What is the reason behind Greenland's alarmingly high suicide rate? No other country comes close

What is the reason behind Greenland's alarmingly high suicide rate? No other country comes close.

Attached: 800px-Flag_of_Greenland.svg.png (800x533, 5K)

they kill themselves after coming to the realization that they will never be as white as the average US citizen.

Family problems.

Alcoholism is extremely common like in many native American nations.
Child and domestic abuse is common and usually kept quiet about due to small and isolated societies.
Danish money disincentives people to get jobs and education since the state pays quite lucratively.

I think those were the main ones.

well, when you live in practically the middle of nowhere with terrible weather, probably lots of incest as well. its not hard to imagine.

low population also makes them seem more suicidal, same reason why wyoming (least populous us state) has the """highest'''" suicide rate


Same reason why Inuits in Canada kill themselves

Eskimos are Emo

Can't argue when it comes to the fucking professionals when it comes to national suicide rates.

What jobs are even possible. Like up north here there's jackshit to do growing up and ottawa has a big inuit diaspora numbering 5000. Amazon is a huge factor to many up north here since a lot of shopping is super cheap (for them) on the site.

I had to do a project about it in High School. Some also suggested that Danes being in most higher paid and more administrative positions also lends itself to Native Greenlanders feeling disparaged to go for higher education themselves. "Lack of representation", not a big fan of that one personally but could be a factor as well, I guess.

Big if true.

I thought Lithuania was the hightest. What's the populatio not density of Lithuania?

Also, india is pretty high. Compared to farmers suicides, student suicides due to parental pressure was surprisingly high.

Lithuanian population density is 46 people per square kilometre, which is pretty average. The suicide rate of Greenland is twice as much as that of Lithuania

Far as I know the two biggest are fishing and tourism. Dog sledding, kayak trips, helicopter rides, etc.

They're also developing a mining sector that has made Icelandic politicians jealous. Since our island is too geologically young for any worthwhile minerals.

>Lack of representation

It's a notable one.

I guess it would feel a little off putting having your doctor, bank manager, dentist, boss, etc be of a different, 'ruling' race. With then your mechanic, postman, grocery clerk, etc all being the opposite.

You know that Greenlandic user here? Sometimes he says edgy and mysterious things. Do you think he contemplates suicide a lot?

last I knew there were 2 of them, isaac and some other dude that I've barely seen. Wouldn't surprise me if he does contemplate it desu.

One of them told about his suicode attempt in /skandi/ and then a d*ne bullied him until he left

It's not like Greenland population is dispersed all around the country. Greenland's population density tells you nothing