Is homelessness a big problem in your country?

Is homelessness a big problem in your country?

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Corruption is

and people are more focused on hating the rich businessman than hating the corrupt politicians that steal millions
retarded libtards

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Those two groups have an overlap of 100% though

not here
i've seen people defending politicians as if they were all honest while bashing the richest person of Spain for the mere fact of being rich
people love taxes too it seems

The only homeless people we have here a few mentally ill people not able to keep the apartments set up for them by the government and a shit tone of Romanian gypsies. God I hate gypsies so fucking much.

>sharts laughed at free 3 bedroom commieblock apartments in USSR
>burgers live in pods
>20 million homeless americans since 2000

In Miami alone, there are some 428,000 empty houses and the city’s vacancy rate is 17 percent. It’s 16 percent in Orlando and 15 percent in Tampa

Las Vegas has the fourth highest housing vacancy rate in the United States according to LendingTree. According to the report, 15% of Las Vegas homes are vacant. That’s 127,759 homes.

They are all over here in the Carolina. Literally millions sleeping everywhere. Cant even go to the beach. Where the fuck have you been for the last 10 yrs? get outta the fuckin basement, faggot

USA is 3rd world nation with the economy of a developed nation is an accurate description.

Why USA is still in denial they collapsed like USSR in 2008?

The homeless problem is a symptom of the economy breaking down. There are a lack of jobs or jobs that are low paying. The record number of retail store closures is a sure sign of this.
The other factor is Globalism. The majority of well paying manufacturing jobs have been steadily declining for several decades. There is a plan by the Globalists to reduce the standard of living to a second world status for western countries. At the same time raising the standard of living of third world countries that that of second world countries. Then immigrants from developing countries will flood into western developed countries. They will take the low paying the westerners will initially won't want, until they realize thats all there is. The TPP was to bring in immigrants and bring back manufacturing but to play them in their home countries currency. Once the world was on a level playing field there would be a one world government, one world police force, global bank and a one world court.

Yes + corruption

Nope. I've only seen insane people, a few junkies and of course like the other user said, gypsies being homeless.
And only in Stockholm and Malmö. Never in the rest of Sweden.

Like, maybe less than a handfull

Not really. I rarely see actual homeless people.
Poor people begging for money on the streets? Yeah, but not literally homeless.

Like, there is poverty in Mexico, but they at least live somewhere.

in my region i never see homeless people, just the occasional beggar near supermarkets sometimes
>Literally millions sleeping everywhere.
in spain?? what are you talking about

The homeless problem can be largely attributed to the Federal Reserve’s housing bubble. All of the once affordable housing options were bid up in price and moved out of reach of those who needed them.

The drug problems can be attributed in great part to the Federal Reserve, too, because their “no banker left behind” policies have absolutely destroyed the poor and middle class in favor of the moneyed set. And, they are hell bent on continuing the very same policies, as evidenced by their most recent comments and actions.

We are in an absolute crisis situation in this country when it comes to the cost of living, and the only person saying anything about it is a young Socialist with scary solutions. The United States = OVER.

The mid-west produces millions of homeless annually, most freeze to death, others are deported to the coasts so the republicans can blame liberals on the homeless epidemic...

Yeah, my little 10k pop. town in the midwest now has homeless. I've lived here for years and it's recent. A shitload of people never recovered from the recession, lots of drug and alcohol problems as well. We're witnessing the slow motion collapse. Been going for years.

I just looked up homelessness and vacant units for Australia and found out the following:

Homelessness is up quite a lot since 2011 in major cities:

– up 48% in Sydney
– up 36% in Darwin
– up 32% in Brisbane

Should note that 27% of Australian homeless are children.

In terms of vacant units, I saw a report claiming one in 10 Australian dwellings are empty, half of all Chinese buyers leave their properties empty and Chinese buyers in New South Wales bought up one quarter of the new housing supply.

