1. you'ree cuntree

1. you'ree cuntree
2. Do you live in a commieblock?
pic related.

Attached: 45.jpg (610x343, 240K)

Other urls found in this thread:


1. cunt
2. medium density apartment block but not what constitutes as a typical commieblock. they have the same essential function though

I live in a nublock at the edge of civilisation

Attached: IMG_20190407_151633.jpg (4160x3120, 3.69M)

holy heck that looks sort of comfy
do you have forests nearby?
Btw I have French class in 5 minutes, I'll see you guys after.

You won't need french to work in Germany


Thank God no, I live in a house in a village

based, same

Let me guess... Bansko?

no, i live in my moms basement in a suburb house

this, but the village has 20k people.

Thats a town


That's not a village

No I live in the yellow house in pic related.

Attached: Lilla-Bersgatan 13.jpg (5152x3864, 3.99M)

it's not, believe me.

You don't need work here either.

Comfy. Used to live in one, though it was bigger and the town around it was also larger.

Terraced house

1. Яussia
2. No. I live here citywalls.ru/house214.html?s=f0jo31i9ge6knb0efafa56k754

Woah I was def certain OP’s pic is from South Korea before I clicked it

On a side note I want to visit Serbia. The cities and towns in the north (Belgrade & Vojvodina) looks comfy but where is nice in the other regions of the country?

Nice. I live in Askerlund. It's big enough for me.
It's a very comfy and quiet town.

Attached: Askersund.jpg (1030x4100, 3M)

Askersund. Fucking shitty auto correct


Attached: IMG_20190523_132107-864x1152.jpg (864x1152, 266K)

>Btw I have French class in 5 minutes

>live in a house in a village
>village has 20k people
have you ever had sex

I live in what used to be a pre war mansion but they rebuilt it into a commie block so now I have a 40 square meters flat.

I'm from Kokkola (Gamla Karleby in Swedish). Askersund seems comfy too.

Attached: Kokkolakollaasi (4 Mt).png (989x2139, 3.89M)

I live in a house facing the sea, in a small fishing town. Pretty comfy.

hon hon hon!!!
I just graduated from my A1 class!!!!
Vojvodina is definitely the most based, if you want - I'm more than happy to give you a tour around Belgrade
holy heck based!
Based as heck! I always wanted to visit Algeria.
Post pic, user!

>kok and cafe
Sign me up

that's a really fancy commieblock tbqh
looks comfy!
