>a pack a day now
A pack a day now
>Why yes, I do go through a pack (of condoms) a day. How could you tell?
How many condoms are in a pack?
Light a fag rn
Does your house smell like cigarettes?
I don't actually know.
10 years of your life, gone.
on my 12th as i type
no, i dont smoke inside i live with my parents
sure hope so, never liked living anyways
god what the fuck is wrong with me
why am i like this
i blame myself for it all
i was given life by my parents and now i spend my days here on the 6th floor throwing it away
i can't take it anymore
i'm just gonna finish it all before 6
i'll make this my last pack
I actually do. First time a gigachad meme applied to me, feels good, wow.
they say i dont know how to smoke
thats why i can chug down an entire Gudang Garam in a day
Where is the lich king version of gigachad
>dealer just came through
welp lol
started smoking somewhere around 15-16, now 38 and joined the vape nation 3 months back.
How do I make my gf stop smoking
hipster brand?
get cancer please
Smoking is haram though.
No. It's makrooh. It will never be deemed as haram because of lobbying from tobacco companies.
It's time to go back Achmed.
Lmao pathetic. Glad my parents taught me to respect and follow our faith unlike you.
This past ramadhan I haven't smoked a single cigarette. Might consider stopping altogether.
I keep trying to quit it's fucking hard
Ariff I suggest you buy a pocketbook and write down your screw ups and ask for solution from your superiors instead to improve instead of smoking all the time.
>smoke a pack and a half over the course of 2-3 months
>have cravings that are growing more and more stronger
What the fuck? Cigs really are the Devil.
>been smoking for over 10 years
>still no cancer to finally end my life
hurry the fuck up
nice keep at it amigo
I've always been a social smoker myself so it's easy to avoid smoking when I'm alone. But with friends, especially those who smoke, I just don't know what to do with my hands other than to smoke.
>I can't take it anymore
Throw yourself off of the 6th floor, then.
>screw ups
only been hearing two things so far
>i'm too slow
>i'm too chaotic
i move at the same pace as them but i'm noticeably slower doing things that i've never done before such as picking out the bones from unagi (eel) or massaging shrimp for tempura
me being chaotic is my autism kicking in and trying to move at their pace, but they see me as me panicking and being hectic
i dont know how to fix this
i feel out of place
they've said it directly to my face "if you staff ah, mesti kena tiao punya"
been considering it
these past few days have been hell
why do people act like cigarettes kill you quickly?
How much does a pack of cigarettes set you back in your respective cunts?
Why don't you make rollies by yourself?
Cheapest is around a dollar, maybe less.
((about 13 USD here))
golden virginia here
soo goood with a cuppa coffee
About $5 here in japan
>used to smoke heavily everday
>quite 5 years ago
>27 years old now
>people at work thought i was 18
Quit smoking and drinking guys, itll do you wonders
years old now
>>people at work thought i was 18
whether or not this is a good thing is highly debatable
don't give into it
It's clearly a good thing if im able to maintain my youthful good looks. Stay jealous while i bang my hot milf czech lmao
Nice choice
How common is hand-rolled cigarette in slovenia?
$17 or something. Absolutely not worth it in this neoliberal shithole.
Cold turkey my dude. It is empirically the best method, as is the same with heroin.
>>people at work thought i was 18
how is that a good thing
jesus christ, just realised you dont even have easy access to a cheaper neighbouring country for booze and tobacco runs.
How about you start a business that is just a boat that takes people into international waters to buy tax free shit?
Hmm longevity of youthfulness and healthy, bright looking skin. How is this indeed a good thing
I don't want to be an enemy of the state.
this sounds like something a 27 year old concerned with bright looking skin would say
just got off work
gonna try and get drunk for the first time
Well i guess i already am considering the shit i read online and the books i buy, it's only a matter of time before im the target of a false flag.
Is anyone here schizophrenic? I know they like to smoke a lot
What are you drinking?
not home yet
what do you suggest?
have like RM50 on hand but a bottle of beer costs RM14 here fucking hell
among students, very since we're *poor*
but adults usually smoke cartons
>I just don't know what to do with my hands other than to smoke
Unironically get one of these. Your friends might laugh at you for being an autist but it helps a lot with that restless feeling of not knowing what to do your hands when you're in a social setting with smokers.
From my experience, a bottle of beer doesn't get me drunk. Might want to go with something heavier if you're looking to get drunk.
not enough money then
bought more cigs instead
fucking hell, i'm such a fucking pussy
home now, just want to shower and sleep
fucking jej
Take the snus pill
What's the cheapest booze in Malaysia? Here we have cheap wine that goes for around 5 USD a bottle. Might not be the highest quality but enough to get me drunk.
$8ish for what most people smoke, but in sales tax where I am so $6-7
only the poor and stupid of my country still smoke cigarettes