Now I know that things tend towards the extreme before people notice, but I fundamentally feel that after awhile you just have to say the government is slacking off its moral obligation to provide for its people so that it can sell off the country

no one pays rent in mexico, you all squat for free.

No, we own property instead of being rentcucks.

It's breddy bad in the UK. First of all it's not hard to fall through the cracks of the society here and just end up without money or without a way to get it; secondly the housing market is all kinds of fucked up; thirdly the working class and affordable etc. areas are all being handed away to foreigners.

you own by squatting. squatting is the main form of shelter ownership in mexico

Nah we already solved it.

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poos, spics, chinks living 10 per apartment is not helping either. Regardless of that point, it’s immigration full stop.

Really wishing I just learnt Finnish and moved to Finland.

theres plenty of poos/pakis in fingolia. you prolly even have a cousin living there to marry, shazir.

Is there any place left for white people? Fuck.

Nah, 90% of people in Finland are Finns, the biggest minorities being Swedish (5.3%), Russian (1.3%), Estonian (0.8%) followed by arabs, somalis and kurds which all are >0.3%.

Its really bad in Hawaii. The whole west coast of Oahu from Nanakuli to Makaha is one big homeless tent city on all the beaches

>housing shortage
not according to the gorillions of homes for sale on Zillow there isn't. Housing shortage is just buzzwords for people trying to bamboozle you.

Its a huge problem in shartland. Every city and village has many homeless in plain view. Often the police don't do shit about them. I can't go anywhere without seeing panhandlers/beggers on every major street corner. Its getting exponentially worse. Its also very disturbing also to see. Our First World status is a only a thin veneer. Poverty is out of control.

I went all over the US and all i saw was homeless. It was as walking thru globohomo hell. Next time my boss has a project in the USA i refuse. This was Africa tier shit. With Africa tier norms

Its a huge problem in shartland. Every city and village has many homeless in plain view. Often the police don't do shit about them. I can't go anywhere without seeing panhandlers/beggers on every major street corner. Its getting exponentially worse. Its also very disturbing also to see. Our First World status is a only a thin veneer. Poverty is out of control.

They're seasonal in MidWest.

Summer they sleep in parks and on rooftops or the cta

They die in winter

The Federal Reserve and the globalists have conspired to create immigration/stock/housing bubbles and heroin/homeless epidemics

The government was a key actor in turning Wall Street firms into large-scale landlords
In 2012, then-Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke first suggested—at a home builders’ conference—that many of the foreclosed properties then on the market could be turned into rentals. That year the government started a pilot program to sell foreclosed homes by the thousands to private investor

not for long. rabbi shlomo of chabad says you have below replacement level fertility and in desperate need of enrichment from virile seed of poojeet bvlls

>Jow Forums memes
ok retard

It sucks to be a man in Finland, we drop out of school more, we become NEETs are much higher rates, we don't go to higher education as much, women are better educated than we are, we suffer from alcoholism and drug addictions more, we commit more suicides, we are more often homeless, and women have a fuckton of privileges that we do not have. Women can get away with fucking anything here, whereas men are always punished. Women have a right to say things, and you can see them use the power that they have (which men lack). Men just have to be quiet. What's best, NOBODY is talking about this. So there goes your fucking social justice and gender equality. We are so shitty that we're the Japan of Europe in that we barely have children anymore. So yeah, there will be no Finland in a few years.

I don't want to listen to you. I don't believe you.

there are almost as many homeless people in the US as there are people in Guyana
Do we have tent cities? No, the climate is always nice, but in the capital the street near the post office has many people sleeping on cardboard

Is thiz cobybazda? :D :D :DDDDD

Finland was the first country in Europe to allow women to vote, now we are basically a matriarchy but the threat of Russia has kept it in check to some extent.

However I would say that because of the overempowerment of women, men are not doing so good, they have more unemployment, less education and lower income than women.

This is one of the main causes of low birth rates in Finland, and the government does not want to do anything to address this.

