AIDS in europe

AIDS in europe

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>lets include Tajikistan but not mediterranean countries

why do map autists (almost certainly americans) do this?


It says its not available meaning they couldn't get the data for it you dumb faggot retard cocksucking frenchmen holy shit and you shitheads call us dumb what is wrong with you I am genuinely angry that you're this fucking retarded don't even bother replying to me, not that you would know how being this mentally handicapped

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Not everything you don't like is made by Americans you stupid inbred Algerian goatfucker.

Spain and Italy have around 100 per 1 million.

The Romanian's old data too, it's 5 in 1 million now.


Attached: 7twFPJEh8qI.jpg (748x794, 67K)

Why do Brits love Aids so much?


The rent? It's free

Coke and heroin. Emilia Clarke had brain aneurysm possibly because of coke use.

That retard banned me yesterday for posting "mmmmmmmmm".

>Russia in red

What the fuck Estonia. That must be worse than Africa.

>Emilia Clarke had brain aneurysm possibly because of coke use.

Could it be Aids?

Aidstonia :3

Why are """first worlders""" so ridden with AIDS?

Russia is first world?


I think it's mostly faggots. Drugs are probably the issue in the East

But wait until you see Amerimuttistan.

Attached: Screenshot_20190605_082847.png (1364x656, 338K)

It's at 21/100k going by the latest available data, although it's from last year.
59% of the infected got it through dirty needles, and about half of them are locked up, serving sentences.
Basically, unless you're shooting up heroin while in a lithuanian prison, you're pretty safe.

That's HIV, not AIDS.

So is OP's image

You don't need to have full-blown AIDS to infect people with HIV.

first world pussies (girls)

My bad. And I thought, it'd be per 100k, not per million. Then none of the numbers make any sense. Is it total cases or new cases?

Are you alright there Estonia?

What's up with shitholes like the Balkan having so little aids?

>What's up with shitholes like the Balkan having so little aids?

Even viruses have dignity.

haha, it's almost like Soviet Union map, haha

Why is Portugal so red?

Neah,your women are just whores.

Dumb whores also,cause they do it for free and with darkies.

It could be like Brazil where they use protection.

No injectable drugs, less homosex, all homers use rubber, people aren't as promiscuous.

Explosion in gay activities and drug use. Drug use increases every year among all classes and races, and a BBC poll found that a third of all millennials and zoomers identify as at least partially gay.


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Kek at Estonia

it's the r*ssians

no, check staristics, nowadays it spreads mostly from heterosex

Estonia is the Botswana of Europe.

Because we have a high enough mental capacity to know how to put on a condom

i remember a lad that was condemned because he slept with as much womlen as he could to give them hiv

90% of HIV positive in Estonia are ethnic russians

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Simon Mol. He was trying to westernize Poland.

crazy, just read the story about an italian who contamined more than 30 women

>1 in 2500 from vaginal
>1 in 80 from anal
Maybe if you fuck a streetwalking ethnic junkie hooker in the ass raw. Didn't catch shit from barebacking any girl, normal tier prozzies included.

They're all gay.

Over here it's about 2/3rds from drugs still, of the rest 3/4ths are from hetero sex and 1/4th from homosex. Either there isn't a whole lot of homosex going around or they use condoms.


>more than russia or ukraine
>spain next to had to keep the number secret
dios mio...

How the fuck?

when Stalin sent his people, he wasn't sending his best

The junkies are mostly dead by now
I wish AIDS killed faster than it does

t. Alhamabdullah al-Algerie

Funny because there are no ethnic Russians in estonia, all of them have baltic/ukrainian origin

maybe sailors?

Depends. The ones that were sent to us in Ignina were top tier, the rest of them not so much.

>russians of baltic origin
Put the vodka down, Ivan...

