I have got money to blow, and I want to put a privacy coin in my portfolio.
Which of pic related is the best investment?
I have got money to blow, and I want to put a privacy coin in my portfolio.
Which of pic related is the best investment?
xmr is the only privacy coin
zec will hit 7 btc by 2020
1 of those 3 is a scam
here is a tip it rhymes with monero
>investing in a scam
lol, just buy monero.
Dero is clearly the best choice of the three.
Ignore the nonsense, OP. Monero and ZCash are the only ones that are legit (Dero is some retard coin).
ZCash will likely outperform Monero since there's way more institutional recognition (Gemini has it listen, Coinbase almost surely will)
>mfw monero rhymes with monero
The first: The best and the legit one
The second: Not so good as the first
The third: KEK, the scam. Run away from it.
>call Dero a scam over and over again
>if you lie enough times, the public will believe it to be true
Classic shill tactics.
Zcash use ZK-SNARKs taht require specific hardware and isn't private unless you pay big fees.
Monero is good privacy coins but the team behind it is a total mess with lot of security hole and a Honey pot for catch criminal.
Dero is the new one with best techno, best anonymity and definitlty faster settlement.
The two first are well established and the last has the most space to growth.
Does zcash actually have any vendors that accept it?
I only hold Bitcoin and Monero, wanted to know if it was wise to diversify into zcash too or if it's just a dead project
Please consider dero sir, it is best coin.
Monero is the silent ninja, no shilling, no hyping, it's paving it's own way. I don't invest in that high rank coins but it's my exception, a safety net if every other investment will go wrong Monero will have my back.
Why don't you faggots actually present some counter-arguments instead of spammng wojak and pajeet Reddit trash?
Also Zcash is not that lower than Monero so you might as well invest in the well established coin since Zcash won't climb much higher in rank.
This. It's worth bearing in mind it's probably the only accurately valued cryptocurrency out there (it's in a full-release state & is used by its target market daily). So it probably won't do another x100 or something - but it's pretty safe to say it's not going to 0 either.
Monero. Privacy by default is the only way.
Counter arguments to what? That dero is best coin? You just have to trust that I have your best interests at heart sir.
Buy Dero, sir. Good token, sir. Very profit, sir. Will no regret, sir.
stop that
Unironically this
Dero has the most growth potential
Zcash has better tech than Monero
But Monero is already being used by everyone (iykwim)