This is West Virginia. It's the worst state in the USA. It's better than your country

This is West Virginia. It's the worst state in the USA. It's better than your country.

Attached: USA_West_Virginia.png (1000x619, 225K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>west virginia
>worst state
whiter than you, jayson ahmad rodriguez

It's one of the best with New England's states

Mississippi is the worst


No it isn't. New England has plenty of good states. West Virginia is nothing like them. It has no major city, and the infrastructure and economy are shit compared to everyone else.


That's not California or New York.

My country is better than your country

>This is West Virginia. It's the worst state

Umm try again sweetie

Attached: NJ_state.png (625x625, 8K)

you're dumb

I don't like swiss cheese

only some of it

Attached: hdi comparison.png (727x869, 78K)

Kill yourself, Spic. NJ is way better than your garbage pile.
>T.Pedro Sanchez Guadalupe Cortez

Wait how is Alaska higher than Virginia

what the fuck I don't speak mexicano

Alaska has universal basic income and few black people.

government gibsmedats for living in a frozen shithole

>95.3% white
>miserable hellhole, worst state in u.s

what went wrong?

Where is he on that list?

Attached: ohio.png (448x454, 120K)

You answered your own question, too many whites.

>and few black people.
Half of their population is fugitives
So what if they're fucking white

Even when they were apart of Virginia it was a shithole.

it's not like you get any
Your life expectancy is way lower, also hdi in zurich is 0.975

so you have one city that is better than us

NJ is one of the best States.

>best US state? Montana

Attached: 1559937450172.png (1080x1266, 724K)

So my region is better than any region in the United States, and all of you fat fucks live 4 years less than us because we poison you with nestle and big pharma :)

Nah mississippi is worse, although both are shitholes

why is zurich so poor?

Attached: Screenshot_20190528-084610_Firefox.jpg (809x4526, 1.25M)

pretty good considering that you're a tax haven

Industries are in Basel. And I could ask the same about all your other states
but we aren't

Attached: gdp.png (762x237, 10K)

Never seen so many homeless people than in America. There are complete camps of them everywhere. These meme pictures are retarded.

You are though, rich people from around the world dump their money into your banks because you don't give other countries access to their accounts

where did you visit? and if you dont put yourself into retard debt you should be OK

> Spic.
Kek, NJ is one of the most Hispanic states in the nation. I only see whites when I'm at work

I guess if you don't mind paying 5 figure property taxes for a dilapidated shitheap on 1/10th of an acre to fund associates degrees and daycare for illegals

Montana is everything Texas LARPs as.

But it comes with high costs, local purchasing power is the best metric for how far someones money goes. Even though most of the top cities are in the USA Id still rather live in Switzerland as it is better in other ways than just $

Attached: LPPbycity.jpg (809x2554, 843K)

montanans are some of the dumbest people in the country
alabama tier yokels

Attached: tfw.jpg (502x346, 32K)


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You can try.
Hell, We'd be happy to have you.

honestly you could probably just drop into cali and not leave as the libs there dont care enough, also many parts in the south are mostly mexican/hispanic local government so they will give you more neetbux and shit

but i dont want to live around spics, wish i lived in a comfy state like Vermont/New Hampshire around whites

Vermont is great, all you need to be is polite and Catholic.

are you american?

Yes, I just live in Germany.
I was born in New York, but my family lives in Vermont, and I've been around.
Colchester is hella cozy.

based north dakota

that's great man, im gonna put some effort in my studies to go get a job there someday

That is what I want to do as well t.b.h

Fuck vermont Iowa is the best state

>Missourah and Kansas higher than new york and cali.
>Even Arkensaw higher than cali
Guess where the dumb rednecks live.

i've heard it is pretty boring there, is that true?

this, fuck Jew Jersey

REEEEE fuck off it's not a right to be able to live among white people



Attached: grinning wojak ears2.png (1128x1002, 122K)

I plan to move to New Hampshire after university if I can get a job there

Attached: 1559708907522.png (2005x2005, 692K)

what's there to do there?

circlejerking with other vypeepuh

It's geographically isolated, mountainous, and there's no resources or economic activity outside coal mining.

peace and quiet, and houses there have big yards so i can have space to do whatever i want. Also the nature is pretty nice and i will have an internet connection so i will never be bored

Attached: usa-new-hampshire-lost-river-gorge.jpg (730x489, 161K)

Latinos drag down NY and Cali.

top kek
Newfags don't understand your implication

The funniest part is that the vast majority of the countries high tech jobs are all in California and it STILL only has an average IQ 10 points higher than mental retardation.

we're full fuckoff

Nah, Im moving in 3-4 years from now bud

New Hampshire is comfy.

>but we aren't
Are you seriously denying that Switzerland isn't used as an international tax haven? Because that's hilarious.

whenever places are shit it is blamed on the IQ, west virginia is no different they are a bunch of retards. simple as