Lightly banter a wh*teboi about spicy food

>lightly banter a wh*teboi about spicy food
>he calls for a race war

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same thing happened to me last week with my chi friend when i offered him a banana as a joke. he told me to fuck off and i sent him an apology text that night and then he said "i know how you really feel about me".

he doesnt respond to me in our group chat and im honestly not racist, wish he would talk to me


hes darker so i was making a monkey joke

Kek if he got offended by that hes not just a monkey, but a pussy one

not everyone is an uncle tom like you

The dude who owns the Indian restaurant in my neighborhood was telling me about how he used to have a restaurant in England and the white bongs ordered their food hotter than anyone else.

>he calls for a rice war

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Wym lol i get people getting offended but it really cant last that much unless youre really dummy

lol really, uncle tom? maybe race jokes arent popular in the netherlands, really common here

It's probably because it's easy to get fed up with the fact that it's socially acceptable to poke fun of those things at whites, but if we do it back we lose our jobs

I work in an Indian restaurant and I can definitely confirm that us Indians order the spiciest foods, they probably meant temperature.

>lightly banter a n*ggoid about their shit cuisine
>he calls for a spice war

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>lightly banter a cracka
>he calls for a meth war

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He was talking about spiciness but I have no more reason to believe him than I have to believe you so I dunno. Maybe Indians order hotter on average but some of the whites are over the top insane?

Ever browse /ck/? Obsessing over hot sauce is one of the most whitest (and soy) you can do.

Only rarely but I feel you. I like spicy food myself but yeah.

I tell you man
>Grabs chicken
Those damn white people
>Grabs Lawrys
Don't know anything
>Pours Lawry's
About spices

Nah, kill all of them till not a single one of them stays alive.

>lightly banter a PoC about milk
>he tries to pop a cap in my ass

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Stop drinking and being drunk

>lightly banter a black tranny
>it screams and calls the police

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