partial reserve banking for electronic payments.
suddenly there is a thousand times more "bch" the actual bch in circulation... currency is debased. also bch futures and shorting can put a huge downward pressure on the price.

Bch is transferable anywhere in the world instantly with settlement in 10min
The only reason people start using paper is that gold is a pain in the ass to transact, you have to verify purity and it slows the whole world down to how fast you can move gold around

thinks bernie sanders is communist..


>The only reason people start using paper is that gold is a pain in the ass to transact
not really the reason is government pressure. plain and simple. also a "paper" crypto with sql transactions will always be faster simpler easier to use. show me a crypto that can beat the ease and versatility of a cc! you can't not even lightning does.

Couldn't have said it better