Be Heidi Klum's kid

>be Heidi Klum's kid
>be massacred by Jow Forums and stormfront for being an ugly kid
>mfw today he is more attractive than me and have a nice jaw
>mfw he will be handsome when 18

Fuck this world.

Attached: 4280246.jpg (795x1245, 493K)

>naruto hoodie

He is also rich and is probably going to fuck a lot of veronica's secret models like his father did with Heidi Kum.
Life is suffering

Oh the irony. Another Neville/Robin Arryn lel

A lot of kids are ugly. What do you expect? His mom is a super model and his dad isn't bad looking. He looks like he might be just above 183 cm though.

he look like shit

celebrity worship is a form of addiction

seek help

His dad has extreme facial scars though

He ia going to be attractive, it's obvious. It's another Neville/Robin Arryn

Those scars were because of a disease, without those scars he would look like a 8\10.

No idea who this nigger is

>caring about Jow Forums

I though they were burn marks to be honest

i want to fuck the girl in the back

i dont think sdo. Handsome people, god tier were also vrey good looking at young age, you dont just become somehow attractive at 18. i dont say he be ugly but here he is ugly, look like nafri kids.

Jow Forums is the only sane place where political discourse is unmolested by the corporations and the oligarchs.

ppl still mad German supermodels love big black cock?

>*Jow Forums is the only place where political incorrecteness discourse is unmolested by the corporations and the oligarchs while opposition is actively banned by mods and mocked by other users.

if u hate corporations and oligarchs why isn't pol communist?

Jow Forums touts itself as a free speech platform yet you can't post BLACKED without getting banned. It's not even a matter of NSFW because Jow Forums is a NSFW board AND ontop of that SFW BLACKED images are banned as well.

Very free speech.

You can only make thread that fit the far right narrative. You are wrong.

>posting useless threads about a shit-tier fetish with no real intent other than spamming the board and getting it deleted is bad
Okay retard.

pol has been shit lately for some reason but it still a great place for information and discussion. Not many place like that on the internet of today

This, if you post something pro interracial relationships, specifically a brown or black men and white women, your thread is destroyed in seconds by mods or by other anons posting the same statistics over and over again.
So much for free speech.

go be a leaf somewhere else

if you post blacked you should be ip banned from this site actually

Attached: 7NrRpl7.jpg (1200x627, 105K)

That's not true. People don't try to have valuable discussions they simply force their own point of view by being disrespectful, provocative and arrogant. You may think this is relevant to every debat but Jow Forums is one of the rare website who takes it to maximum which make the whole board unreadable. It's just a shitshow with memes, disinformation and autism.

>*interratial relationships can't be related with political correctness and everybody there will assume you were trolling even though you had a valid question.

>i get to decide what is useless
Not free speech. Free speech means being able to say anything you want no matter whether it is relevant or not

Get fucked. Jow Forums isn't free speech. That's why I support Youtube shutting down neo nazi channels.

This and based. This is the best description for what Jow Forums really is.

>mfw today he is more attractive than me and have a nice jaw
he looks like a literal monkey

Just a reminder
Jow Forums was created to promote racism and is protected by the governmet so it can continue to infect the mind of the youth with lies and with one sided garbage politics.
If not then why is it Jow Forums recieving all the cool features while most of others boards don't?
I want to be able to change my flag whever I want here on Jow Forums.

>nice jaw
Do Americans really?

He's still ugly

he's still ugly, he's just tall
which means he'll get more sex in one month than 99% of Jow Forums will in hundreds of lifetimes