Post areas of your country everyone hates

>pic related

Attached: commieland.jpg (418x328, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Cope more. We're the only state in this shitty union that has culture

California is great, will go down in history as the greatest American state. As a bonus, it makes flyovers seethe.

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Thanks for your contributions, Juan Jose Gonzalez

>if you think otherwise, you must be a beaner!
Cope more Jamal

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You really shouldn't compliment yourself. i know mutts have low self-esteem but still

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You guys should really be posting in /lat/ with all the other Spics

it's ok, just watch golden state in the finals for some schadenfreude

Imagine this pice of shit ruining an entire country image.

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I would rather shoot myself than have to visit this state again

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Lmao okay cletus

The only good thing about them is their flag.

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Hate us cuz they aint us

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California has no culture lmao I hope you're trolling

Hey fuck you we also have top of the line barbecue

>Lul flyovers are so dumb lol Cali always wins baby!!!
God damned two faced rats. I hope those fires consume your whole fucking state.

Sorry, but unlike you guys, we actually have more culture than just going to the 50 McDonalds every mile of the free way as you flyovers

Now seriuosly Mexico City

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Ah yes because having 10 In-N-Out Burgers every 5 miles makes you so much more cultured.

That's one of the places that's worldwide seen as a better state. Americans only hate it because of the fuckn libruls while ignoring the technical and economical hotspot that it is

Hollywood isn’t relevant in real life

Culture is more than tradition. Look at the tech giants. They're forcing silicone valley culture on the world.

>Look at the tech giants.
You mean those faggots in bed with the NSA and constantly pushing their trash overpriced hardware? I'd rather not.

What about the silicon valley?

Seething flyovers

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Don't ignore the rest of my post as it is fact. Silicone Valley culture is a cancer on this earth. It has made southern California the most influential place on earth.

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Seething, you need our technology to run your economy. Your entire region would economically collapse without our software.

California and flyovers need each other to survive, but we are without a doubt, superior.

>Your entire region would economically collapse without our software.
And your entire state would turn back into a desert without the water you steal from supposed inferior flyover states.

New Jersey is far superior to California in all aspects, even our gun laws are a bit better. Stay mad.

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I think it's internationally known that California is the most relevant united state

Literally no one has responded to a single post not about california so far

The west coast will remain eternally irrelevant when compared to glorious eastern USA

If by culture you mean vanity, lust, and vice, you would be correct.

Attached: New england forever.png (1792x645, 2.53M)

Point proven

Kek. Flyovers hate Cali because Californians cuck them out of their local real-estate market. Laugh all you want about the techies renting a room with 3 other guys in the Bay but in 5 years they will buy all the propery in your flyover shitholes (Idaho, Texas, etc.)

kek which is it that made this dumb? The dehydration or the air pollution?

If you were born in Based New chadland then you could understand culture.

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purchasing power in the USA
>California so rich, important etc.

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This is a Midwest cope thread

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I hate California as well

no one cares which mutt square you are from, so keep it to yourself unless asked when visiting any country

>YEAH I'M FROM ___CALI___! (*thinks to himself "I hope the whole plain/bus/train heard me and thus knows the most interesting fact about me and my highest accomplishment*)

silicon valley isn't in southern california buddy. it also isn't culture. it's a global tech hub.

Sure lots of Californians buy lands in other states. To live in. You fuckers were voted the worst quality of life in the nation because of your taxes and violent crime, and that's excluding pic related

Attached: California-right-now.jpg (1787x1031, 297K)

>If I respond to everybody with a bait one-liner I'll give loads of (you)s

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Probably California
Terrible place to live. Awesome place to vacation, but terrible economics and policies

Los Angeles looks like The Purge but everyday is a purge night

t. Autist

I lived in SF from 2007-2009 at the height of recession and I remember walking home from school and feeling like I had to step over homeless people like I was playing hopscotch.

I've never seen anything that bad and I lived in Costa Rica

Attached: los angeles.webm (480x480, 2.86M)

Hoes mad

mad hoe detected lmao

Actually LA now is what the US gov't in the purge movies instituted to purge to avoid. A city overrun by the mentally ill homeless and the violence, filth, and drain on the public sector that they cause.

San Francisco has it so bad that they have literall 'poop patrols' that spend their entire working day picking up shit left from the insane homeless.

The homeless, combined with city level negligence, has also lead to an infestation of rats and, with that, the potential for outbreaks such as Polio, Small pox, and even the fucking black death

>dominate the country culturally (hollywood)
>dominate the tech industry (silicon valley)
>expand our dominance in other states by buying their property and voting in their elections
calibros stay winning

>The califags have to resort to posting retarded negro culture in order to have comebacks now
what a world

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California is a shithole and will become increasingly irrelevant. Anything of value in California can be moved somewhere else. The state is overrun by Mexicans and all the wealthy, important people are moving away. They don't have water and it's plagued by earthquakes and fires. New York is the most important city in this country and Texas is the future. The midwest is our heart and the south our backbone. California is extraneous. The best thing that could happen to California is it sinking into the Pacific ocean.

