What if I told you

This was all a test of your will, and mental strength, and that the money that left crypto in January is coming back once all the sellers are gone. All you have to do now is to hodl. Nothing you can do until the whales are done playing games. Remember less than 2% of the world uses crypto, in 2020 it'll be between 5-10% price will explode. If you are patient rewards will be provided if you are not you will lose bigly.

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I will go homeless before selling. You don't get this shot again.
t. poorfag

This unironically

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I doubt even 2% of America uses crypto.

Wow them digits

Screenshot material indeed.

You're definitely right user. People trust the existing financial world less and less. Crypto is a natural extension of the digital world that is rapidly taking over society. I think we will make it.

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Crypto is a miracle. Of course it would turn around to let more people on.

Kek is here.


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I believe brother I believe!

I am going homeless next month if the bull run doesn't start

I would say you're right.

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I feel bad you didn’t buy in years ago. Or you would always feel this

Based holder. I lost bigly day trading. Time to hold my precious nectar until singularity.

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literally and unironically this

We're going to make it. Very soon now...

Nah, the volume is dropping. Looks like it's going to crash to $5k.

He said long term, even if it goes it $5k it can come back even stronger. Patience

nice dubs

Attached: the etf affect.png (790x437, 170K)

I love the delusional bagholders on this board, keep mainlining that hopium my dudes

I love the meanies on this board. It makes me stronger

I'm not being mean, I just told you that I love you. I understand you're being defensive because it hurts right now, but I have nothing but love for you

>already broke below this




Bitcoin is never going to get above $9k and will likely settle somewhere around $500

The best way to prove this is to work backwards. Thanks to coinbase and other exchanges crypto has become extremely popular. Most of your normie friends have money in BTC, ETH, etc. If BTC were to shoot up to $100k your dumbass friends would be rich and driving lambos. You KNOW there is no universe in which your dumbass friends are driving lambos and vacationing in Saint-Tropez. Therefore you also know BTC (and crypto in general) is never going to go parabolic again.

It's over. You missed your chance, I'm sorry. At this point you're just hoping for Chad's sloppy seconds

What if I called you gay haha

Link $2500+ EOY

Normies invested $200 and sold at a loss already

which means there is a lot of potential for growing

we will see, you fags have zero patience even tho crypto moves faster than anything before it.

>If BTC were to shoot up to $100k your dumbass friends would be rich and driving lambos.
hardly that $20 exposure will get them nowhere maybe a vacation.