/wage/ - Wagecuck General

Sunday Scaries Special Edition

Welp, it's the worst time of the week. Going back to work for the first time since Tuesday of last week, just coming back from vacation in the mountains - filled with particular dread now at seeing that mountain of an inbox tomorrow morning.

How's everyone else doing? Winding down? Do anything productive this weekend?

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ate a lot of fast food and played video games


Barely left my house. What's the point of any of this bros?

It's not even Monday yet and I'm still at home, and I already want to go home

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You guys are in zethr right? This is literally a way out of wagecucking.

at least you had fun, right user?

sheeeeit I know this feel lads, i wish i had words of comfort but i do not

no i haven't yet satan, is it a ponzi?


Same here user it was fucking great. But also made a solid profit trading every few times I hit a loading screen

holy fuck I never have any fucking time to myself I WANT TO DIE

two measly fucking days on the weekend, it's like a fucking TIME ALLOWANCE

is it bad these threads are the only thing that give me release? it somehow makes me feel better about my measly shitty pathetic fucking existence, knowing that other wagecucks are suffering along side me

Time to swallow that cyanide user.

Misery loves company, fren.

one day we'll make it, and this will all be just a bad dream

one day...

trust me i get closer every day

Honestly I'm getting close, crypto is my only chance at this point so if I'm still working by 2022 I'm killing myself

If no one else is going to check those digits, I will

>crypto is my only chance

Im in a different timezone and im almost finished wagecucking today. It wssnt as bad as i thought since mondays are usually fucking awful here

Did nothing on the weekend except drink, eat shit food and play WoW.

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i wagecuck 60hrs a week and i don't even buy anything. nothing interests me.. fuck

Is Runescape still comfy to play on the weekends? Do you need to play it daily or can it just be a weekend game?

Whats your post-work release bros? I'm too tired after work to play most vidya but some mindless ones are good. Like Diablo or CoD or something. I need something to fill the gap

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Its threads like that that make me truly appreciate my station in life. See you faggots in the drive through :)

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I don't hate you NEET, I really don't. We're just different people in different stages of life. In fact I aspire to be more like you and hope one day I can be.

Would you like fries with that?

you can trade items in runescape like commodities lol its pretty comfy for biztards

Opposite problem. I have all the time in the world but nothing to do with it.

>wake up 8am, roll out of bed hop in shower,
>out he door at 8:20
>at work by 8:30
>wage slave till 4:30pm
>come home, jack off to hentai
>browse Jow Forums for 4 hours, fall asleep

I should just end it all, but I'm too much of a pussy.

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I work 13 hours per day but I'm trying to get more disciplined to be up at 6am so I can get a couple things done at home, bonus points if I brush my kitty cat and do some push ups, and then get to work early too. Tomorrow the goal is to clean the grease trap and scrub out a couple trash cans and then I can leave and get a haircut before opening :D I shaved tonight so I don't have to tomorrow, but I wonder if I should start shaving twice a day like my grandpa used to do

Not that comfy. It's like data entry in an excel sheet at the metagame. Eventually all your goals will come down to fishing 2k trout before you can WC 4k maples so that you can use your 4k bowstrings on them and high alch the stuff so that you can get all the money to buy the planks to get your construction level up. It's not fun and it's not rewarding unless you enjoy the process.

>work a regular 40 hour week.
>Live cheaply
>Make enough to pay my bills and still eat healthy food, etc.
>Only need to wake up early 2 out of my 5 work days.
>Put a shit ton of savings in crypto already, but still throw money in my alts if I have extra left over at the end of the month.
>Job is only temporary. Have a really good/expensive education and still go on interviews in my free time.
Feels decent man

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>Master's degree and 3 years of experience for an entry level "visual design" job.

Do these people really want HS-B visas or do they just not like paying for talent?

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>32yo boomer
>was laid off 2 weeks ago
>starting new job tomorrow making $7/hr more
>company has good bens/401k
>been wanting to get into roth and drips
>checked Jow Forums before trying to redpill myself with google
>now I feel like a perma-poorfag

what should I do bizfags

>25 year old
>70k networth

who /completefailure/ here?

