Let's suppose that your boss offers you a drink or invites you over to a house party or barbecue. What would be the best thing to do? And please explain why.
What to do thread
make an excuse u have to go tend to sick relative, thanks for the offer but cant make it.
Tell him absoultely not you filthy kike
Depends on my boss
My current boss, fuck no. Past bosses, yeah definitely
being friends with boss will complicate things sooner or later because if you guys are bros/friends he will ask you to do things and you will feel obliged to do it to not ruin the perceived friendship (user stay at work do this etc etc for me) and will eventually put you in a tough spot ie you get shitty raise and not compensated for doing extra shi, and if u talk back as friend we will wield boss power on you
Go because it normal. Are you normal user?
Did you get all your knowledge from Wallstreet movies? fucking brainlet.
A good relationship with the boss is 99% of the time helpful for your career and will make work easier. The boss is just another guy.....
Fuck yeah free barbecue
Just be yourself
All of the people ITT have a male boss. What a shitty situation - taking orders from another male. I have a female boss. I would gladly accept an invite to her house so that I can spread her ass cheeks and finally get an upclose look at her anus that I think about on a regular basis.
Depends on the boss and the type of work you do. In construction, working for a tradesman/sole proprietor, it's pretty standard to bullshit, barbeque and drink beer together on random weekends. Never been a corporate cuck though, can't speak on that front.
Not sure being an ICEL many who collects figurines of japanese schoolgirls is a good idea. I saw pretend to be normal...cause probably your aren't cause you asked the question.
>Work, Women, Sex
Don't shit where you eat user, women are the among reasons for a short professional career.
I would rather have a short career filled with women instead of males everywhere.
Nice try Satan. The correct answer is to go, drink in moderation, make appropriate small talk then fuck his wife.
>fucking another man's wife
This right here is the most annoying karma to carry around. Instead of having sex with a woman and moving on, you get the anxiety of wondering when this dumby is going to find out
Ok, fine, let his wife peg you. That seems like more your speed.
>Trying to get with your bosses wife
Why would you ever need to do this? Do you not have a girlfriend? You autistic fuck
Depends on your work and boss tbqhfam. If you’re an office drone and hate your job and management I would find a way out of it. If your job is ok and you get along with your boss just go and get yourself some free grub, have a few beers, and shoot the shit. The latter option is provided you aren’t a total autist that can’t handle human interaction
>not having your boss's wife hit on you at pretty much every job you've ever had
Let me guess, you're a manlet.
that's retarded, you're retarded. is right, you shouldn't shit where you eat
>be me
>start working in some office
>mostly chicks
>go out with them one time
>one of them brings her roommates
>hit it off with said roommate
>bang her
>keep banging her for a month or so
>eventually the coworker (who is supposedly best friends with the girl im banging) invites me out for a concert or some shit
>fine, we're buddies at this point
>get drunk and high at the concert
>bring her to her home afterwards (her roommate, who i'm banging, is back at her parents' or something)
>fucking knots her legs around my face
>drunkenly bang her in the same bed i bang her friend
>wake up the next day
>bloody fucking shit, oh god why
>these chicks are like childhood friends and i just came in this one's pussy and wiped it off on the other one's pillow sheet
>women are truly disgusting creatures
>feel really fucking awkward and guilty because momma always said i'm not supposed to be such a fucking cunt of a man
>drop both of them, sorry mom
>coworker chick (the one i banged second) goes around the office telling all the other girls what a cunt I am for banging and immediatley dropping her
>chicks completely ignore the fact she just cheated on her childhood friend with me
>all angry at me
>work atmosphere becomes shit for me
>try to talk to the owner (a dude)
>he laughs and says theres nothing he can do and that I dug my own grave
>leave the company
>never look back
never ever ever fuck women in the workplace. the only way they do not turn sour is if they drop you first, and then everyone thinks you're a beta faggot.
>bringing height into anything
It sounds like you can't control yourself if another woman hits on you. Again, you're autistic.
To display dominance.
>caring about what others think of you
You beta faggot. Also, way to go by creating your own karma by going out with a bunch of office woman, pleb.
>being this insecure
I can tell that you're not dominant at all
This guy gets it.
You'll never make it.
You'll never make it.
And I'm the autist?
You are. Keep trying to hit on your boss's wife. You're thirsty, not dominant.
>t. jealous manlet
There, there little buddy. I'm sure you'll find an Asian girl some day.