Did yuo know Sweden and Finland look like COCK 'N' BALLS

Did yuo know Sweden and Finland look like COCK 'N' BALLS

Attached: 4af763omkw222.jpg (410x493, 58K)

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You're drunk, Sven. Go sleep.

yeah, i made a post on flashback a while ago about it and the swedes told me they have made that joke sinc atleast 1972 :(


Norway is the slug on top

Everybody knew ever since the Euro coins came out.
What were they thinking with that design?

Attached: normal_fausse_p.jpg (747x400, 71K)

What kind of cock have jut?

Proof tha Sweden has no BALLS and are all DICKS

Finland looks like a boob, Sweden like an arm and hand

Cannot be unseen

Attached: 1560066270378.jpg (410x493, 107K)

Attached: 1456862281773.png (1056x1320, 161K)

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haha balls

Have Jutland you mean? ahhahahahahhhaha

now you know what happened when sweden lost finland

Attached: KM187_2002b.jpg (479x480, 68K)

lmao how will ameritards ever recover from this

Attached: american apu.jpg (255x248, 12K)

norway look like a castrated cock frotting with sweden and denmark looks like jizz that explains why scandanavia is gay

Lmao this is masterpiece

Attached: 1498393351895.gif (250x250, 313K)


Did yuo know Italy looks like a BOOT

Attached: Download.png (207x244, 3K)

Norway is the shadow of the dick

Funland and Norway make another pp

I thought Florida would’ve been much bigger. Weird.

>what is mercator projection
stupid finnshit

i learned from a moroccan that tunisians have a gay dialect so you shouldn't say anything

Got em

Did yuo know Benin looks like BENIS :DDDDD

Attached: 190516_Benin_jpeg.jpg (430x588, 91K)

We need to keep it together