>b-but we have silicon valley
Amazon is moving to Virginia and Google is moving to Austin
>b-but we have the movie industry
All of your movies are shot in either Georgia or Canada

>Economics doesn't matter to celebrities
>The tech is made in California because it's a "hip" place
>Tech creators literally live in vans
>Businesses are exiting California at an alarming rate
Calibros stay winning

California is such a fucking shithole. It's basically the mall food court of America

The Northeast has better cities
San Francisco is a poor shitty copy of Seattle and Portland
LA is a shittier more boring version of Vegas. LA suburbs look no different than Phoenix.
There are better ski resorts in Colorado and Utah
There are better beaches in Hawaii and Florida
There are better forests in Oregon and Washington
There are better looking deserts in Arizona and New Mexico
There are better farms in the Great Plains states
The only thing Commieland has is climate and a ton of Mexicans. It might have everything but mediocre qualities of everything

Why don't they rename LA to "faveLA"?

>San Francisco is a shitty copa of Seattle and Portland
That's saying something because both those cities are also shitholes.

>There are better forests in Oregon and Washington
And don't forget New England faggot, we have the best and healthiest young growth in the world

California is leading the nation in fighting climate change, science, innovation, and research. All the California haters in America usually respond with racist, xenophobic, and factually wrong statements to disparage California's success...

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>The state with typhus outbreaks and homeless epidemics that garner UN attention is a good state
How shit is Switzerland that this seems like its one of the "better" states to you?

Wow the most populous states buy the most cars what a shocker

Its funny how California Spics make up 40% of the jail population but Blacks only make up 27%.

Makes you think

Based Cali IS the best state of the union though

if we were really worried about climate change we'd start with wiping california off the map, as it's the most overpopulated, polluted state in country.

>Buy electric car
>Burn to death when battery spontaneously combusts
>You go join all the villagers in some African backwater who were killed by the poisoned water created while fueling your elitist, unsustainable lifestyle
>fighting climate change
>not one nuclear plant (you're shutting down your last one)
Pick one

Attached: copper cobalt strip mine.jpg (1024x576, 130K)

*shits on the street and throws down needles*

Nothing personnel, homo

>tfw you live in the most hated area

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I don’t get why people hate us so much. Most people here are insanely normie tier

1800 Businesses left Cali in one year due to worsening economic policies

Social policies are stupid, too. In California, it's no longer a federal offense to give someone HIV on purpose

1 in 5 community college students in Cali are homeless

Tech startups abandoning Cali

Lots of fun articles like this roll through as California declines.
California is so great I literally just cannot

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African shithole

Half of the 20 most violent cities in the world are here

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The ironic thing is that even with these problems it's still better than your shithole

The worst state in the country can't be better than another state. Maybe you're better than Alabama and Mississippi, but that's about it

Alabama here. I like having low cost of living, cheap land, and personal freedom. I'd take this place over California any day

i'd still rather live in alabama or mississippi than california.


Flyover states will rise up and form their own nation. All you coasties will be fucking genocided

>unironically thinking electric cars are fighting climate change

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woah, my family is from of those red places
please don't be rude, cousin


California has no culture beyond vapid materialism and consumerism.

i’m not a soy-growing obese flyover

Where from?

Poza Rica

Louisiana, because it's full of uneducated and racist incels.


We capitalize off your low test levels by selling you soy products

Redpill me on the north of Norway. Those small cities all look super comfy.

We capitalize of your low test levels by fucking your mom

It's pretty comfy with a small city in majestic raw landscapes, but it gets a bit windy sometimes.

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You ever notice California defenders only point to the state's GDP? Probably because of its population that can't even speak English, homeless problem, rampant poverty, loony state government, education statistics, crime statistics, 95.5 average IQ, etc. aren't really worth bragging over.

Saying you want to live in CA over somewhere like Maine is tantamount to saying you'd rather live in the China than Switzerland because "muh GDP." It's the only thing California really has going for it here in 2019, and I'm sure the average homeless guy in California falls asleep on his bench each night just thrilled that Google and Apple, etc. are making a killing.

Give me a state like Maine or New Hampshire over California any day of the week.

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I would imagine the weather would be intolerable to anyone that isn't from there.
It seems like there are a lot of nice communities though; I really want to visit this part of Norway.
I am going to apply to Norwegian schools to get a graduate degree and am interested in mainly the West coast. How much more expensive is the cost of living up in the north versus other Scandinavian cities?

Also, why do you guys always hate on the Sami people? They seem fine to me, just wanting to herd their deer in peace and out of everyones way.

I just learned their is a village named Å in the north. What a strange place.

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It's obviously cheaper than the big cities like Oslo and Bergen. I would say it's on the same level as a similar sized city anywhere else in the country.

I personally don't hate the samis, I guess it's because they want gibs and people think they are lazy. They got some real qts though.

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meant to

Typical Californian response

>has culture

>California culture

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