Please tell me how to use "cringe" and "based" ?

please tell me how to use "cringe" and "based" ?
I am English beginner.
Which situation can I use "cringe" and "based"?

Attached: 91985503.png (409x476, 10K)


Your post is cringe
My post is based

First step, make sure you're on Jow Forums before using either


"Cringe" when someone says they want to "save" the white race
"Based" when someone tells incel freaks to have sex

I can't use these words on daily life?
only on Jow Forums??

"Cringe" whenever someone with a Greenland flag posts.

Whenever a leaf blows its way into your thread just to say something stupid.
When a rare flag posts something in the thread you made

i will tell you if you tell me how to use futaba channel

Cringe whenever someone says leaf.

See? it's that easy :)

Yeah I Speak e-Zoomer

Dislike something = Cringe, Yikes, Oof
Disagree with someones dislike = Seethe
Like something = Based

Pretend I (a zoomer) posted that Fortnite was gonna get a whole new twitch stream: "Based!!"
You: "Cringe!" or "Yikes!" or "Oof!" to show you dont like fortnite
Me: "Seethe!" (this shows that I dismiss your cringe)

The end

still i don't get it.
cringe => surprise?
based => agree with you or you right ?


"Cringe" you can use irl but desu it would be cringe to do so, "based" no, nobody outside of Jow Forums culture would even know what you meant

thank you very much America-sensei.

so Based is positive word!

I like it! or favorite => based

Cringe = you find what someone said to be contemptuously ill-advised, and want the person who said it to feel shame
Based = you find what someone said to be based in reality, to be a correct and redpilled point of view


This. If you use those expressions outside of Jow Forums, they'll think you're either a incel or a alt right person desu

Drop the LARP/proxy David.

Cringe when someone answers this question seriously.
Based when someone uses this as an opportunity to throw shade at other countries.

Unbased and dare I say it again, CRINGE

Cringe AND cucked AND bluepilled

>Cringe AND cucked AND bluepilled

Attached: 1553430728912.png (540x510, 124K)

Now you may ask--why zoomer need 3 words for dislike? Cringe, yikes and oof?

I will tell you
"Yikes" is something they hate done intentionally. Youtube deliberately bans their favorite twitch streamer is a "yikes"

"Oof' is something they hate done acidentally. A blackout causes their favorite twitch streamer's footage to be deleted is an "oof"

"Cringe" is for something they hate which lies between intentional and accidental. Its the politer form of yikes, leaving room for a certain amount of social ignorance. Lets say youtube delete the favorite twitch streamer but the youtube deleter had down syndrome and was a my little pony fan. That is "yikes"

Nope I'm not a zoomer--I just talk to them online!

>I just talk to them online

Attached: hansen.jpg (420x255, 17K)

There are 18+ zoomers and many (too many) post on this very forum. I WISH I was joking your ass.

Ever notice how all the funny and original content of ye olde Jow Forums got replaced by
*wojack or megachad variant*?

Yeah...thats "zoomer humor". I try not to resent them for it...I try to remind myself that this must be how boomers see us millennials....but damn is it hard. Come to think of it, your post follows an eerily similar format though you didn't bother with the classic wojack variant.. Please tell me you are over 25?

You're right, hansen is an ancient meme, I am showing my age

I say
"It is is impossible for a man to rape his wife,"
That is a based post.

Someone responds
"That is sick and disgusting!"
That is a cringe post.

cringe > kuso post
based > kami post

easy to understand for me.

thanks m8!

>Posting soyjaks as a downvote feature

Attached: vore soyjak.png (726x750, 124K)

Shit this is what zoomers literally do holy fuck

have sex, incel freak

based = offensive post you like
cringe = offensive post you dislike
if i type "white women can't compete with asian women":
roasties (white women) will type "cringe"
men will type "based"


Never use either of those.
Instead of "cringe" say "yikes'
Instead of "based" say "oof"
This is 2019 after all.

Examples of usage

>My friend said that gay marriage is wrong

>Just had my date with a cute furry boy and after date we had best sex in my life