Take your savings per month, lets say $1000

$250 in safe things, like bonds or safe index funds
$250 into higher risk boomer investments, like ETFs or Stocks
$250 into BTC
$250 into some high risk alt, like LINK

Good night anons

not bad except skip the 4th step

I have literally zero knowledge on BTC or crypto as a whole other than a few youtube videos.

I'll have an extra $900/mo to play with, with this new job. Finally at the point where I can actually use it for investment.

>tfw quit full time work and became a casual worker
>get paid about 80% of the amount I did full time teaching but only have to work 3/4 days a week and get to choose when I don't work

it feels good bros


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Eh, my days off are in the middle of the week. Kinda nice, when I go shopping there's no lineups or anything.

on the other hand the work drama was pretty entertaining so that was good.

be a big boy and go into stocks instead of babbys first crypto

That's been my position on crypto since it's inception. The volatility is far too risky for a beginner with absolutely zero knowledge of how to even get into it in the first place.

What do you do? Sounds good.

Not hard. Just read, there are many resources. Coincentral is an ok place 4k start.

Supply teaching. Just gotta put up with shits for 6 hours a day, but there's almost zero responsibility depending on what classes you got.

Reminder anons, do as much as you can do to improve yourself now. Working on your looks, investing, taking classes, anything. The more money you make sooner means you have to work less later.

>graduated in June
>got a job as a data analyst
>Get paid amazing
>First week is training on a floor I dont work on while they get my set up ready
>They ask me to come in at 830
>I tell them I will come it at 10.
>Contract says I can set my schedule but my boss didn't know that and tried to chew me out over the phone when I don't show up on Friday
>Calls me 30 mins later and apologizes
>Someshit happened while my training was processing
> get told the following monday I gonna spend the first 2 weeks without a computer
>I literally cant do my job without a computer
>Finally get a computer last week.
>Come in on friday for 2 meetings even though its my day off
>First meeting is with department heads talking about how excited they are to be growing the data department
>Second meeting is with all the Account managers who straight tell me they dont want any of this "DAYTA" shit I am selling.
>Tell me my reports and analytics cant tell them anything they don't already know
>Tell me my reports are just going to be used against them in performance reviews
>only thing they want is email notifications for when clients need to be contacted
>tell them thats my bosses project not mine and I can't make him do it any faster
>Tomorrow I will come in for my first REAL day of work and have nothing to do
>No assignments
>No reports
>No clients
>No requests from Account managers
>Contract is already paid through next year

I feel like I should quit. I don't think I can do nothing for 2 years. Its was a really good job, but I actually wanted to do something.

Is this what white collar jobs are like? I have noticed everyone in the cubes just talks all day. They even seemed kinda annoyed that I wanted to talk about work at work.

Am I supposed to just make up my own project? Wont I get in trouble for that? Any advice from old fags would be useful

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Hope this helps anons :)

Welcome to real white collar work.
If you feel like you've done nothing and are still getting paid, look for ways to improve efficiency and then put that on your resume for your next job.

i went swimming with friends today and i think one of them has a thing for me but idk I'll just keep acting like I don't care and enjoying myself, seems to work out best that way. other than that I'm financially unstable and i keep losing all the money i use for trading and I haven't been honest with anyone for years now so my conscience is constantly wearing me down but it's not as bad as the consequences of being truthful with my family and friends because if they knew how much of a loser i really am and how I've deceived them all this time i would lose them and this fake life is all i have so I'm feeling pretty /deadinside/ folks

>wake up at 8 am
try 5:30

no need to humblebrag m8

That's actually pretty bad assuming he has been working for at least 3 years.
If he hasnt been working then its amazing.

I am ofcourse assuming he doesnt have a wife or kids or anything worth blowing that money on.

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Are you Australian? Teaching is the best job for would be NEETs. You get paid so much for so little work.

