*does a wee*

*does a wee*

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Imagine the taste...

Bosting in ebin dred

w*men are disgusting

women can't pee standing up
hence that's not a woman

Not only women can pee standing up, but they also can pee upside down so the pee flows on their body

this is why pee funnels need to be commonplace

Can i be at the end of the funnels with my mouth wide open?

young lad its your god-given right. Just make sure she drinks a lot of pineapple juice

>not on me

why is that penis so small?

>that post from a Thai flag

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>That wigle wigle at the end

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G*rls are gross

post more often pls and never stop


wtf where's her dick?

lmao wtf is wrong with women

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