Actual Chad here, who else is /stealing/ at these prices?

Actual Chad here, who else is /stealing/ at these prices?

Attached: 1532638519746.jpg (1066x1066, 106K)

Yep. Buying all these panicking nerd bags

Get ripped faggot, this isn't even close to the bottom

>who else is /stealing/ at these prices?

it's a long way dowm chad LMAO

Imagine actually looking like this and have to fend off Stacies all the time.

You are a virgin midget faggit go LARP on Twitter or Reddit.

From one chad to another. It's still going below 150bil market cap fren. Buy all you want then.

5'6" is average height!!!

I'm testing some longs here, but don't believe I'll hold them months.

I'm gayv

his ETH is still going up

Come suck my dick.
>No homo

I'm a girl and I prefer a guy with softer facial features and toned but not too muscly. The "chad" thing is way overblown.

probably because you're a fuckin 4/10

Attached: 493967087.jpg (750x1125, 111K)

Lol get fukt this isnt 2016. We 2018 now

Because the Stacies will steal your Chad otherwise.

Women say this same shit about size and body shape etc
You can't help your nature dummy, same way men are attracted to tits and ass, etc

>OOo look at mee im a special Im not like the other girls
No, don't think so

even if every crypto hit 0$ and the entire volume died out, you people would still claim it isn't the bottom yet

do women seriously like pic related?

Yes, women like misshapen ears, uneven lips, gaps in between teeth. They probably just see the jaw/eyes/hair and call it a day.

See what the result is of all the McDonalds memeposting, Jow Forums? You reel in landwhales like this.

stocking up on the real bitcoin

Attached: bchad_.png (480x700, 547K)

name? (no homo)

>actual chad
Post cock if you're so great

That's what Chad is, the peak Chads will have "soft" eyes and lips but a nice rectangular skull as opposed to looking like a hyper masculized caveman, thus allaying your fears that he'll just leave you or actually bash your skull in.

Can you delete this thread please. everytime i see it pop up i want to kill my ugly self.