American education

>American education

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Americans know what matters the most

>forced to measure their environment in... millimetres and... KYLO-grams

This is satire. End of fucking story.

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You have obviously never watched fox news

America is basically a parody of itself

>stop being unique, be the same as everyone else

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Reminder that Paris offered the origin of Time (Paris meridian) to Greenwich in exchange of the Brits recognizing the meter as the International System distance unit.
So we're even.

I think the meridian should be at Giza pyramid

>Use a more precise system and it'll be easier for everyone to understand your stuff
>BuT I'm unique and I want to be different

That would be nice. Who goes to Greenwich anyway?

plot twist : US Americans become anti-globalists.

Fuck you and your metric system. Switch over to metric time if you like it so much, fucking assholes.

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Fuck the metric system
I hope my country adopts the US standard system

>more precise
what does this even mean

Or maybe Pointe des Almadies would be more logical

>metric time

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>america literally had a rocket explode and astronauts killed because the engineers mixed up imperial with metric

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this would be good

>America had a rocket
Did you?

This has to be the most American video I've ever seen.

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Does anyone take FOX news seriously?

we're equal now

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Millions of americans

this is why tucker is the best

he triggers the entire world so easily

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hate both of you pretentious cunts
you act as if the world is spinning around you

sounds like an anglo arguing about driving left on the road
is there something about English speaking countries that makes us upstuck cunts

It's not as epic as the inbred described but there was an incident due to metric/imperial mixup.


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>Jap's education
It means it's more efficient for everyone to understand, doesn't have to use a bunch of decimals when changing units and doesn't depend on the foot of one retarded person.

David, at least get a proxy or something when you're stationed in japan

In what? GDP? You're not.

Quite frankly the whole thing is irrelevant. Everyone knows the metric system, the education exclusively system uses the metric system, NASA uses it, its just that culturally we default to using the imperia system in everyday speech because its what we grew up with.

That's Amerimutt though

But I don't want to read the CNN article, I want to read Le Monde article, with all the jokes at the expense of the ridiculous American [that we love anyway because we're friends]

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t. american visiting his ancestral homeland

you had your minute of celebrity during the USSR era. Where everything revolved around you and the USA.

Ah shit, sorry to the Japanese Anons here, I just thought that Retard was japanese and not a English Teacher

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>if you don't join the US bashing you're on a proxy!!!!
cope harder nigel

not sure if serious

Why is a UK flag showing his face in this thread?
At least Americans stick to one system and don't mix and match the two. Not to mention stone.

Metric 10 hour days were actually a thing in France for a short time. Take a wild guess why it didn't stick.

My name is Diego thank you

24 hours is a weird Sumerian thing

I want decimal time


they surrendered it like they surrender everything else


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why do americans microwave their time?

War on Terror Patriot Act PRISM Edward Snowden Guantanamo Bay CIA black sites Human Rights NSA mass surveillance Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange whistle-blower manhunt Ecuadorian embassy refuge Corporate interests worker's rights healthcare rights free education Police militarization incarceration rate fake weapons of mass destruction Petrodollar warfare Israel "special" relationship ban on boycott Free Palestine USS Liberty attack Mossad cover up false anti-semitism accusations depleted uranium mutinions war crime ignoring the Geneva Convention Agent Orange My Lai Massacre Contras 1973 Chile coup CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal Occupation 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état United Fruit Company Cuban Missile Crisis Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MKUltra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Suspension of Habeas Corpus Sedition Acts civil rights Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya Bombing of Yemen Bombing of Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippine Genocide of 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Andrew Jackson illegal Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii haole invasion Okinawa rapes Jarhead rapists migrant caravan ICE children in cages Russian puppet president

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Listen here, you little shit.

I don't understand what the fuck you want to point out.
Maybe you think that I'm not uruguayan, because, according to your dumb-ass, everyone that likes the Untied States of America is inherently american, and you can't believe there's single human being that doen't share your exact fucked-up state of mind, so I'll make a few points.

1- I'm not american, I am uruguayan, born in Fray Bentos, and will always be.
2- I love the US, and will never stop loving it.
3- I don't need to live in the US to show that I love the US.

So if you want to keep making empty assumptions about myself, become the dirt beneath by feet, coward, you'll be able to make more insults, which are just proof of your insecurities and inferiority over everyone else.

But again, I think I'm being too harsh- You won't be able to comprehend what I'm talking about, assuming you're just the average couch-dwelling, pizza-eating, low-hanging fruit of an human- er, briton. I know freedom isn't taught in schools over there.

So beat it,
FUCK your pseudo-country,
And America, FUCK yeah.

why you so mad

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that's what america does, making every country in the world the same with the same culture, promoting race mixing

holy based

American politics would always be better, more dynamic and more exciting than yours faggot

>promoting racemixing bad
bad goy, you can't say that in germoney

Metric sucks ass, nuff said.

Base 12: Divisible by 1, 2, 3, 4, (!!!), 6, and 12
Base 10: Divisible by 1, 2, 5, and 10 (MEGA YIKES A ROO!)

Base 10 sucks stop counting on your fingers dumbasses! There's a reason for 24 hrs in a day, 60 minutes in an hr! And not 10 (because 10 sucks ass)

UK still uses miles, feet and inches.

mad at stupid, fat fans of the Imperial system that crashes space missions?

why are *you* mad? You wanted to be special?

Implying US knows how to divide

>not counting in mayan

>(because 10 sucks ass)
Actually it's because the day is based on the rotation of the earth. That's why we use minutes and seconds (the same units we use to measure angles) to measure time.

>say something bad about Trump/Israel

Nobody here actually watches mainstream "news"
Its the reason CNN has lower rates then a meme show like Ancient Aliens.

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And those units are in base 12 and not base 10. We could divide it by 10 and in fact the same Frenchoids who gave you metric tried, look up the metric calendar and t he metric clock

Because base 10....(say it with me) SUCKS ASS! NEWSFLASH!


>2- I love the US, and will never stop loving it.

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