They just opt for importing more third world migrants who live on welfare, which drives the country into more debt and then they sell off national assets to their friends in foreign companies to pay for the debt. Our government is literally selling us out and people vote for them anyway. Because the trust in the government is still high and that's why Finnish people have a sheep mindset.

we cant continue ignoring the cause of the housing crisis by just building more houses-- its a never ending flow of billions of turd worlders we need to keep housing, while our own citizens go homeless.

if we abolish immigration, close borders, and deport the hoards, then we can resolve the housing and economic crisis afflicting the west.

It's not just Cali and New York in this feud. My brother is state police in Nebraska. They put every homeless person they find on a bus, sometimes to Cali, sometimes to New York, or Seattle, or Miami. Basically they flip a coin and send them to a coast, lmao

Portland has this same issue. Tent-cities everywhere. Eugene is similar, so is Olympia.
My brother works down in San Fransisco, and frequently tells me of how disgusting it is down there. The West coast is dying. This documentary could have been produced in many cities along the coast here.
Vancouver is bad as well. Worked in an office down town, and when I got to work every day at 5:45am the entire parking garage was filled with tents and transients packing up. They clear out by 6am every day, and then when the work day ends they are back to set their tents back up and sleep another night. Every single day. This is like four blocks from the courthouse.
It's really quite sad. The meth and heroin here are out of control. I had a friend in high school who had a gig (this was ~2007) where he was driving his car from Portland to somewhere in Cali, and he would grab a pack of heroin and drive it back up. They paid him 10k per trip and for several years he did it nonstop until he was caught. Lived like a king. Was a white kid, but the entire drug 'administration' is mexicans here. They move and import the drugs but use locals for anything ground level.

We have them in Dallas every where now. The mayor refuses to do anything about the problem and hires beaners to kill off all the White homeless with fent

Best education system with one of the highest percentages of poeple attaining a second degree education (90% Eurostat, OECD), unemployment rate is same as euro average, alcoholism notably less prominent than euro average although the extremes can be worse, suicide rate euro average (it quickly peaked in 1990 due to depression but steady decrease ever since), homelessness is very rare since everyone is guaranteed the income to afford basic housing and living, "women privileges" not worth commenting on.

Stop making stuff up.

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>straight from the Ministry of Propaganda of Fingolia

Let me help you on your journey to truth:

>our shitty fingol culture
>men are demonized as sexist pigs
>women have more privilege than fucking any group in thsi country
>men's "problems" are not considered such
>Yeah, men are different in that you only need to take the father away and he'll spend the rest of his life in front of a PC
>Finnish people will cease to be.
>It sucks to be a man in Finland
>women have a fuckton of privileges that we do not have.
>Women can get away with fucking anything here, whereas men are always punished.
> Men just have to be quiet
>We are so shitty that we're the Japan of Europe

Japan and Finland are both based and nice to live in though

Why does the topic of homelessness attract the most asshurt autistic americans

based schizo

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>women have a fuckton of privileges that we do not have.
>Women can get away with fucking anything here, whereas men are always punished.
> Men just have to be quiet

Lol just be a tranny then

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yeah ok it'd be really cool if you could provide any examples of any of that ever happening outside of Jow Forums or ylilauta, incel freak.

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Of course after five minutes of giving each other anilingus over #MeToo they moved onto the larger themes in the book/movie, but the point is that was the first thing they observed about it. It was like a gender studies department spin on modern literature.

No matter what the topic, the narrative must be repeated over and over again until the average person's entire thinking revolves on this completely infantile line of thinking of victimization olympics.

Stating something wrong with how things are that cannot be exactly proven to or traced to a single thing, and being "an invisible problem" isn't really a hyperbolic basis of argumentation. I made a claim (injustice) and backed it up by giving reasons (such as suicide rates) for the claim, my point being that those things are indeed an injustice in that they affect disproportionately one group. I also make the point that were these problems affecting the other group that has privilege, it would be a much bigger deal, much more talked about in the media. This is the BASIS of my argumentation, the hyperbolic language is just a device to get it across, but I cannot prove a hypothetical

Finnish culture is very Asian in that we are timid, afraid to speak up, "frozen" in demeanor and reluctant to draw attention to ourselves. Finns are indeed genetically quite Asian, which explains why Finns sometimes resemble robotic insects, much like the Chinese people.

