

Attached: refugees.jpg (1200x900, 339K)

looks really nice tropical country maybe greece? bulgaria?

Refugees or identitarian?

These are some refusoys.

100% refugee syrian identitarian

Yall are fucking retarded. It is:
>From todays march on Rome
>Are those refugees or identitarians?
>100% identitarians

I'll try again tomorrow

are these gentlemen celebrating eid?

E V R O P A ride the tiger revolt agnst murdern word

Attached: Italian Europoor Politican Salvini.jpg (620x368, 21K)

friendly reminder that most of the people itt are not white

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Attached: Screen Shot 2019-02-24 at 11.26.43 PM.png (2464x1366, 2.6M)

Absolutely /fa/shists just like anti-/fa/ dress like hobbos in real life.

at least three of them have some serious issues with their identity
we're crushing "europa" with no survivors in no more than six months, with or without committing harakiri in the process
save this post
you've been warned

>The swedes

Obviously butthurt ober viking oppression

Finally a redpilled Europoor who acknowledges that we aren't wh*Te

Please reconsider your views. We are not Europoors.

Attached: Forested areas of Europe by percentage.png (4592x3196, 848K)

How are you gonna do that Europoor

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if he was butthurt over vikings he'd have said danes or norwegians

>Björn Ironside (Old Norse: Bjǫrn Járnsíða, Icelandic: Björn Járnsíða, Swedish: Björn Järnsida, Danish: Bjorn Jernside; Medieval Latin: Bier Costae ferreae) was a historical Norse, Viking chief who also figures in late sources as a son of Ragnar Lodbrok and a legendary king of Sweden. He lived in the 9th century, being securely dated between 855 and 858.[1] Björn Ironside is said to have been the first ruler of the Swedish Munsö dynasty. In the early 18th century, a barrow on the island of Munsö was claimed by antiquarians to be Björn Järnsidas hög or Björn Ironside's barrow.[2][3]

This was the only Swede who went to western Europoorea I think. We mostly went eastwards.

the only other case i can think of would have been swedes joining the great heathen army.

Well, Ragnar was the son of Sigurd Ring who was a Swedish king. It doesn't matter though, I can let the Norwegians and d*Nes take credit for Britain I don't care about Europoors business anyway. Our business was to the east.

are those gentlemen of middle eastern heratige who moved to Europe on account of escaping war, or are they of indigenous European birth with a right wing identity oriented political stand based on earlier European racial politics

Chad post. and yeah they are refugees fighting against the discrimination of arabs in europe. wish them luck :)

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We're not "poor", we're quite rich and we're one of the biggest economies in the Union. We have an incredible public debt, next-to-zero economic growth and inanely high private savings.
Our honorable Prime Minister in Charge*, Mister Salveeeneeh, disagrees on what the europeen union describes as the "correct recipe" to fix our public debt. In an attempt to drive up the economy, we're going to cut taxes for *everyone* and start stamping "mini-bonds" ("minibot") which will be, for all purposes, an alternative coin to the Euro. This is the first step for Italexit.
Our honorable Prime Minister in Charge, Mister Salveeeneeh, says that for no reasons at all he will raise taxes to fix the debt and he doesn't care at all about European recommendations. He's always been against Euro, he said he was "ready to discuss for a new eurozone" last year only to get the office of vice-prime minister along with M5S, an alliance in which the Lega was the minority.
Now they're majority after the European vote, if we go to early political elections the Lega is going to be the first party. Our honorable Prime Minister in Charge, Mister Salveeeneeh, publicly said that he "will battle" Europe, only his points are acceptable to him. No prisoners taken.
Either he succeeds and the european union delivers everything he asks for even if the "euro-sceptic" party is in minority in the parliament, or be ready for a new art. 50. I ain't even joking.
If we announce our intention to either leave the EU or the € currency right after UK in November, "europa" is quite doomed. We could quite frankly go belly-up in the process since we don't have the economic growth of the UK, but believe me, the majority of us (not including me, but still) is ready to call it quit.

*for reasons I won't detail any further, he's the actual Prime Minister for all intents and purposes

big if true

...The land to the sea, Palestine will be free!

No THE swedes were by far THE majority of vikings

Attached: Screenshot_20190608-085625.png (720x1280, 270K)

The fucking chutzpah of Anglo-Saxons

Still can't believe that fucking "party" went from
>translation: southerners are shit, the north must secede, build a flak on the lighthouse in lampedusa
over to
>translation: only federalism can save us from the south, eu might be cool
and finally
>translation: southerners are cool, muh eu, muh immigrants, muh whateverthefuck appeals to sub 50 iq facebook boomers
in approximately 10 years.

translate it, i don't speak swiss
>implying its unwarranted

well I can't believe that Mr. Salvini went from "commie" to "right-wing separatist" to "right-wing sovereignist" in the last 20 years (he started his career in 1990)
he's been dubbed as the biggest "trasformista" (I guess it could be translated with "chameleonlike political personality") in our parliament; I've come to some conclusions about how and why he obtained this big success with the Lega but it would be quite lengthy and painful (and off topic probably)
