Zhang and Pajeet BTFO

Zhang and Pajeet BTFO

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Rice farming helps the environment by building wetlands.

just ate a plate of rice pudding
fuck the climate

Imagine being such a newfag that you eat long-grain rice with chopsticks

just had a rice enema
fuck the climate

>eating rice with sticks
Just use a fucking spoon

just ate some fried rice
fuck the climate

Currently paying an escort to shove grains of rice up my urethra. Fuck the climate.

>The Straits Times citing Bloomberg
Ah, yes.

fuck off that actually made me cringe

is it true eating rice causes you to become a manlet?

Any agriculture is worse than having nature but rice in itself is incredibly efficient and also often very sustainable since it's mainly grown in countries with eternal rain

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Bloomberg is the original source:


blow me cletus

Cannibalism is the most nature friendly diet.

no, but eating/drinking dairy products and eating beef + pork = manmore


Imagine them shorting rice futures before publishing.

I just had sex.

Fuck the climate.

greetings from r/funny! haha

I'm literally about to have rice with asparagus
Fuck the fuck

Eww r/funny is for normies dude

yeah but i openly advocate for genocide so it balances out

Om*g, what kind of a sicko are you dude...downvoted and reported you altrightist nazi

The Straits Times has literally reprinted propaganda from Bloomberg, which has been chruning out hit pieces on China and anything they can relate to Asia for a while now. Bloomberg himself has a lot of money to potentially make with this trade war via his data business investments related to Bloomberg L.P., of which Huawei is one of the largest competitors.
It's kind of disturbing how blatant this shit it when you look into it. Now he is on damage control because Trump may be renegging on some of his Huawei related blacklisting with an upcoming trade negotiation, which is exactly what Bloomberg does not want.

>getting this triggered by reddit
back to Jow Forums you faggot

Attached: Reddit Chad triggers retard.png (403x394, 350K)

>The beard
>The balding hair
İt's all fucking true, I just can't

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Short term maybe. Then eventually you are back to 7 billion people and now you also need the people to feed those 7 billion. So you'll just end up with way more people, and that's bad for the environment..