Fuck off

>fuck off

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Other urls found in this thread:


>we are

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what happens here?

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>2 hectares per person

Mining. Most likely iron.

>let us populate your land
how about no?

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Australia is sleeping so I'll say it for them:

>literally the least full country on earth

The vast majority of Australia is uninhabitable.

You just got BTFO by Bruce, come on, open the border you bigot.

Sorry Ahmed, you aren't getting in.

>population by square mile
>most of them are zero
where did you pull this info from, garçon? your ass? all those white spots have no one living in them?

Fucking stay in Venezuela

2 hectares of shitty uninhabitable desert in the middle of nowhere per person

Did I stutter? open the border Bruce, or you will come to regret it later.

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user you didn't learn to read graphics in middle school ? White means between 0 and 50 people living by square mile. Light pink between 110 and 50 and you go up.

do you understand what arable means?

0 iq

>White means between 0 and 50 people
...which still makes no sense, every county in the usa has at least 500 plus people living in it, maybe 3 that aren't.
now fuck off ahmed
now fuck off muhammed

>per square mile
the smallest county is 13 square miles

the map is divided into counties
have sex

do you understand the fuck off part of fuck off we're full?

Nobody is gonna regret not letting a shitskin into their country

nevada is a barren hellhole

theres not even nature to make up for its wasteland of a state

Whiter than you Bruce

Attached: Average Australianid.jpg (650x488, 23K)

It's the population density by miles not counties. Did you actually dropped out of school at 16 years old ?

Thats perfect for the growing african population, dont be racists and accept them

this thread is full of complete morons. i'm surprised you idiots know how to operate a computer

All that matter is that your country will never be full and can easily sustain life for more than a billion of humans while not being cramped.

Go wander around the yellow part. You people are clearly adapted to such conditions.


Acting stupid in a unfamiliar environnement doesn't contradict the fact that

Get on this level.

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Nice try poltard

>All that matter is that your country will never be full and can easily sustain life for more than a billion of humans while not being cramped.
China and india are both suffering from terrible overpopulation with billions of people, Its also not about land but resources as well, now fuck off.

To be honest Pierre, every fucking middle class liberal white girl pursuing studies dreams and creams to go in Australia and I understand completely, considering who we send them, why they would want to tell us to fuck off.

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Good thing you are three time their size with way better politics on city planning.

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My 2050 overpopulation will be a major world crisis, you will se hussain

brainlet cope

>Nice try poltard
>t. retard
WTF are you talking about monkeydonian? The areas in Australia where no one lives are like those in the U.S. inhospitable and to make them so would take a lot of money and be environmentally a disaster.

Yeah let's just fill up our farmland and natural parks with third worlders. It will be good for the natural world, oxygen production and the ability for the planet to feed ourselves.

>I for one support taking every thirdie in the world and dumping them in the middle of the desert in Australia and the US, or in the arctic wastelands of Canada

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Are you retarded? America can support a bigger population than 1 billion, it's as fertile as India and China, and those 2 working quite alright EVEN with shit management. America needs to make immigration easier and accept more people, especially from Africa.

>oy vey do you see all this emptiness. we must feel it with milions of humans
>low popukation density and wilderness bad

va te faire foutre, si t'aimes tant être serré va à hong kong

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fuck off you can crash on the moon if you want


You choices are:
A schorching desert
A barren, mountainous shithole
10 feet of snow with no farmland or domestic animals whatsoever

Ah yes, prime human habitats

People should stop breeding for a while. There literally arent enough resources to sustain the current population ad it is.

Life there must be extra chill

c'est un bait c'est pas possible d'être aussi con
où t'as lu qu'avoir trois cents milles habitants au kilomètre carré sur terre c'était une bonne chose. il y a déjà beaucoup de monde y'a pas besoin d’accroître la population davantage

d'ailleurs jean-progrés le Sahara et l'amazone sont plutôt vide non? ça mérite clairement son thread sur Jow Forums?

Pourquoi t'as le droit à un Drapeau? Tu appartiens à la France

la martinique a aussi un drapeau ici

t. Huguenot scum

je suis catholique le bouffeur de tacos

Por supuesto que sí, y yo soy blanco, devorador de ranas.

Ah mais c'est toujours le même connard d'expatrié qui fait ces posts de merde en fait

>qu'est ce qu'un expat
>qu'est ce qu'une région à majorité catholique

>moi au moins j'ai pas l'indécence de casser les couilles de tout le monde avec l'immigration de masse. Vois

De mayoría católica pero solo porque los calvinistas se volvieron ateos.
¿fueron las dragonadas demasiado para ti, Leonard?

>¿fueron las dragonadas demasiado para ti, Leonard?
non j'avais juste pas envie de passer ma licence dans le 93

>Roman Catholic (67.8%)
Increiblemente basado, ¿genocidio de los protest*ntes (y musulmanes) cuando?

don't know, all of them are located in one part of one city but people in the city are turbo liberals while farmers and people living in the rural area are way more conservative. muslims usually go in the randstad so i hope the percentage will go down

scuse me but the cities and where people live along the coast do not have the infrastructure to house and support more people. letting more people on will only decrease the quality of life for those who've lived here their whole lives. not about to tell anyone to fuck off because your tourist money is nice but dont live here and bring your brown kids