Tfw anglos will achieve true socialism in your lifetime

>tfw anglos will achieve true socialism in your lifetime

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bernie has even less of a chance than in 2016 now that the commie votes are divided between him and warren.

>the commie votes are divided between him and warren
Hardly. Bernie is far more popular.


Anyway the Democrats will sabotage his campaign just like last time and rig it for Biden who will lose spectacularly and then they'll blame the Russians again.

Wtf I love buttgeeg now

The one on the left is Corbyn, the one on the right... literally who?

Corbyn is british Trump so I'll allow it. I enjoy how much he triggers the guardian.

cringe post but cringer image

True socialists hate people like Bernie Sanders.

>Corbyn is british Trump
Fucking huh?

right, but try to convince most Americans otherwise
He calls himself a socialist, and every Republican rages about him being "a commie".

Vladimir Engels, creator of NSDAP and leader of Cultural Marxist party

It's only natural as the counter wave to internet populism that saw Trump elected and Brexit sweeps everybody now.

You can expect a lot of left leaders winning elections worldwide in the 2020s. The trend will last.

>has a history of non-conventional political opinions
>angers the establishment
>always ignored and/or maligned by the MSM yet somehow always manages to get the best of them
The list goes on

Keep wishing, commies. This is the era of leader like Bolsonaro and Trump.

>Keep wishing, commies. This is the era of leader like Bolsonaro and Trump.

Attached: bolsonaro captain america israel1.png (768x512, 671K)

populism will only last until people get tired of people who rise in popularity quickly and choose someone more normal and grounded

I'm proud to vote for Jeremy "Jew Killer" Corbyn.

Attached: basedjez.jpg (1140x1520, 263K)

Shoo shoo Bolshevik scum

he should propose a 101% tax on amazon

Bernie has been on message consistently for decades.
Unironically this but it would be nice if the state of Washington and city of Seattle would start taxing them instead of sucking their dicks.

Good luck comrade Corbyn!

Attached: 1542316443444.jpg (1006x657, 65K)

they're genetically unable to accept anything other than sucking Corp cock

This. Also Bernie is an imperialist (hates China, Iran, etc). American foreign policy would remain largely unchanged if he won.

Do some brainlets on Here shill socialism just for the sake of being contrarians or do they actually unironically long for state absolutism?

not a corbyn fan but it was a bit pathetic that trump refused to meet with him

>Corbyn, Sanders
Please stop embarrassing my countrymen m8

дa пycть oн хoть в фyлл ceт Лeнинa oдeнeтcя, эти лeйбopиcты тaк и ocтaнyтcя бecпoлeзными дypaчкaми, кoтopыe лeт 100 yжe фaнтaзиpyют o влacти чepeз дeмoкpaтию

socialism is when the state does stuff the more the state does things the more socalism there is

>It's not true socialism
Keep coping

Sanders is a centrist, but you got memed by conservashits...

Attached: usprimaries2016.png (400x400, 29K)

No. Thats internet populism and it gets boring real quick, as people realise institutions are like they are because you can't solve complex problems with social media memes.

Wanna bet, breh?

Kirchner gonna elect that lad, Lula will elect his party, same across South America.

In Europe we already got Sanchez in Spain and gonna have Corbyn soon. Probably this year.

Then Sanders gonna win in the US.

The left, as Zyzek puts it, is gonna sediment itself as the voice of sound politics and common sense, as the right becomes baroque like, anti knowledge, disruptive and marginal.

This is what I was thinking.

Imagine thinking any Western political leaders are that authoritarian kek.

Exactly. And the left is assuming that more grounded position against these crazy internet buffoons. That's why the left now will start winning nonstop.

Based brasiliANO

Nah Biden is his only competition everyone else is a literally who. Even if he does get popular vote the super delegates will fuck him up the ass again.

Based Usaniano.

Zappa was the only hope of this country becoming at least somewhat respectable and or tolerable. Too bad shit doctors fucked him over, I’m moving elsewhere once my parents die.

I didn't even need to see the flag... a third of your cunt wants authoritarianism:

At least 80% of Australians over 55 care about nothing but protecting their real estate value, pension plans and making sure the younger generations benefit from the economy as least as possible.
I'd say you'd be lucky to find a thousand people here over the age of 60 who aren't complete fucking selfish scum.

The left here is cranking out an "intersectionality" circus sideshow and going full steam ahead on the exact shit that got Trump elected.
Biden is their only hope (which is unbelievable) and now even he's been pandering to the far left special interest groups.
They're drifting further and further away from the center.
You could start a twitter stream posting old news from Bill Clinton's presidency as current Trump news and they would be in a rage screaming "NAZI RACIST ALT-RIGHT MISOGYNIST HOMO/ISLAMAPHOBE!".

Stop posting.

buttigieg is the guy for me, and there's nothing you faggots can say to change my opinion

You are so comically far right that I doubt you are over 16.

>Being the Democrat's presidential nominee, ever

Good joke. You're getting Joe Biden next year, and you'll like it and vote for him in November 2020.

Attached: 2020.jpg (450x525, 54K)

Biden is an open corporate shill and has basically rejected the left, like a typical corporate Democrat. Your Jow Forums shitgoggles are way too tight, man.

if it's biden i'm voting trump 100%

>asks a handful of rich boomers
>posts results to CNN

How very edgy of you.

it's not edgy at all you fucking faggot

Mommy says if I vote trump she’s kicking me out

epic, simply epic

>You could start a twitter stream posting old news from Bill Clinton's presidency as current Trump news

Yes. Voting for Trump is edgy in general, but especially if you're butthurt about the Democratic nominee.

a sitting president has never been NOT reelected with the numbers our economy is putting up. he's clamped down on immigration, taken it hard to china (finally), and hasn't started any wars. only fragile childish idiots like you can't look past your hurt feefees over the mean things he's said to see the substance behind his administration.

>taken it hard to china (finally)
Oh boy...

Pretty sad