Why is Russia considered an authoritarian state according to the Democracy Index even though it has regular elections...

Why is Russia considered an authoritarian state according to the Democracy Index even though it has regular elections based on the proportional representation system? It's true that only United Russia manages to form the government, but that doesn't mean that other parties can't participate. How are South Africa and Singapore considered democratic while Russia is considered authoritarian even though the former countries are practically one-party states.

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Because those freedumb rankings are all made by americans


South Africa - good
Russia - bad

simple as

>Putin wins by 108%
>ElECtions are FaIr n DemOkRatic

t. has debates between turd sandwich and giant enema

>Putin rules for as long as Merkel
>Before Merkel two West German chancellors ruled even longer
>Huur Russia is a dictatorship, but Jermoney is a demongrazy

Because democracy is a meme. You can't expect all voters to be political and economic experts, so the views of the majority and based on what you tell them through TV anyway.

Dude you literally have only two political parties. At least Russia have some bigger participation.

Poland under ocmmunism had three political parties. And so does the DPRK today. You're not the one to discuss this. US is not a democracy.

>according to the Democracy Index even though it has regular elections based on the proportional representation system?

yes 140% of the people went to vote

Tbqh our parties have no ideologies

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Tell me a country that is actually democratic

But the TV in russia is controlled by the state

No, at least not all of it

Nice try Igor, not falling for your propaganda.

>Opposition gets shot and kidnapped
Sorry, but there's a reason soo many argue if you guys are actually European, you act like Asiatics in everyway, can't believe how much the average Ivan loves getting fucked over by Putin. Atleast you're making my people stronger in the process.

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this might be part of the problem
got this off of google

The Constitution of Russia limits the election of one person to the Presidency to two consecutive terms. Since the constitution contains no ruling on a total number of terms that a President may serve, a former president may seek re-election after sitting out one complete term.

also theirs the whole "russian oligarchs" thing and assignations/imprisonment of political opponents

Central TV
There are also some retarded channels that preach about magic and jewkike reptilians from Nibiru

T.urd sandwich

Exactly. But do you think that in other countries major TV channels are independent?

>bigger participation

Pro-government (read as pro-putin) parties get the absolute majority of seats election to election and can veto any unfavorable proposal.

Pic is the current parliamentof Russia (opposition holds 15% of the seats)

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>There are also some retarded channels that preach about magic and jewkike reptilians from Nibiru

sounds /comfy/ actually, and probably more reliable as a newssource too

Great job for an American. Now google say Jacob Zuma of South Africa and politics of Singapore I mean OP literally names those countries

Everyone knows Russia is an oligarchy, better question is why is US not considered an authoritarian state?

No, that shit is what you would call cringe.

>Why is Russia considered an authoritarian state
Because it's controlled solely by one athoritarian and his firends-oligarchs.
Most of the legit opposition are shams.
Election are rigged.
It's not even authoritarian its mafia state.

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Russia isn’t democratic, some territories like Chechnya are more like local feudal kingdoms with mad power hungry owners whose word is much stronger than local law.

All democracy indexes are brainwashed bullshit though.

these, nuff said


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Yeah, and people voted for them
Some regions doesn't have majority of United Russia


South Africa just had democratic elections and has a free press and doesn’t imprison journalists.Can you say the same of Russia?

Yabloko has, you're just too blind to see

>Because those freedumb rankings are all made by americans

USA is ranked as 25 and called a "flawed democracy".

Democracy is a meme by amerisharts

Because Russia is still a young democracy, meaning it hasn't spawned an equivocal multiparty system and how to handle opponents in a more civilized manner yet.

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Russians, what should I make of Russian posters on here and elsewhere who do nothing but defend Glorious Putin and Mother Russia and say America is worst?

I wish the US was authoritarian. Democracy doesn't do shit - nothing gets done in the long run. Democracy is a stalemate between two corrupt opposing parties that achieve no progress whatsoever.

Even North Korea has elections but that doesnt make it a democracy.

>The LDP (Japan) has been in power since its foundation in 1955.
>The PAP (Singapore) has been in power since 1959.
>The United Russia in power since 2003

we also have state tv

wait does someone seriousy consider singapore a democracy?

If one country is AH DEMOCRACY
What is China? a communism?
Is north korea AH COMMUNISM?
Who invented this grammatical pile of shit when referencing a countries way of governing?
A country is a country, a country is not a way of governing
stop saying that a country or countries are a way of governing go fuck yourself i want to break your neck


>democracy is when you vote for a different person in every election
this is the definition of democracy according to mutts and europeans

It's even codified, it was in russian constitution too, though you had to vote for a different party every other election.

Singapore good so it’s democracy
Russia bad so it is totalitarian regime of child murders and death and destruction

actually it still is there putin just doesnt give a shit, wonder what he'll do in 2024

"russian" constitution was written by CIA

He'll just give the presidency to Medvedev for one term like in 2008

In Russia, even the dead and deceased vote.

he will fuck it up

Didn't they imprisoned a journalist a few days ago?

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It's mostly banter, there are maybe 5 posters here who are real pro-Putinists. One is a swiss flag, one is a Czech flag and 3 actual ru flags

Singapore isn't a democracy in any way, nobody ever said Singapore is a democracy, not even Singaporeans themselves say that. Japs are very apolitical afaik and they
vote the same party over and over again if it does well

Putin is supposedly hated by lots of people yet still gets 77% with a 67% turnout? At the very least that sounds quite IFFY

Don't forget the ""German"" and the """""American"""""

unlike other countries we don't sugar coat ourselves

I like how people don't say "Russia is democratic" but instead they say "Nobody is really democratic, so it's alright."