As a consequence, we will just endure endless onslaught from the media that is owned by people who aren't even Finnish, much like the Chinese will take anything that Xi Jinping throws at them.

include me in the screencap

america has more homeless than stats say. homelessness is rampant, so wouldnt be surprised 25% of american posters are/were homeless.

The average house price in Melbourne is around $1,800,000 and there are over 24,000 homeless people in the city.

anyone trying to find a place to live in San Francisco frustrated: An estimated 100,025 households are sitting vacant

most americans will end up homeless and dying of diseases on the street.... the lucky ones will be living in pods

5 million homeless died since 2007, the number will grow exponentially and kill off the nation

80% of population will have cancer in their lifetime and unable to work or pay the bills

you never own your home. you rent it from the bank (mortgage) and govt (property tax).
once your cancer prevents you from working, you go out on the street and die like the rest of american goyim

The cold truth is homelessness and soaring rents are the only possible outputs of central bank policies that inflate asset bubbles.

Though the mainstream media punditry and the political class will deny this, the cold truth is homelessness and soaring rents are the only possible outputs of central bank policies that inflate asset bubbles that inevitably outpace the wages needed to pay the soaring cost of rent and housing

who can even afford these homes? New US middle class lives in vans.

homeless epidemic as more and more Whites are being forced onto the streets by globalist government policies

immigration, globalization, bailout of elites, destruction of jobs, and destruction of social safety net – are causing this crisis

>import millions of sand niggers and pakis
>every one is on 5 kinds of welfare
>oh noo how did it get so our social services are strained?

Are you very old? Like 60?

Homelessness in America wouldn't be so bad if the rent wasn't absurdly expensive and if people were more willing to live with family.

It was genuinely surprising to see all the homeless people the first time I went to LA, do they have no family? What the fuck are they doing with taxes in America?

I don't think Skid Row is a good representation of America


Most cities have homeless people tho, it's the same: LA, New York, Florida, Hawaii, Portland, Seattle, Chicago, etc.

the economy is now totally and completely dependent on inflating asset bubbles,
One of the main drivers of homelessness has been income inequality, derived from the financialization of the economy and excessive monetary policy over the last decade or more, has collapsed the middle class, leaving them homeless

The more money the central banks throw at stock-housing asset bubbles, the higher they loft, a process that has pushed homeless/opioid epidemic

I live in LA and I see the strangest things in regards to the housing market.

in my neighborhood the average house costs 500K. some houses actually sell for the asking price, some a little higher. but not all is well. more than half of the houses are in foreclosure. most have been on the 'foreclosure' market since the last economic crash with no buyer in sight. some houses are literally empty and millions of homeless

California is on the brink right now (our pension system will never be fixed at this point, it's only a matter of time before California crashes)

US in 2013 had 1.5 million homeless kids, which means their parents are also homeless, so it equals to 4 million homeless in 2013, but many died and the numbers keep swelling!

>2013 - 1.2 million public school kids in America that are homeless

>Recovery? New York City Homelessness Is The Worst It Has Ever Been

I can say from personal observation that the cities Sacramento, San Francisco, and San Diego have a very bad homeless problem.
Its total bullshit that I can't take my dog for a walk at the river and not worry about stumbling across someone's tent.

i grew up occasionally homeless. my grandparents disowned my parents because they got pregnant in their teens (idg the logic there) and really had no contact with other relatives and too proud because whte people are just that way lel. the city i grew up was an economic blackhole. lived in hotels and cars, didnt go to school because of it is so goddamn hard to get out of that situation without the help of family. ive also fallen into homelessness during my early twenties, for fairly short durations but still. even just the first few days living on the street completely drains you physically and mentally. people who say just get a job! have no idea at all what it is like :( i was homeless in chicago, and in the summertime it isn't so bad, but winter time is literally a fight for survival, mcdonalds are the holy land for homeless, and even they will kick you out if you happen to fall asleep or not buy anything. our current social services are complete ass and not even a bandaid

No, homelessness and being poor was actually illegalized, so it should go away soon.
They just elevated into the constitution that there is no "right to be poor". If you don't work hard for Shekelstein you are out.

