Will NEO EVER recover? Is there even a reason for it to recover?

Will NEO EVER recover? Is there even a reason for it to recover?

Please, redpill me Jow Forums

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It's gonna go 20x when NEX is released.

Its logo was an ant.

Draw your own conclusions.

why would it go 20x when NEX is released? I don't get it

i dotn get it either it will go 100x atleast.

Accumulated my NEO from Antshares all the way to 140$. I'm sad, because i was a huge NEO believer, but after the AMA i sold every NEO i had. There they said:
- we spent 5 million neo (200MM-700MM) ?!!!
- we didnt do enough marketing
- we dont have enough developers (have only 2?!!)
- one dev ask them what will they do about the network spam, because Switcheo and Effect dapps cant work because of it. The answer is "Wait for NEO 3.0" - 2020?!!

So basically they spent a lot of money for nothing. Network is not working properly. There is no new ICO's. The rely on developer communities like CoZ to improve the network. In house development is slow because only 2 devs.

I will wait 2019 to make a new entry into NEO, but for now there is nothing to support the price.

they had to "ask the community" for suggestions how to make Neo3.0 work for institutions openly admitting what they have now does not work. Fun while it lasted that one...

The supply is capped, and it's a coin that stakes money over time, so you should expect it to recover in the long run as the crypto market recovers.

lol, way to misunderstand and misinterpret
nice fud though

>as the crypto market recovers

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Ok i misinterpret. Tell me tho, did they spent 5 million NEO? Did they did enough marketing? Do they have enough developers? Is the network working?

Here is a quote from Da interview:

"Honeycomb Finance: How many people are NEO's current development team?

Da Hongfei: The competition in the public chain is fierce. Many public chains employ many developers to compete. NEO currently has seven core developers, dozens of full-time community developers and hundreds to thousands of surrounding developers. The core developers in China are Zhang Yiwen (co-founder of NEO) and Li Jianying (responsible compiler), and the remaining five core developers are overseas. There are few domestic talents, and our development is not enough. Now we are recruiting some potential people to cultivate ourselves.

NEO does not want to turn community developers into full-time employees, but instead wants to maintain an active developer community. NEO's goal has always been for core developers to maintain and update core protocols, understand the technical pain points, progress and dynamics of the global market, and then adjust our direction."

So he said that competition is fierce, but after 3 years of development they have only 2 devs in China and one of them is the co-founder. What a joke!!! And waiting for NEO 3.0 a.k.a 2 years to tackle the most problematic areas on the network is not my cup of tea. 2 years in crypto is like 20 years.

Also lets not talk about the Ontology or how they fucked the whole Neo investor as they shifted all their attention to ONT shills.

it's named after a tranny scifi flick about how nothing digital is real, hmmm...

you are supposed to be dumping your bags for ETP. ETP is the golden chink coin. biztards

warning you now.

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delete this

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that outfit looked cool back then but now it looks cheesy af

Wait two months if it doesn’t recover take a loss, always keep your money liquid big rule in trading or you’ll miss shit

go back to le reddit and you shouldn't buy crypto if you're gonna be as emotional as them

>s are overseas. There are few domestic talents, and our development is not enough. Now we are
Its Really normal in high end project anything from adobe products to banking IT to have a small c++ star team 7-10 people who are the core. They have the overview of the main architecture. A bigger core team brings risks because too little overview. than NEO looks like it has an opensource / secondary team and a whole lot of enthusiasts contributing (obviously not on git hub) So you can't really tell much from one interview somewhere.

The original ALT projects like Lisk, Neo, Cardano etc are nosediving in price right now. It's hard for investors to have the money in one project and wait 3-5 years. so people have moved on to newer bigger better projects. But once those will be old fashioned these will be abandoned by the latest new project . It's true that a Neo will not give a x100 x50 return anymore but what coin does? its all -99x right now. once the mass will find out that these first movers have a working project in 2019/2020/2021 you'll see some money move back in. 2020 is not that far away you know, these newer projects have years of work ahead.
besides if BIZ tells you its shit get out it's a good indicator to do some research and start putting some money there.

>back then
>movie is set in future

There are 2 LEAD developers. Erik and whoever that other guy is. Erik won't let the other ones have the title because he's a diva. I have trouble believing you held an entire year and failed to read about the developers on dozens of locations. For fuck sakes, the code sprint with CoZ had more than 2 people in it and those fuckers would be turning tail if NEO hq demanded they pose with paid actors for the event.

Fuck you.

What emotions? I just don't like how they work so far. You do?

Guess the team? Hint: is not the NEO.

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As for not working till 2020, you also didn't read that in the AMA.
If you'd been following you'd see that neo-sharp is positioned to run NEO 3.0 features EXCEPT as pertains to NEO and GAS possibly becoming NEP-5. That means NeoID/FS will be available long before. Some scaling improvements will also be backported unless NEO/GAS not being NEP-5 is somehow choking the network (can't imagine a logic/CS reason)?

This copy pasta is regurgitated in every NEO thread by someone who is either incapable of research or who is lying just shallow enough to seem credible to other shallow research for whatever reason (malice, accumulation, shorting, competing coin's position on CMC).


Its Ontology team that is having nowhere near the budget of NEO.
Yes i'm following, thats why i said i'm waiting for a new entry point in 2019. For now there is nothing to support the price. Also can you explain 5 million NEO spent? I'm pretty sure they didnt give them to CoZ, Nel, NeoResearch and other dev groups. Pic related. Btw fuck you too!

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JUSTed by NEO?
Sell it. Sell it now.

Unless a large portion of that now represents a tiny amount of equity in Neo Global Capital investments, I don't have much for that 5 million NEO spent. Incorporation, events and pay for play can't explain that sum. Supporting the price of ONT through the bear market comes to mind and is what I assumed happened and will happen until their knuckles have been rapped enough times for burning the equity of longs.