>Dude buy a shiny metal, it has value
Dude buy a shiny metal, it has value
Other urls found in this thread:
all refined metals have a value you clot
> you will not live long enough to see the gold bubble finally pop and it becoming worthless
>Necessary highly conductive metal in basically all electronics
Kind of like your opinion
unironically this
fucking coiners are so stupid
fuck metal
Get fucked faggot
Hows that slow bleed since 2015 going for you? :)
will you live to 2020? As soon as Gold breaks 1200, it's a free fall to 1000, then 500
>buys $5000 worth of silver at 17 dollars in 2018
It is now 2030
>the $5000 is still worth $5000
yeah metals seem like a really awesome investment opportunity.
Gold isn't a very good conductor, copper and silver are better (both electrically and thermally), the only use for gold is in a few microns thin plating to prevent oxdation.
gold is used for CPU socket pins and also for pcb connectors on dimms and graphics cards and also as you said in anti oxidation plating but that use is relatively small compared to copper being used in every single PCB trace, ever
But in all these cases gold is only used for plating over copper, there are no solid gold CPU socket pins.
So the amount of gold required is nearly insignificant and its industrial value is well below copper. If it weren't for the jewelry and investment bubble inflating its price, it would be cheaper than copper. So yeah, nearly worthless.
interesting that copper is so worthless when it has such a good use case in all electronics. its like $2.50 for a pound of copper wire
Annual copper production is ~ 700x that of silver, ~6000x that of gold.
>Bitcoin and gold relationship
You are retarded Op
Gotta run out sometime
Buy copper niggers
Conductivity is not as good as silver or copper. Gold is used for plating contacts because it doesn't tarnish like silver, tin, copper and others.
gold is shiny and nice to look at and hold, can you do any of that with your imaginary minecraft bucks? lmao
Butthurted nocoiner spotted
hahahaha unlike you I made mad money in crypto and bought shiny motherfucking GOLD with it hahahahahahahaha
>being this delusional
You sound desperate lol
calling someone a nocoiner in the current market and expecting me to be ashamed? how retarded are you.... probably a hodler lmfao how much did you lose? hahahahahahahaahahah