Idk but in Paris it's quite a big issue indeed. In fact an hour ago a bum recited a poem he just improvised to me, I gave him 1€

>millions of homeless Whites as a result of the Yellow Invasion housing bubble

It’s funny how people keep saying we are in a bubble. A bubble lasts a few years, maybe a decade. But Vancouver’s housing has been going up in a straight line for 40 years. go back to the early 1980s and see when the boom started. It was due to chinks from HK invading Vancouver in the 80s and 90s.

In the 1970s, Vancouver was Lilly White!!! you’d find an odd Chinese restaurant and that was it as far as diversity went. Today, more than 90% of the population is Chink. And all those Chinks came over with suitcases full of dirty laundered money and bought houses of White people

It is apparent that the housing bubble is from Asian/Spic/Poo locusts

That’s not a bubble. That’s the YELLOW PERIL INVASION. Its the new long term reality. If you want to have a roof over your head, it will cost you dearly.

Nothing sans mass riots will change this


I drive for Uber occasionally. I've picked up people from their job and dropped them off at a tent town. We don't have public transportation really...and everything is very far apart. It seems like this situation can effect anyone, even if they are not insane junkies with felony records.

I live in Nebraska.

I visted the Pacific Northwest a few years ago and saw all these tent cities you're talking about. We also visited San Francisco and walked on the beach on the southwest side of Golden Gate Bridge. There was a man on the beach exposing himself and masturbating and staring at the girls in our party. We had to call the cops.


the irony is, all sharts fall under these categories. you are all mentally ill, cancer-ridden, hobos. once you finally realize this, you will already be dying in the street.

Homeless have a high death rate, plus stats are officially suppressed to hide the culling

Liberals are a minority in Iberia. There are small-s socialists, small-c conservatives, shameless commies and shy fascies.

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what does small-s and small-c mean
being patriotic =/= being fascist
also the fascist party gets like 600 votes a year, so they're not really a thing

7% for us rite now

Figures from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government released on Monday poured cold water on the widespread misconception that the housing crisis results from a lack of houses.

Official stats revealed that the number of long-term vacant properties in England rose by 5.3 per cent in the 12 months to October, to a total of 216,186.

In London, where housing supply is scarce, the growth of empty homes was double the national rate, increasing 11 per cent to 22,481.

This complements other evidence showing that housing stock levels have consistently risen at a higher rate than population growth, even in the past couple of decades – even in London.

The nature (or lack) of regulation favours those who already own property, making it easier for buy-to-let landlords or wealthy speculators to snap up homes, keeping these empty as assets rather than places for people to live.

Surprised no one is blaming Asians and corrupt politicians for this mess.
Maybe if real estate and rent were more reasonably priced, that many people wouldn't have to be sleeping in tents in an urban area.
I pity those homeless and junkies. One day you might be in a similar situation.

The US will turn into a 3rd world shithole like India and China due to boomers and Corporate Executives who can't see past the next financial quarter.

1 In 7 New York City Public-School Students Is Homeless

140,000 homeless public-school students in NYC

140 X 1.7 parents = 250k homeless parents with 140k homeless kids

other homeless adults have double rate of homelessness than children, so add another 300k

homeless in NYC = 700k

It means it isn't a core to their belief system or their political strategy. Like, socialists here aren't consistently against markets and private enterprise and conservatives aren't consistently catholic or against interventionism government distorting markets.

