Sup kids, enjoy losing money on your imaginary money while i enjoy my big house, loving family and having progeny

sup kids, enjoy losing money on your imaginary money while i enjoy my big house, loving family and having progeny

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meanwhile you still come to a vietnamese basket waving forum to cope

I'm a sperm donor with 24 children

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nice cope boomer

Enjoy dying : )

Don't you have work tomorrow doing manual labor?

>being on the hook for 24 child support payments

top kek

Not everyone has the same idea of success

in a cubicled office where i get to socialize with colleagues while building my network and experience?

Talk about coping for lacking any real prospect of gainful employment.

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pretty sure success is having lots of money and a happy family

unless you are a nihilistic hedonist

Cool you have a nice air conditioned office while Chad rails your wife and ((they)) steal your work without giving you royalties.

Nice to be oblivious though.

>having progeny
0/10 larp

uk sweetie try again

>imagine being so out of touch with reality that you think real life is a blacked porn video and the financial system is a jewish consipiracy. I bet you think clouds in the sky are telling you secret energy matrix numbers the illumati are harboring

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That's his fault though. He jizzed in a turkey baster when he should have gone to a clinic.

Never mentioned any of that. Have fun getting your work taken and wage slaving away for the rest of your life though.

shit what's wrong with underarmor?

except i own shit loads of stocks, have equity interests in several startups and am a partner at my main place of work. Keep deluding yourself that the only people who work are min wage mcdonald staff though.

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Nobody cares KYS