I have $30, what's the best coin to invest in, for the short term

I have $30, what's the best coin to invest in, for the short term.
I just want to see how this crypto stuff works.

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To illustrate how crypto works, save yourself the hassle of storing your identity and bank information on a sketchy website and do the following: take your $30 and throw it in the trash. Light it on fire. Done.

best coin is niggercoin.

Not true. First you find another $30 so you’re up 100%, then light the $60 and post sad memes on biz

Unironically, buy 1k REQ

Are you serious

Best case scenario you make $30.23.
Worst case scenario you have $10 after it and got some entertainment from people losing their shit.


Alright bros, I'll be putting 30 into BCH

Go buy a scratch off lotto ticket, it is practically the same thing.

If you are truly new, I can give you some advice. The key to investing is finding projects that inspire. Sentiment is good for time ranges (entry and exit strategy), partnerships and team for legitimacy, and tech for volatility & scam filter. The breakout factor comes from platforms that inspire new functionalities and operations for businesses. In other words, if a feature or mainnet release is "just the beginning" you are fine, but will need to examine sentiment and implementation for the perfect entry. AION had the partnerships, mainnet launch, etc, but then dropped to ATL because the real work had just started due to the nature of the platform. DENT will moon huge again once the exchange & marketplaces launch, but crashed hard upon launch of basic functionality because the working product only highlighted the innovation that had not been completed. Most importantly if a project bores you, then investing is a higher risk regardless of a sure thing. You know on shark tank when those suit people say "its a great product but not my space"? Don't be afraid to apply the same mentality, but also crypto is a young market and you should take the time to learn new concepts before the space gets too big.

Open Bitmex, Short BTC 100x $300 tomorrow

Put it into JNT on bibox, volue is super low you can pick up 10% quick. Just keep swing trading is your best bet. Once you get good at it toss in 2k then trade with that just like you did before don't let the size of the trades frig you up same rules apply.

Buy 30$ of weed and sell weed x1.5 the price. You will lose your 30$ in crypto guaranteed



Or throw it on some shitcoin & forget about it. Chainlink is the shitcoin dujour here. There is no shortage of shitcoin or peckerheads that shill them.

step 1.
stop calling it "investing"

just BTC. never move it and just look at it from a distance

Take the money in paper bills, bury it in the ground with no protective covering, and dig it up a year later.

That's about what being in crypto does to your money.


>storing purchasing power in inflationary paper bills that have lost 2% of their purchasing power every year for almost 100 years
>storing purchasing power in revolutionary currencies built on modern cryptography and immutable data-structures that prevent government confiscation, as well as purchasing power theft since they incorporated the ideas of individualism and Austrian economic theory into the very lowest level of their protocols rather than succumbing to the socially accepted Jewish ideals of collectivism and Keynsian economic theory.
>the same
yeah ok buddy

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Unironically based and redpilled anti-keynesian. I was nearly losing hope seeing genuine keyneshomos on Jow Forums

dood look up to bitconnect
gives you 40% returns per month

Take your $30 to a bank.
Get $30 worth of quarters.
Go to the nearest bridge, preferably over water.
Unwrap the quarters into a container, like a bucket.
Dump the quarters over the side.
Wave goodbye to the quarters.

Congrat! You just experienced crypto! And you get to keep the bucket as a souvenir.

Bonus points - jump off bridge, kill yourself, to really get that true crypto experience.

>what's the best coin to invest in
A bottle of whiskey

Same man. Keep up the good fight. Don't let these gamblers discourage you. They will soon realize the gravity of their situation.

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