His cunt actually has mosquitoes

>his cunt actually has mosquitoes

What does it feel like to know god has cursed the very ground you stand on?

Attached: 1559329184924.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

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I wish we had Mosquitos :(

Attached: DH.98_FB_Mk_XVIII_Tsetse.jpg (1365x1024, 236K)

lol do you even have ground beneath your feet or is it all just ice

your cunt doesn't even have trees lmao

At least we're not Turkey, they have mosquitoes AND roaches.

At least we have mosquitoes

Not only do we skeeters but we have record amounts of skeeters.
They actually kill reindeer and moose up here, talking millions upon millions buzzing around.
My country even put up warning signs since tourists walked in the wrong areas and got fucked all the time.

Attached: 15354632.jpg (640x360, 97K)

God blessed the land i ground i stand on with olives, oranges, thyme, rosemary, laurus, bay tree, salvia and you ? By the way how are you handling your lack of vitamin D ?

Attached: moi sur la droite.png (948x1180, 193K)

Other, less fun signs as well.

Attached: myggskylt_lastomberg.jpg (600x450, 115K)

when i was a kid, I was told stories that in Adam's time (of Adam and Eve fame) skeeters were the size of modern chickens
how big are skeeters there then?

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>how big are skeeters there then?

Attached: DSCN1284.jpg (725x611, 147K)

holy shit

What do you think about these

Attached: EA33C058-2B70-4055-8948-3638B90CD787.jpg (400x310, 59K)

Yup. Big skeeters. And many of them.
Pic related is my life. Open door = skeeters.

Attached: skeeters.jpg (1088x1088, 1.37M)

>b-but trees and plants
Not so fast


That's a crane fly and not even related to mosquitoes. We have those as well.


why are you so insecure about some extremly small animal who only killed 20 people in all of europe ?

just relax man

Fun fact : Sweden has some of the highest concentrations of mosquitoes in the world together with Siberia and Finland. Yet, even with all those skeeters we have no diseases spread by them.

>live in Norrland
>summer is finally here
>warm and comfy, midnight sun season
>go outside
>pic related happens
>go back inside

Attached: 33.jpg (1024x768, 501K)

Mosquitoes are attracted to large bodies of still water, which are seldom found on barren volcanic wastelands

just dry the swamps

That’s worrying, I would have thought you would have a bigger problem with something like midges like we do instead of mosquitoes

Didn’t know that, Russian name for them is literally longnegged mosquitos so I assumed I could count them in.

But there is only swamps.

>free bird food
Why are you not growing some ducks and more exotic birds?

>Yet, even with all those skeeters we have no diseases spread by them.
Keep importing people from third world. Soon you will know what is malaria, dengue fever, zika and many other diseases.

We don’t give spiderbros enough credit for taking care of that vermin

None whatsoever?
How do they go about killing all the meese and reindeer you mentioned in your post?

>How do they go about killing all the meese and reindeer
Blood loss. The animals get anaemic and die.