Hey user! Your sister was just telling us about how you're quite the little investor...

>Hey user! Your sister was just telling us about how you're quite the little investor. you know girls like guys with money hehehe ;)

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That feel when you realize 1/4 of them are ragging and the room stinks

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that's a good bunch of women right there, only 4 or 5 of them are not good looking, nice!

All women lie and say money doesn't matter to me.


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You will never get my internet monopoly money

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Those are Polish girls. I recognize the juice and vodka brands

and the mongoloid skulls

why couldn't Hitler have blitzkrieged us

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Huh, so roasties do act the same all over the world

*screams autistically, runs back to basement

and then I said,
>“Yep, they always called me deluded.”
>“Always knew (they) fixed the oracle solution”
>crsrck *sips
>”we just cracked into the sixties, were on track for 1000eoy.”
>”whose the lucky lady that will grab me a beer from the fridge.”

based boomer

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Yeah I have a lot of money. So much money in fact that I could make each one of you my girlfriend and be able to provide for all of you for life. But I won’t because I fuck 11/10s on the regular and won’t settle for less.

Of course this is all what I’d be saying if the fucking golden bull run would just happen already!!!!!!

how many linkies for this harem?

Polish roasties are even worse and fucking crazy, their one redeeming feature is they're actually pretty cool with you being ugly as long as you're a big guy (for them).

Yes thats right. You could have been rich too if you just listened and bought bitcone at 6K when i shilled it to you.
But you were to afraid and lazy to even dyor on crypto so now i'm set for life while you will have to settle for a life of living paycheck to paycheck working in a job you hate with 5 weeks of freedom every year while i'm out here driving my lambo.

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Fucking hell every single one of them is hot as fuck


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That picture looks like thot hell. Can't stand western women. So narcissistic. But I know the rest of you are lonely virgins with no standards

I'll take these instead

Attached: 【3月19日セラヴィ\スポーツ】3面%E3%80%80平昌五輪・カーリンク� (1193x754, 199K)

superior taste detected

where can i find more of these kind of pictures?

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Friend some roastie on Facebook

nice try facebook, your days are numbered

what if only your cock is big?

I-i-i'm a l-little investor. Y-y you ladies like chainlink?

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What a diverse group of girls.

how do I short white women

Invest in Blacked.com

I grew up in Chicago (large population of polocks for some reason) and I'm speaking from experience here when I say that Polish bitches have by far the dirtiest pussies. I have no clue why they aren't very hygienic. Also, most have big tits with no ass. Not a bad thing, I guess.

thanks just bought 100k

>bronze medalists

imagine the smell


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Chicago user here. Never date a polish girl. They do the bare minimum when it comes to personal hygiene, and when it comes to satisfying their man sexually. Most polish girls look like men, because they have the facial bone structure of a man. Hitler should have killed all polish women and forced polish men to breed with women from other countries. The world would be a lot better off today.

I've been to Warsaw, the average girl is way cuter than in Germany or the UK

But Stockholm was probably the city with the cutest girls

>sister visits me
>have to take a shit and go to the bathroom
>meanwhile phone rings
>sister takes the call while I'm on the toilet
>tells me it was my coworker that wanted to remind me I have to bring some insurance papers tomorrow
>next day at work I bring the needed insurance papers to HR
>coworker looks smug and giggles as I enter her office, I'm like "huh what?"
>she asks me why I didnt tell anyone that I have a gf while looking at my papers
>"haha no that was my sister" I say
>she looks completely creeped out at me
>boss walks in and breaks the awkward silence
>topic not brought up again but everyone treats me different the next day

what the fuck she said to them on the phone? she won't tell me

Attached: WHAT.png (3072x3118, 2.31M)

You'll never know what she said on the phone, but what you can do is play it up. What you can't fix, feature. Act like whatever it was is totally awesome and you're awesome for it. People will come around to you.

Centre at back is a tranny but I suspect you knew that

Line up -we’re have a bj contest

Hell yeah!

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Go away Zuck. Nobody wants to use your Scandanavian boomer dating forum

You can't pick women for shit. Every single one of those women are used up vicious vindictive sluts. I wouldn't have any use for them other than as a one-time cumhole. None are wife material.


Incel cope

me second from right

They're beautiful and in good shape. They're athletes, in curling but still...

300, extra stinky

>why couldn't Hitler have blitzkrieged us
He did, and got his ass raped collectively and was BTFO all the way to Argentina nigger. Nut up and fuck a bitch before dragging yourself through the mud like that.


Polish girls are either very pretty or they look like manly washwomen. There's no grey area in between.

I honestly feel zero attraction for any of them. I know I have a weird taste in girls. And no, not gay.


whiteknight detected

Isolate them and judge them by the willingness to take any of them as a handmaiden. You'll fast start to notice the true colour of theirs.

The one on the far left is literally the only one worth picking when applying this method.