Hey guys, 27 years old with £900k after tax in my bank. What the hell do I do with this? Buy a house? I fear the housing market is gonna collapse after Brexit.
Just leave it in a compound interest account until I'm 50 and it's worth £5m?
Just enjoy my fucking 20's while they last and blow it all on luxury holidays and booze?
What would you guys do? Honestly it's fucking causing me so much anxiety, constantly feel like I should be maximising it, or that I'm gonna loose half to some girl that I fall for.
Btw, money is from a mobile game I made that took off. No idea why, random viral success, not banking on any future games being successful.
unironically put half into bitcoin and never have to worry ever again for 5000 years
but if you think you can lose half to a girl you're probably a huge cuck so you won't listen
Gavin Cruz
Invest the money in a 60-40 stock-bond split, going off whatever brokers and shit the Bogleheads wiki mentions here: bogleheads.org/wiki/UK_investing
Then I'd just sort of space out for a while.
Jaxson Gray
I'll be honest, BTC scares the shit out of me. Don't understand the tax rules, also don't trust that some other crypto will overtake it and dominate.
I remember reading about successful companies, and they were all like the 3rd or 4th clone of some other company. Because the clones can optimise and simplify, leading to a better product. Heck that's why my game worked, I cloned a successful but poorly made game, and took their customers.
I assume the same is true of BTC, and that some other coin is gonna prove to be better because it can learn from BTC mistakes. Feel free to prove me wrong though.
Josiah Cox
Read about investing. When you finished that, then read about investing.
Take 75% to 80% of that and build out a good portfolio.
Stocks, mutual funds, some IRAs, etc.
Put that money to work and shoot for a 10% return every year on it. That way all of that extra money is working for you, because if you’re a normal, smart person then there’s no way you’ll spend all the 720,000 #s-Sterling. Instead if it’s invested then you could possibly be getting back 72,000 #S every year to either add back to the portfolio and/or live off of forever.
Play your cards right and win!
Grayson Wood
Thanks man, will look into that.
Kevin Edwards
You should invest in silver
Adam Bennett
Thanks man, solid advice. Sounds amazing if I can pull that off.
Anybody know much about relationships and how to protect my money if it goes south? I've read about prenups not working at all
Nicholas Hall
3 options:
1. Put it in a half-dozen Vanguard funds and forget about it for 30 years. Retire with 5-10M.
2. Go to Thailand and live out the rest of your days sipping Pina Coladas and banging lady boys
3. Purchase a bunch of rental property, p2p loans and/or t-notes and collect ~3% of 900k forever.
eg game is usr changes to your game and your codebase crashes they just go back to previous game.
If the new cypto does not work, eg bug....then alll money lost
btc has a high quality dev bas and code base
so people are not going to swap out all to alts even if "better"
Anthony Hill
>1. Put it in a half-dozen Vanguard funds and forget about it for 30 years. Retire with 5-10M. since OP is from the UK, he should probably not invest in US domiciled funds
OP, what I suggest is this. Put it all in multiple savings account and take your time to figure out what to do with it. Be careful buying stocks, funds or anything else that is overvalued for the moment
Juan White
buy BTC in early 2019
Mason Sanders
Thanks guys. I like the idea to put it in savings accounts and wait until I've figured out what to do.
Any thoughts on hiring a financial adviser? I assumed they'd be fucking expensive and tell me obvious shit that I could learn from a 5 min youtube vid, but that's my scepticism talking.
Julian Ramirez
No, that's pretty much their thing. Life insurance is a big thing they like to do here. Hard to say exactly what you should do since I'm not sure how taxes work on investments on your side. Some of the basics is don't buy mutual funds with a load fee, and try to keep expense ratios low.
Carson Rivera
Okay well first issue is some banks only insure to a certain amount, so if its in one bank you probably need to move it between 3-4 or someplace where its insured.
Then honestly you can let it sit. dont be rash there's no hole its going to fall through. dont listen to weirdos here about the "crash" they always say that. just wait, research, learn
Ian Moore
how the hell do you have 900k and not know how to position your money?
Bentley Bennett
Can you not read? He said he had a viral game, which is basically like winning the lottery in a way.
Juan Baker
Diversify your holdings. 5% crypto 5% metals 10% cash 10% bonds 20-40% real estate 30-50% stocks/IRA
Joseph King
Find something you like and see if a factory in China can produce it.
Caleb Nelson
Waste it. Everyone on here is gonna tell you to coast and eat beans and rice for the rest of your life. You could die tomorrow