Many people are low-key romanticizers of dictatorships. They downplay the relative poverty and political violence of those times. And for "patriots" they have a pretty narrow scope for the things they love about their countries; to hear them speak it sounds like they would throw their countrymen and local/regional identities away to put some father-figure in charge of their lives and of editing their history books. Vatniks born in the wrong place.

homeless are everywhere now in 2019. Not just major cities. Small towns, everywhere you name it.

this. it's really bad

families have broken down in america. thank the jews

When are we going to have a death squad to get rid of all the crackheads around downtown LA? NOBODY will notice they're gone.

It's so stupid the only areas where there's jobs have such a terrible housing situation
I remember when it used to be a tradition for kids in the US to move at 18. Way more people would live in the cities, allievating unemployment and skill shortage, if the rent wasn't $2-3k for a shitty 50sqft studio

how do homeless die?

Do you not understand how quotes work here, gramps?

Good job! Happy to hear good news from there.

fake stats. US real unemployment rate is RED

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families have been replaced with foreigners


Oh, and instead of landlords and foreign speculators driving housing prices through the roof, imagine having almost-free public housing available for everyone. You know, like we used to have. Oh and development is decided democratically by local citizens, instead of by faceless committees.

there is little stopping the homeless crisis that grips the West Coast from infecting the rest of America. All the elements are in place.
The problem of increasing homelessness boils down to: Massive immigration
Overpriced housing is only one element of the economic asset bubble that offers an illusory, unsustainable substitute for genuine economic growth.
Demand for housing in America has dramatically increased because of population growth, and population growth largely has been the result of immigration.

It is true that homelessness is growing in cities that are insanely expensive, but it is the result of overinflated asset prices, Chinese investors hiding money overseas, and the Chink opiate crisis

Nigger, how the fuck do you think we're #1 in the world? 20 million homeless since 2000. Our infrastructure alone is the laughing stock of every civilized country in the world and it's getting worse by the day. Wages are stagnant, the middle class is collapsing if not gone already, and more people are going on government handouts every day. We are massively in debt and we're not even TRYING to pay it off anymore, our manufacturing base is dust in the wind, and we are flooding the labor market with an unsustainable number of immigrants, which is not decreasing under Trump, it is instead reaching a fifty fucking year high. This entire place is a ticking time bomb and you think we're "#1", in what fucking metric, in what fucking way? This place is just about done, we're in the final few years before any number of the cards holding up this house falls over and the rest comes tumbling down with it.

How can one thread contain so many scizos, autists, and boomers?

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probably the fluoride in your tap water

any retard can get a home here because governments only investment is into construction so there are garbage government apartments in the middle of nowhere everywhere

I wish I was born in Turkey then. My only dream in life is a small house and a small plot of land so I can grow a garden.

nonono thats not how it works you get a one room one bedroom tiny ass apartment in some commieblock with no heating and poor building conditions in the middle of nowhere with nothing but cement around you and you be happy about it

villa's are rich people thing, even if your apartment has one cubic meter of greenery specified to it that means you are lucky

That's if you only have the Turkish Lira, If I knew the language and converted most of my money into Lira which 3x more money than the average joe PLUS I have backup currency and move to Western Turkey, I'm sure I will live like a Kara Boga King

unless you have gulf arab money good luck finding a villa in the inner cities cause noone builds them anymore.
Its all about the commieblocks they make the construction boom alot of money

yeah patriotism is always populism, even the independentist's patriotism


Only until winter sorts them out

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execute all landlords immediately. execute everyone that hires immigrant labor immediately. execute anyone with connections to china immediately.

collective work farm where they grow their own crops and volunteers teach them skills

>Haha...prisons used to be like that.....what the hell happened there ?
You let commercial interest take over and they get paid by the number of prisoners they have. They have no interest in making first time offenders productive members of society again, in fact that would be bad for business.

