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Other urls found in this thread:

desuarchive.org/_/search/text/if you still don't perceive the blatant anti-white agenda/

mods sticky this

kek. it would have happened sooner or later.
the channel will be up again in a few days

Is the faggot finnaly dead?


euronymous rose from the dead and stabbed varg in the ass 48 times in self defence

>CARRY ON HIS MESSAGE #keeponfighting

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Fucking lmao.


Is that you?

Christ no, it was the first video that came up after I searched for
>Thulean Perspective removed from youtube
Seeing kids look up to Varg is as amusing/retarded as the kids and manchildren who look up to the Jordan clean-your-lobster Peterson.

>Seeing kids look up to Varg is as amusing/retarded as the kids and manchildren who look up to the Jordan clean-your-lobster Peterson.
this e celebs area joke

Varg is a whole other level of retardation though


>they finally got him

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Niiiiiceee fuck that fake


varg is a fucking moron

Seriously, if you still don't perceive the blatant anti-white agenda that's taking place these days, you're brainwashed beyond redemption. They take down Youtube channels, they censor intellectuals at universities if they dare stand up for our race's interests, they unleash the antifa hordes on intellectuals and other innocent citizens, etc.
Leftist subhumans are playing with fire, when Whites decide to push back for good, the results won't be pretty.

based (and white) celto-argentinian bvll

Who would have predicted 20 years ago that the internet would now be centralised around a handful of big monopolies, and that they would banish everyone who was any further right-wing than Tony Blair?

He should be in jail desu.

>it's a human right to have a youtube channel
Some day you will (hopefully) understand why we are laughing

Who's laughing now N*rdcuck?

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desuarchive.org/_/search/text/if you still don't perceive the blatant anti-white agenda/
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/if you still don't perceive the blatant anti-white agenda/
>this isn't pasta

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I still can't tell if you're doing this for (you)'s or genuinely believe in argie whiteness and freedom of speech on a website which has huge ass TOS

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He's on bitchute
spread the link because bitchute search bar fucking sucks

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Lobster Kermit is at least good for those kids because he tells them to clean their room and read books, murder hobo just sits in the forests and shits in a bucket

was just about to make a thread about this

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>Wodens Eye

Are you that Brazilian in Argentina? Yikes

Based white brother

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>p2p youtube for le ebin alt-right cultural warriors
Wew lad.




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Good luck getting the deracinated bourgies and shitskins on this site to care. They've been brainwashed into thinking that ethnocentrism is the highest form of evil on this Earth since a young age

it's a drop in the bucket of limitation of expression, this goes hand in hand with punitive measures regarding means of revenue and social accessibility against people with non kosher opinions

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Fucking tummyfags

What are you a nazbol

Or maybe you will one day understand why censorship is no laughing matter

Who's laughing now N*Rd?

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>removing racist channels is being anti-white

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Imagine being so repulsive that the government has to make people listen to you.

literally who couldn't see this coming

Alex Jones got fucked too, it's only time they get to Varg as well.

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I'm not ideological, Nazbol is fucking gay and there are a few forms of government I'd be fine with. A meritocratic republic would be nice.

Why? Varg is a peaceful


I asked because you used bourg in a derogatory manner. So i assumed you were some sort of anti-capitalist with ethnonationalist characteristics.

Do you think the "wealthy merchants" will care? come on.

If that's your take I think the racemixing has gotten to your brain Juan. In what world is not crushing wrongthink under your boot the same as forcing people to listen to it?
I'm disappointed I took the time to type this response to such a low IQ post.

Meanwhile Molymeme is free to make Minecraft videos and expose the youth to his autism. YT has odd priorities.

>Being pro white is being racist
Sven, I...

Bourgie liberalism isn't just criticized from a left wing perspective you know, but I can see why you'd think that

I didn't say that though. Honestly I don't even know what pro-white means. "White" is a meme term that Americans made up.

My point is that removing racist channels is not an attack against white people as a whole. It's an attack against racist, and by saying that that's being anti-white they're you saying that being white=being racist, which is untrue


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>le innawoods murderer black metal autist who barely breaks 10k views per video

>"let's ban him!"

what did the jews mean by this?

Maybe Varg deleted it himself to free up his busy schedule.

>White" is a meme term that Americans made up.
*Europeans , the etymology for the term starts in Europe. Used to apply to a much wider range of people but was subject to a lot of subjective change. The Japanese used to be considered white, for example and it was the Dutch and English who originally made such a claim.