This is neoliberalism

you should probably leave
my companies engineering department halved a year ago when a major project kept getting pushed back because the deals werent getting through
spent about a year sitting on their hands doing nothing, working on personal projects
the people who left went on to way better places to work at, at better companies who dont pull stupid shit
either try sticking around a while to see if you can leverage your current position as a stepping stone to somewhere better or just start sending out your resume while youre doing nothing at work

i mean he could be on a terrible salary and still managing to save 23k a year (if hes been working for at least 3 years). theres not enough info to judge this individual but at least he isnt in debt (like the rest of the people his age)

He's getting paid to do nothing? If his boss doesn't constantly patrol his workspace why couldn't he just do some side work or something that pays?

based wagebros

we gonna make it

Yes I am. $400 a day in QLD, it's great.

to mr goldsteins office tomorrow?

Keep up the self-improvement user!

>car battery is dead and can't jump it
>gonna have to call in tomorrow because I can't get to work and have to go buy some equipment

Could be worse. Been grinding out multi-player levels in DOOM since its on game pass before the servers die again. Played 12 hours yesterday and will probably do 10 today.

Gotta get my sweet cheevos

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>Do anything productive this weekend?
I drank and slept 14 hours a day.

Its 3am and I work in 5 hours.

Every sunday I contemplate quitting and selling everything then just living in a van.

Is this for private or public schools mate?

wait, how much do teachers normally get paid in this country? i see so many teaching graduates with no work lmao

In Australia teachers have starting salaries in the mid 60's to low 70's.

You are at work for 6 and a half hours, you only work for 5. Usually you have 4 periods of 75 minutes and usually one period off for the day.

There is a demand for math and IT (pretty much STEM) teachers here. The job is cozy as you do barely any work.

I live with my mum, have a gf, and save like 80% of my income, and still sometimes feel like I'm barely coping. How do you anons who moved out handle it?

Public. Private will pay same though

Also this is objectively wrong. Full time teaching is much more strenuous than this, and any teacher who you can remember when at school who made it look easy was fucking good at their job.

Shit you have to do but don't really get any time during your work day to complete and have to do in your own time

>constant planning and updating of resources
>attending meetings and professional developments at least once a week, often more at reputable schools
>marking and reporting, which can take days to complete for a high school teacher with 5 - 6 classes - particularly if they're senior subjects that have large assessment pieces
>constant lodging and recording of student behaviours onto a database so admin can see
>contacting parents of students regarding behaviour or missed assignments
>constant requests from admin for things to complete, usually gets passed down to Head of Departments who pass it down to the teachers
>Extra curricular activities such as sporting teams, music, etc that are expected for teachers to assist in, but are given no time to actually plan and prepare for. All done in their own time outside of pay hours
>Any legal requirements that need to be completed ASAP. Particularly common in low socio-economic areas
>constant changes in the curriculum and syllabus' by governments means that teachers constantly have to adjust what they are teaching to meet the new requirements
>almost always lose lunch breaks due to behaviour punishments, staff meetings, or playground duties

This is all in an era where if there's a disagreement between a teacher and a student, a lot of schools in my experience will side with the student until proven otherwise out of fear of being sued or taken to court in the case that the teacher is at fault (

Oh, and if you're teaching a deadshit kid who doesn't do any work and fails all the time, it's your fault because you didn't try hard enough to get them across the line. Not their fault that they did fuck all and got the result they deserved. Schools are very protective of their data in 2018 and don't like when their data looks poor (e.g. a large portion of kids failing a subject)

Wow thanks for that. I guess I was wrong.

Moved to Switzerland, last year. Been making bank in Finance, looking forward to kick start my business next year.

no problem. Pretty much all of those things don't apply to supply teaching, which is why I'm loving it so much. It's basically what most people envision full time teaching actually is.

where you from?


at least you'll stay healthy

I spent a grand total of maybe 30 minutes on my feet

Spent the entire weekend in bed on my laptop

We just got a new IT system, first day working with it. Im mostly sending through bug repports and crashes to our tech department. Also troubleshooting for others and calming down stressed coworkers. Pretty comfy, Ive had to deal with a lot worse in the past. Pic related tho, a lot doesnt work like it should. Helpdesk work btw.

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It's 7 hours since that post and I AM STILL FUCKING COLD!

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I-is this how the majority of America lives? Fucking hell. Can you even call this living? I genuinely feel sorry for ya'll.

Contract work is not stable as wage chucking, but I love what I do, get paid well, and don't want to end it all. Look into doing it if you can.