Free market is good for a lot of things but when you have people that get paid for locking people up sketchy shit is going to happen. If i had my way i would do away with prison for all but the worst cases just place them in something like walled in towns separated into sections where they are separated from the general public. There they could work, learn trades etc, prisoners with good behavior would get perks like getting first shot on good jobs, be allowed to go and have a beer and live a more normal life, better housing, conjugal visit or even be allowed to live an almost normal life with a spouse in a separate block. They get to learn the perks of not being an asshole and they get to be productive and pay their way.

Locking some one up as punishment should be reserved for violent offenders.

The reason there is a homeless epidemic is specifically because California turned from a White state with cheap housing to a brown state full of chinks/spics/poos with expensive housing.

All the Whites that afforded cheap housing became homeless as a result.

Just think how many deaths could have been avoided over the 3 decades if globalist traitors weren't obsessed with importing voters to shore up their crumbling base

the economic (((boom))) hiding the economic depression

No we don't have homeless people. It's illegal to be homeless.

There's a bunch of homeless living under a freeway bridge just up the street my apartment. I live just outside of Miami and it's getting really noticeable lately. I felt really bad so I left some of my old shoes near their bench. I saw one of them wearing them a couple days after.

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>sharts laughed at free 3 bedroom commieblock apartments in USSR
I still don't get why burgers laugh at commieblocks. They look comfy as fuck, they area cheap, they have common areas outside for people to get to know each other.

Go on type in Toronto or even North York and check out the prices on some of our condominiums. Shits bananas, literally neofeudalism

>Is homelessness a big problem in your country?
The root of this problem is the drugs, they will not hesitate in sell anything they own for a little bit of crack.
About the mental ill people:
A few decades back, we could simple get the crazy people out of the street and put them in a place where they don't disturb no one, but some fuckers tough we where Europe and now they can leave any time they want. And getting drunk in the middle of a highway is much more fun than be in a asylum.
The really poor people are happy in use the "albergues" and receive free food, a bed and a place to shower, but since those places don't allow consumption of drugs, and many drug users are criminals escaping the law, they chose to live in the street.

Californian here, theres literally a White homeless person on every street light begging for money. No one gives a shit though. And they're all white homeless people too.

Globalist system is designed to keep the goyim slaves OD'ing from opioids or working as long as possible for the masters while never accumulating the capital to be self sufficient. Not everyone wants that.

The plan is obviously just to grind us all down as much as possible under the horde of third world animals and then once tech and robots are good enough the kikes will just genocide the masses openly , as they will be so powerful compared to the mongrel peasants they wont need to even pretend to be nice anymore.

The entire global economy is specifically engineered so that Whites go homeless and die on the street from diseases and OD

the homeless epidemic is a result of the housing bubble, which is a result of chink and locust invaders:
>immigrant indians willing to literally house-poor themselves on a ridiculous loan because the house is a STATUS SYMBOL, like their leased Mercedes SUV
>Middle-easterners and asians living 3 families to a house that walk around picking shit off of neighborhood trees and don't mow their goddamn yard
>mexicans living 3 families to a house that stay up all night playing mariachi music and partying, and fill up the cul-de-sac with beat-up green 1997 Honda Civics

oh i'm well aware of how the housing market ties into immigration and the global banking racketeering scheme propped up by the globalists and the US Military

Even Indianapolis has homeless camps. They roust them every 6 months but they die in winter and fresh new batch of White homeless appear in Spring.

It's an endless cycle of death

Also, every exit ramp in central Indiana has a White begging for money. It never was like this 15 years ago but it's been increasing every year. It will only get worse


In Lake Wood New Jersey the Jews threw out the homeless living in a tent village not bothering anyone because the were in a forest. However the Jews took in millions from welfare that had million dollar homes.

open borders which squeeze locals out of decent jobs and drop wages while at the same time:
Globalism imports rich Chinese and Arabs that drive up rent prices buy buying out rentals properties while not adding to the tax base. :
Increasing business regulations and costs making it harder to start new business and making old businesses spend all their money on diversity officers that do nothing but force you to hire inefficient rainbow workers that raise your costs even more or you might get sued for not being trans offer friendly and fined 10000s

About 200,000 homes nationwide are owned by investor companies, but they are heavily concentrated in a few cities — typically those where housing markets are already tight. This includes Los Angeles; Miami, Orlando and Tampa, Florida; Chicago, and Atlanta.