>Being racist is being white
Yes, to be proud of yourself and your folk requires or at least induces a degree of ethnocentrism.

He's fringe enough so that they can ban him without facing much controversy. It will be interesting to see what they do with Molyneux.

No bit you cam call him a fag on YouTube and they won't care.



>speaking about the situation of white people in the world,voicing your opinion about porn and encourage people to not depend on the state is racism and white supremacism!

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If user was a Somalian, it would have no impact on his post. It's funny how you Jow Forumstards like to claim you are intellectually superior, have all the correct arguments, etc. yet avoid addressing contradictions to your beliefs like a preacher avoiding tax.

>Seriously, if you still don't perceive the blatant anti-white agenda that's taking place these days, you're brainwashed beyond redemption. They take down Youtube channels, they censor intellectuals at universities if they dare stand up for our race's interests, they unleash the antifa hordes on intellectuals and other innocent citizens, etc.
>Leftist subhumans are playing with fire, when Whites decide to push back for good, the results won't be pretty.

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His wife makes better content to be fair

he taught me enough and I hope the other viewers also learned a thing or two.

So flat earthers will be blown the fuck out too?

best post in the thread

But user he is a philosopher

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Taking pride in your race makes you a fucking loser. That goes both for white pride fags and black pride fags.

But alright, by your definition then I guess I'm anti-white despite me probably being more "white" than you are, lmao

Ah yes, Varg definitely got banned for his anti-porn stance.

He'd have a racial interest in denying obvious truths, the same thing Hitler talked about when arguing with Jews in Mein Kampf applies with all the eclectic foreigners in Europe today, namely that it's a waste of your time to argue with someone with so deeply vested a personal interest.
I also find it too much to imagine that a genuine Swede who uses 4channel in AD Two-thousand and nineteen can be so mortally ignorant.
And what would you be my friend? Vindictive chink? Some mutt monstrosity sweating in the desert?

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They're already blown the fuck out by gravity, I don't think there is much more Youtube can do to harm their plight.

That's kind of sad as much as it is hilarious.

>Most of his recent videos were anti-vaccine
Serves him right.

>sweating in the desert
I live on the coast, like most Australians.
I wish I were Asian but alas I'm been cursed with Irish genes. :^)

Why do people take this guy seriously?

>it's a waste of your time to argue with someone with so deeply vested a personal interest
Just to be clear, you're talking about the conservatives, alt-right etc here?


Related content

>brings up hitler
>calls chinese people vindictive
>calls mutts monstrosities

You don't think it's stuff like this that people are opposed to rather than being "anti-white" as you call it?

What do you find funny about this, ahmed?

>can't win elections without censorship

I'm glad you see what I argue for as being in my interest stupid cunt

I pity the 23/533rd portion of my people that have to exist in the medley of your genes then

Like I give a hairy bollocks about being abrasive on 4channel you swarthy monkey nigger

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Wait, he's not dead. He is just banned from youtube.

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>Like I give a hairy bollocks about being abrasive on 4channel you swarthy monkey nigger
Yeah neither do I give a fuck about what you say on this website, but it's good to see Varg and other retards get banned off youtube and other social media :)

>Taking pride in your race makes you a loser , muh blacks muh whites
That's why you should take pride in your ethnicity, community, and family before all that. You are not merely yourself, you are part of a collective identity whether you want to be or not.

>Whiter than you
Probably, I'm an Irish-Italian mutt. Still a White American nevertheless.

my sides, his fans are fucking spastics

They're joke tweets you humorless morons

>I'm glad you see what I argue for as being in my interest stupid cunt
So Hitler was arguing against people like you?

whatever homo, you clearly don't belong on here nor it seems in the country you squat in

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This. But good luck explaining the concept of humor to marxists... there's a reason every good comedian is not leftard. Leftists can't into meme, banter or satire.

>Taking pride in your race makes you a fucking loser.

Taking pride in your ethnicity and wanting the best for it is the norm for 95% of humans alive on the planet today and was also the norm in Europe until only a few generations ago. Do you think those new people arriving in your country don't have pride in their own group? :DDDD

>you are part of a collective identity whether you want to be or not

Which is also why collective pride is retarded, because many times you don't even choose to be part of the collective.
Loving your collective is different than taking pride in your collective btw.

lol stay mad, varg will still be banned mario

it's funny for all the wrong reasons