Why do some blacks have slanty epileptic folds?

Why they have slanty eyes?

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Blacks are the most genetically diverse race so of course they will have large variation in phenotype.
Why specifically slanty eyes?
There's probably no reason.

These were made in the 12th century

Evolution. Burgers, I swear.

that black girl is pretty qt tbqh

>Blacks are the most genetically diverse race

Maybe they evolved in sunny areas. The Khoisan have that kind of eyelids and they live in the desert.

It's true. There's a greater genetic difference between a west african and an east african than between a europeans and Hindi-speaking pajeets

You do realise that humans came from Africa?
Only a small portion of humans left Africa and this group is the ancestors of all people outside of Africa.

Genetically speaking, Africans are the most diverse people on the world, because our species is from there. All non-Africans descend from small groups of Africans that left the continent, that's why we're less diverse.

Attached: Haplogroup-composition-of-sub-Saharan-African-countries-Population-abbreviations-BF.png (850x792, 532K)

Historically there's been very little admixting between various african groups

>All non-Africans descend from small groups of Africans that left the continent, that's why we're less diverse.
So is that why, generally speaking, the African cluster tends to be a distance away from the rest of the continents?

Attached: GeneticsOfRace.jpg (572x532, 51K)

PC graphs can be misleading.

>comparing women and men

You and everyone in this thread knows jack shit about genetics.


has to do with light exposure

intense light = asian eye
low light = round eye

Eskimos have it.

Yeah, I have heard this too. Apparently the San have a wide range of facial features.


Down Syndrome

Because theyre proto Asians. Make a Chinese personnwith black skin and they look like a central african

indians are the most diverse race though, blacks are just black
indians have caucasoids, mongloids, australoids, and negroids. all ranging in skin colour, skull shape, hair colour, and eye colour.

Indian is a nationality

idiot. all the african minorities were raped/killed by bantus

the arctic is sunny

Hey it's the guy with the bantu hate boner guy. Haven't seen you in /his/ in like 4 days.

i don't hate bantus i'm just correcting him

t. roids

No they really didn't you're a moron

so jews didn't get enough sunlight?

Does it really count when the only reason your so diverse is because you were raped by several other countries?

t. easily impressed by arbitrarily chosen numbers and dots

Attached: autismo2.jpg (580x405, 51K)

>epileptic folds
Lol, wut?

>blacks are just black
and pajeets are just pajeets

>San people
I’ve seen a documentary where a geneticist visited the Bushmen and it’s true. Some of them oddly looked Asian