We've had beggars on the streets, things got worse after the housing crisis though. And the cost of living situation is even more fucked in California and NYC.

Shit's fucked and it's not some conspiracy, unless you mean a conspiracy by landlords and politicians to drive up housing prices. Supposedly the richest country in the world and we can't keep a roof over people's heads.

you fuckers produce millions of homeless and deport the ones that dont freeze to death to the coasts

in san diego, they spray our sidewalks down to stop the spread of Hep A and have several streets filled with tents for the homeless.
the city had to go block by block with hazmat pressure washer teams to spray away the literally caked on shit from the sidewalks

San Diego, LA, and other cities in have Hepatitis outbreaks from breathing in homeless poop that’s all over the streets. It’s so bad they started vaccinating people in San Diego

Not only in the cities. It's everywhere in US

I can't even take my dog for walks in the park because of piles of human feces everywhere. Also, I live in a small city with a republican government and heavy military presence.

My city is 50,000 people and my house sits on an acre lot

there are 5 million homeless. it's snowballed, but they die quickly. they freeze in winter. they OD. they die like flies. this is a silent cull. stealth genocide. homeless have a high turnover-death rate.

so 20 million homeless since 2007, many already dead.

US covers up the genocide by importing millions of elderly immigrants from China, Mexico, India, Asia etc...

if the US were not practicing this, it would reveal a massive die-off of the native population

Portland is a cesspool now. Human feces on sidewalks. Used needles all over. Homeless beggars attacking people. Degenerates everywhere. Corrupt cops. Corrupt politicians. Rampant sex trafficking. Exorbitant rent prices. Crap wages and salaries. Overpriced hipster food. Asshole, smug, hipsters. Asshole, smug, conservatives. Drunk, loser Russians. Racist, hateful Vietnamese. Drunk roasties all over. Stupid and annoying stoners on every corner.

It is as bad as San Francsico. And worse in many ways.

Denver is the same now, dude....homeless everywhere...literally shitting in the streets

We have a bunch of people that grab some wood and steel plates and make homes out of it in some terrains near the mountains, which makes part of some cities look like Africa. I guess that counts as homelessness

Attached: poverty-216527-1920_ai1.jpg (600x400, 101K)

Blame it on the opioid crisis.

They are promoting the last stage of white flight in LA and the west coast, and US in general, they want us all in the frozen homeless and ODing on chink fent in bumfuck Midwest. Real estate kikes will buy those tiny hovels and rent them to invaders with subsidies. The illegals will move 30 of themselves in there, pay a few hundred a month and the taxpayers will pick up the rest, of whatever the rent is on a $500K-$1M+ property.

Finally a plan that actually make sense.

Yes, very big.

This but a hundred times worse in my city

>Literally no in the entire thread addressing the actual schizo spam posting walls of text
Feels like a fever dream

Attached: 1527194849886.gif (298x300, 1.99M)

here's an article discussing this issue:

the growing influx of international migrants who are raising the demand and prices for housing
the rising housing costs hit young White people the hardest, making it more difficult for them to form their own families

Investors also admit that immigration boosts housing and real estate prices

proposal for more imported foreigners to prop up housing prices

The group also admitted that more immigration raises housing prices, which is bad for home buyers, such as young married Americans seeking to start a family

california user too. a big chunk of the homeless i see are also white even though the area is mostly hispanic. coachella valley

then we overpopulate, we find the less desirable and productive subjects of our society and harvest them, this way, we never run out of jobs, houses or food. we also keep the consumerism in control by euthanizing tendence makers and sterilizing subjects with genetical diseases.

learn something, filthy humans

but i thought rent was cheap in india

yes, but corruption is bigger problem than that

if sb. is homeless here, it is his choice. you have a legal right for accommodation.