We have returned

We have returned.

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Is your country really ruled by a monkey ?

The glorious West will kick your ass, cyka.

>Russia spends billions on R&D
>Gives China the technology for free
>China copies it and sells it to third worldies and makes billions
>We R AllIES
You're just a pawn Vlad, i can't think of anyone more cucked than Russia

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Russia IS the epitome of Western Civilization today, retard.

In 13th c. Mongols were supported by slavic Russian troops?

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Pick one, Luigi

No. Go suck a dick, cuckold boludo

>Mongolia and it's bitches

Sure bucko

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To the great steppes?
Splendid to see that you finally embraced your ancestors homeland

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For the motherland

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>Three monkey kingdoms

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Can we join?

Yes, Finland, Estonia, Hungary and Bulgaria are all welcome

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do russians feel physical pain when they're not being annoying to the rest of the world

How butthurt are you about the S400 sale to India + nuclear sub sales to India amounting to tens of billions?

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Bad attention is better than no attention.

Not my problem if they want to buy rusting 1980s submarines.

Not at all. If anything Russians should be butthurt. They're selling their systems which odds are will be reversed engineered and sold to other nations.