
essential reading:

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Other urls found in this thread:


parklife is on and it's pissing down ahahahaha

don stepped outside

>tfw no dad to bully me out of NEETdom

fuck this gay earth

no surprise they were all pakis. imagine this is 10x more common now as well


Leftypol will be furious

Eating burgers for breakfast

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based and sexy



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reading don quixote
quite a difficult read, bit hard to follow all the fancy words and sentences but it's quite entertaining

grrr white people did it too fuck off rorke

leftypol has been caught eating out of his colostomy bag again

people are out there saying stuff like "all we need is science, philosophy is useless" like some scientist discovered concepts like democracy, justice, and equality by looking in a microscope.

I don't get it.


I don't get it

Rorke off his rocker

I won't change my ways

>we're just like normal people!
>need reference to sodomy to even understand an advertisement
gays are a fucking disease

I was surprised that King Carl of Swindon didn’t call out the BBC ok Savil when they tried to trap him with the “I wouldn’t even rape you” tweet.
Guess that happens when you’re smug neet who thinks he’s a philosopher king when he’s really a college drop out who read 3 books in his life

two of the three concepts you listed are antithetical to the other.

haha I get it (not really)


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>I'm not sating they're scary, I'm saying it could be used as a justification to stop Paki immigration, did you not get that?

if you've never ate a sausage roll from greggs then you need to leave this thread

prefer the ay tone memes myself
simpler and get to the point

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yes you do

max respect if you finish that, infinite jest, bleak house, ulysses, or brothers karamazov

I was sensitive autist growing up. His yelling and screaming at me made me utterly afraid of any mistakes and conflict. I dread making anybody irritated or mad at me in the slightest and can't advance in the world professionally or socially.

i mean if it were really biological females they groomed that good right? big thumbs up

Gay slang
Top = the guy who dicks
Bottom = the guy who gets dick’d
Vers = the guy who can’t decide

Shall be filtering the Dutch flag

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But you managed to get a job?

I get that it is a gay ad, but idk what "vers" mean in relation to the top and bottom of the can.
Yikes. I don't drink dr pepper, but I will make sure to tell others not to now.


enjoy your 10k for a check up

no I don't
be quiet


Of course you'd

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>Yikes. I don't drink dr pepper, but I will make sure to tell others not to now.
>Hey Stacy you shouldn't drink Dr Pepper it supports the gay agenda
>Get away from me you freak

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I'm quitting in a week :^). Managed a year. Going to move away to my mom and get a part time job delivering shit so interaction with others is kept at a minimum.

Germans use completely different slang

Don't drink soda me
Only water, tea, or lemonade

the dream gf

What slang do you use?

I was thinking I'd tell my brother who drinks it not to, and I will show him this sodomy ad to convince him since the health argument didn't work.

lmao fair enough
what job were you doing?

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You're just the bender that lives there though

imagine drinking fizzy drink in 2019

crazy how cordial isn't really a thing in most countries, it makes water taste better

what slag do you use

Top = Active
Bottom = Passive
Vers = Switch (i think at least)
Boo fucking hoo

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roasties on the run

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Anya is cute

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how to comprehend the external female genitalia?

Sort of like a handyman. The company I worked for mass replaced shit that would save places water or electricity. So lights, showerheads, toilets, etc. My job specifically was installing new "smart" thermostats mostly. Coworkers are all working class dregs. Recovering drug addicts, convicted felons, illegal immigrants. And I have to work in apartments so I'm constantly entering different peoples homes. Working in the ghetto makes you super racist and redpilled too.

aids-ridden shitfucker

especially when walking or sitting

Going from NEET to ghetto handyman is fucking insane.

I work part time in a FedEx warehouse

Not going to lie, she looks super cuddleable here. Bet those socks are super soft, would love to rub her feet and legs.

Attached: the miniaturist part 7.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

stop posting this mongolian malaponte

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just got called povvo scum in hampstead

Wasn't always in the ghetto, just sometimes. Disliked those jobs the most. Though you always saw weird shit every time you went. Also tired of half the time dealing with immigrants who don't speak english. SoCal is fucked, white americans are legit minorities in our own country here.

Anya has CEHBS

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your goat wife misses you Abdul

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Yanks running amok and it's barely midday.

don't make me post the furry map lad

Well anyway good luck with the new job pal

i want to kiss anya's soles!

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Excellent post if I do say so myself

I'm intrigued where you got this notion that I'm a furry.

It's 2030, the UN has updated its definition of genocide. Leftypol is on trial, retroactively charged for white genocide. Leftypol pleads guilty.


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continental philosophy is useless

Attached: 1553083189869.webm (640x640, 2.74M)

>Video paused. Are you still watching?
>Video paused. Are you still watching?
>Video paused. Are you still watching?

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Attached: Endeavour S02E02.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Thanks, I just want to be left alone really. If I didn't need money to live I'd probably never leave the house outside of food and shit. School years already killed my self-esteem and creativity.

is the implication here that the dog has been used before to orally stimulate one or both of those girls?

>Leftypol pleads guilty.
>taking responsibility for anything
Leftypol coudnt even take care of a fish over a weekend without killing it somehow

anya is cute. CUTE!

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>I suffer in Britain

what would happen if a boy come to join them? what will their reaction be?

you really have to be in the mood to enjoy a pot noodle
very hit or miss

why do you ask so many questions?

Kino post

oh i'm confused, and a curious individual by nature

I'm on an ultra wave beam

that tucker carlson v the metric system clip is tucker taking the piss right?