>mfw Sparta was actually real
Mfw Sparta was actually real
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it shocked me more than finding out troy was real
Sparta still exists and it's called ДAГECTAH. fuck pidorasha!
>Tfw 2% Spartan
>not an American flag
your wife is a towel mate
His body is so hot, too bad it is attached to that ugly monkey face.
Rapist, you are Rapist. You are a hypocrite who is not responsible for your actions. Justice will find you. We will see.
>watch Gladiator
>look up roman empire
>mfw it was actually real
It's a stale meme you dingus.
Gary Cooper was a fag?
>look up Romance of the Three Kingdom
It was also very gay
>be roman empire
>now be called gypsy
>have flag from african country chad
>schindler "based on a true story" list
>actually never happened
>see this "hittite" meme on Jow Forums
>find documentary called "Hittites"
>tfw they're actually real
it was taught about in 5th grade here
ДAГECTAH is modern-day Sparta!
>Spartan upbringing where you have to fight to survive, elders encourage kids fighting (pic related)
>per capita most wrestlers and mma fighters in the world by far, including many olympic champions and a ufc champion
>the village elders are effectively ruling the villages
>women have one right: the right to remain silent
btw 300 was based on a comic who was written as (ancient) Greek propaganda tale
yet Alexander was realistic and was a commecial flop
damn soyboy comic fans
buttfucking is outlawed in dagestan, so no
>>women have one right: the right to remain silent
holy fucking based
look at those milkers
i was triggered by the art style of the movie 300
they wanted to get that comic feel and got some really absurd looking backgrounds and scenes, and everything tinted yellow
it was basically regurgitated herodotus
I heard Дaгecтaн is even gayer than Sparta, is it true?
the cgi blood spatters didn't age well either
Yes, they grab each other's crotches when they train and call each other 'brother' all the time
ΣΠΑΡΤΗ and ДAГECTAH are not gay, Athenian and Muscovian propaganda respectively
(btw, pederastry is not gay)
i remember my school library had the comics of 300 and V de Vendetta
those were really good
its a shame the Vendetta film skipped a few scenes from the comic and added more romantic shit, for the female audiences i guess
yeah Sin City (1) was better because it was black and white
but also because of surprise factor
nobody cared about The Spirit for example
not really
it was an anachronic experiment on comparing modern age militaristic propaganda to a different historical context
Wasn't V actually some kind of superhuman mutant in the comic?
Warrior culture=no wymen allowed club, tons of repressed gayness, swole dudes living together 24/7 etc.
I admired their strenght and skill but still
nope, in the movie
while in the comic it isn't stated if V was or not on the chemical explosion he caused,
in the movie he fucking walks out of it like nothing
even aristotle said this
>The old mythologer would seem to have been right in uniting Ares and Aphrodite, for all warlike races are prone to the love either of men or of women. This was exemplified among the Spartans in the days of their greatness; many things were managed by their women.
He's a dyel
i feel like sin city was overrated
sure it was stylish, but it was super simplistic...
hmm dunno most of the plot was the same
the only difference is that in the comic he has a musical section, and also poisons some woman and leaves a flower on his bed
hmmm well the jail section might have been longer in the comic too
he would break your face and he would jebem ti mater
Doesn't mean he's not a dyel halfing
I still love him though
>that pic
damn she was awfully forgiving
>also poisons some woman and leaves a flower on his bed
no, that was in the movie already
you know what wasn't in the movie and will be in the Netflix series, i presume?
the backstage drama, which made the comic more human and more soap opera-ish. damn Rosemary and Helen
Чypoк зapeжeм нaхyй
I'm tired of these constant insults
yesterday I stayed up until 4AM insulting russians and now I am very tired, this needs to stop
I always thought it was interesting how Athens and Sparta contrasted one another. Athens being a pure democratic city state that paradoxically didn't afford women many rights, and Sparta being a strict militaristic diarchy that allowed women to own property, as well as be extremely influential.
It was real, but everything we know about it is fraudulent. The earliest surviving account of Sparta was written several centuries after they ceased to be a relevant power, and every single surviving account from there onward was written by a non-Spartan attempting to exaggerate their achievements. Also even these highly exaggerated and favourable accounts don't exactly paint them in a positive light. They had two competing kings, kept repeatedly declaring war on their own slave class out of fear of a servile uprising, and were run by a council of seventy year old men that obviously decided their society was perfect and change was bad. There's a reason they very quickly ceased to be relevant.
Wait, what? Didn't Frank Miller invent Sparta?
oh damn
i think in the comic he leaves the flower while she's asleep instead of talking with her tho
>There's a reason they very quickly ceased to be relevant
because Macedonia wiped the floor with their carcasses not without recording their "legendary feats" first?
time to re-read it i guess. i only read it once
Я ceгoдня из-зa этих гoвнoкoжих тapaкaнoв в yнивep oпoздaл. Bce мeтpo зaбили. Hикoгдa cтoлькo чypoк paзoм нe видeл.
This triggered my historical knowledge. Bactrians were unironically whiteoids and cousins to scythians. Since she’s a Bactrian princess her family wouldn’t have mixed with their brown underlings and thus would look white.
Sigh, I’m sick of black washing.
Where did you read that Macedon fought with Sparta? Citation needed my friend
this argie cute book for kids about the Hellenic Empire
i read it when i was nine, so i've might forgotten a lot of details
As I recall, Macedon conquered all of the other Greek city-states, except Sparta. It's famously said that this happened because the Macedonians sent a letter to Sparta saying that if they come over there, they will break their walls and kill their men. Sparta simply responded with just saying IF.
>The earliest surviving account of Sparta was written several centuries after they ceased to be a relevant power,
Sort of. It's estimated that Xenophon's account of them was written in the late fourth century, but he still had first hand experience with Sparta as a dominant military power. Even still, Spartan institutions remained largely the same for centuries.
>Also even these highly exaggerated and favourable accounts don't exactly paint them in a positive light.
I do agree that most of the late accounts of the Spartans are written in a way to glorify them, even early works like Xenophon's Constitution of the Spartans have been criticized to some degree for their pro-spartan bias, but the early and late accounts both suffer from the same issue. All accounts of the Spartans are written by outsiders looking in, which obviously some created issues with bias.
Yeah, if I remember correctly neither Philip nor Alexander bothered with the Spartans because by that point they were no longer a serious threat to Macedonian power.
I used to read about a warrior society called the mongols. Imagine my shock the day I realized they were alive and well and their country is now called Finland.
Most of what you guys read about Sparta is false.
Also, Spartans where one of the main sources of Greeks fighting for Persia. Alexander himself told their generals to not spare a single Spartan captured.
Also, the entire spartan society died out due to lack of Spartans since land became poorly distributed.
Exactly. It's cooler though to think that they were scared by the spartans rather than Sparta just being weak
based channel
i also saw the podcast he did with an historian on that, its really good
makes you realize that horses and infantry in fact did not charge against deathly walls of spikes, as its just retarded
Fuck off we are not Finland.
Yeah, great stuff.
>tfw mongolian airport is literally called Gengis Khan airport
freakin based
that would be like calling a german airport "Hilter airport" xD
Wait a few more decades.
If the Left and the libs keep calling everything they don't like "literally hitler" it will be just a matter of time before everyone be like, "hummm, maybe he did nothing wrong after all".
its kinda pathetic, but nobody stops our politicians.
I noticed that many north caucasians call each-other handsome(krasavchik) as a compliment.
>makes videoa about Caesar's war in Gaul
>don't forget the 6 gorrilian