Russia made Jow Forums their bitch. Nobody wants to speak out against daddy putin.



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FUCK Putin and fuck Russia

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>Angela Merkel
>Helmut Kohl
>Konrad Adenauer

Germany isn't democracy now?

Because it's not controlled by the jew. Therefore all Jewish controlled media and organizations such as CNN, NBC, ABC, BBC, CIA, MI6 and of course the UN will repeat this propaganda throughout every possible outlet and people cannot confirm whether their stories are true or not because most other people on the planet cannot read nor pronounce Cyrillic alphabet let alone understand Russian. There is of course Russia Today in English but that has been already labeled fakenews by the aforementioned Jew controlled outlets. They say the same about China by the way, because they are bitter that China banks are all nationalized.

Germany isn't a mafia state ran by the oligarchs.

If Russia is a shitty oligarch totalitarian state, Germany is just a liberal shithole totalitarian state. They're richer, but they suck just as much as the russians

Merkel's party gets 30-40% in the elections and then spends months trying to form some coalition government.

Russia is a dictatorship.

Kill whitey

Just curious how much do you know about Russia? How many oblasts (states) does it have? You really think 1 guy can control it all?

because of NATO shills

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>only villages with up to 10 household could be dictatorships, otherwise you can't personally control them and you're not a real dictator

Russia is a dictatorship. Stop denying this fact you stupid putins proxy bots! Your propoganda have no power here.

Still better than Djibouti! RUSSIA IS STRONK
I need to evacuate from this country... does anyone needs an professional electrician? Or electrical winding specialist? Or elecrical engenier?

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But Putin is an american asset

>Stop denying this fact you stupid putins proxy bots! Your propoganda have no power here.

Sadly it does, one of them even is a mod. Some Russian posts critical of Russia were already deleted from that thread. Kek

>Why is Russia considered an authoritarian state according to the Democracy Index
Gee, who knows?
>The Democracy Index is a UK-based company.
>The Democracy Index has been criticized for lacking transparency and accountability beyond the numbers. To generate the index, the Economist Intelligence Unit has a scoring system in which various experts are asked to answer 60 questions and assign each reply a number, with the weighted average deciding the ranking. However, the final report does not indicate what kinds of experts, nor their number, nor whether the experts are employees of the Economist Intelligence Unit or independent scholars, nor the nationalities of the experts.[12]

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She lost.

Look under your bed eвпoчя
I think that there are no kremlin-bots.

jenny pls go


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>Russia is not a dictatorship, silly westerner
>However, if you insult our glorious leader Putin, you are going straight to jail
>Also, your post will be removed, and you will get banned on a totally-free-speech site of Jow Forums :)

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>Germany isn't a mafia state ran by the oligarchs.
Yeah, instead it's an occupied state run by American propaganda network.

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>Yeah, instead it's an occupied state run by American propaganda network.

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>However, if you insult our glorious leader Putin, you are going straight to jail

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To be fair, nobody ever said that 4chin is free speech. And also you can shittalk Putain all you want irl nobody gives a shit. If you shittalk Kadyrov tho...

Coming from a police state where "disrespect" can get you killed.
inb4 Russian shill
The law is bullshit, but you're not exactly in the position to criticize.

This I've noticed lately. Cold war was supposed to be a war on communism but now it really seems just a geopolitical war. Did you know that USA has threatened to embargo companies and investors involved in Nord Stream 2 and NATO Denmark has been pressured by CIA to stall finishing it? If Nord Stream 2 doesn't exist them most energy to Europe flows through Ukraine. I looked it up and instantly realized what the illegal coup in Ukraine was all about. Not freedom and democracy as usual. How does it look now when Ukraine will not be free and democratic with a pro-Western government but you don't really see any shit written about it by BBC, CNN etc. Quite amazing plot twist. Ukraine is run by pro-Russian oligs, hey we need to save them and make them join NATO, we should write a ton of bad shit about them everyday. OK now they have pro-West oligs run Ukraine and where are the critical articles about them? Can you find one preferably from BBC or CNN?

Straight out of the Russian brainwashing detention center.

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B-but they are doing it for better good. without american control you gonna ruin Europe again.

>hype news headlines in charge of covering the topic
Go read about this law, it has completely different focus
>Dumb Navalnoid is unable to process information and has to be forcefed by liberoid media
Try reading the law

and in Germany can you kritisize das juden? Or any of their agenda such as replacing Germans with Arabs?

then why aren't we #1 in that index
because you are a fucking idiot
>russian "elections"

Russian user told me that people are getting jailed for pic related.

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>Go read about this law, it has completely different focus
>no no guys it's not really the same I swear!

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What participation you absolute shit for brain.
There is Putin and his pet 'parties' and some fake 'opposition'. And he intimidated/killed off real opposition long time ago.

>liberoid told me so must be true
Self haters will tell you anything they've heard from their glorious school-leader Navalny, no matter how unbelievably bullshit it is, they are simply unable to make a fact check once in a while.

What does it even have with an "acting like asians", dumb goblino?

How about you go and read about the law instead. I don't care how bad or good Putin is, but I hate when meme headlines get treated like a real thing

Yes, yes, there are no jailing for repost/like in social media, ok, ok, chill, chill.

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