What are some boards you browse that no one ever seems to talk about

what are some boards you browse that no one ever seems to talk about
I browse /an/ occasionally

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I've usually only used Jow Forums since Jow Forums went down the shitter with the whole 'le hitler was right' and moot having gay sex being pinned nonsense happened.

I only really use Jow Forums and /his/

I’m pretty much an Jow Forums purist but I sometimes visit /x/ to laugh at schizos

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/diy/ /f/ /sci/ and /out/

/x/ is just bizarre
mentally ill people talk with each other about their shared delusions
its just sad

It's really gone downhill, but there are still great threads every once in a while.

I also enjoy /toy/ sometimes, along with /ck/ but I suppose that is talked about.

stay the fuck out you fatasses

Jow Forums /sci/ Jow Forums /trv/

People actually use that board?

>mentally ill people talk with each other
doesn't that describe Jow Forums as well

/x/ used to be my favorite board when it was all about creepy stuff, it kinda died when tulpas became a thing

also /sci/, /trv/ and /out/ are great


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redpill me on tulpa. i thought it was some kind of a headdress like a fedora.

Tulpas and gangstalking threads really ruined that board. The good thing is some /x/-type topics can go to other boards and they end up pretty good. We've had some crime/paranormal threads here that went well, same with /tv/ of all places.

/trash/ is my home

i only browse int and sp

Tulpamancy is basically forcing your self to get Dissociative identity disorder also known as multiple personality disorder
Tulpas are real in the sense that you are giving yourself a real mental illness

A quick google search would do you wonders you fat fuck. A tulpa is basically an imaginary friend. You apparently have to dedicate a part of your brain for that consciousness (the tulpa). To get a tulpa you have to "train" yourself to see what you want to, it's self-induced hallucination.

see its a self-induced mental disorder

/f/ is a hidden gem, please do not visit

Jow Forums

wsr, to feel useful

I'm pretty sure that describes all of Jow Forums, user.

/out/ Jow Forums /lit/ /n/ /wg/


wished they separated it into vanilla and alternative like /h/ and /d/
