Do Bosniaks like Turks?

Do Bosniaks like Turks?

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Nobody loves Turks

everybody hates turks except their women they seem to come here for sex tourism marry turks and bring them to their countries

they do

i do when they're in a doner shop

Türke Türkden başka yoktur dost nimet gardaş

what is a "bosniak"?

Muslim bosnian

alm*Ncılar Türk değildir

thats quite indecipherable without prior knowledge, thats why we just call them muslims

İ still love you bro

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Don't they live peacefully now ?

>tfw not born in B&H so I could schizopost as 3 ethnicities on int

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I do. Now I know why my mum and sister watched those Turkish soaps

Nobody does

yeah. literal shitposting goldmine. at least i can larp as a disgruntled albanian.

yes, but still a massive shithole tho

a-amerikali gurbetciler nedir abi?


kek. is hard, i can't even playup muh rich gurbetci in turkey cuz everyone assumes fetocu.

Your mom does

R*cemix yapmadıysan ve ailen tek Türklerle evlenip çocuk yaptıysa, ozaman Türksün.

oyle. biz bumin khan'nin cocuklariz

on one hand the leftists/progressives are like "muh sjw pkk, muh gazillion genocides, muh erdogan"... and the rightists/altright/neocons be like "muh israel, muh pkk, muh erdogan".. all united in hate of turks.

german gurbetcis have it easy compared to us.


>i suffer in my socialist european high income paradise
we live in neoliberal post industrial blight called usa and we r turks on top of it so everyone hates us. the greeks and armenians got here before us and r in larger numbers.

Genöcid yapsana kanka

you sound like you fuck black guys my teacher

me on the left

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>Bülent Ersoyla sikişiyor

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What'd you say about my wife you piece of shit?
