
It's happening tonight boys, strap in!

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Other urls found in this thread:

There's no coin like /ourcoin/.


Wrong. If you were paying attention you'd realize this is the ICO holocaust. Those who understand how crypto works know that Real Money like BTC, XMR, and 0xBTC can't be dumped by developer whales in the timespan of a single afternoon.

You should use this opportunity to shift your funds into actual stores of value that will gradually appreciate as their use increases.

YOUR SHIT IS ON ETHEREUM, A DYING PLATFORM BITCH. NO ONE GIVES A FUCK IF YOU HAD AN ICO, the core of your token is on a dying platform.

No, no, friend. ETHER is dying. Not Ethereum. And those of us who buy the store-of-value token on the network at 50 cents will inherit the earth.

#dying platform

Did you know that AOL had it's own applications on it? You don't? Well...

Name the platform with more development.

You can't? Well...

>comparing BTC and XMR to 0xbtc

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>Dying platform

Can you name a single blockchain network that has developer activity within even an order of magnitude compared to Ethereum?


All solid pure-mined coins with unique use cases.

BTC -- independent blockchain, general store of value in the crypto space.
XMR -- private currency.
0xBTC -- store of value on the Ethereum blockchain, interacts with all smart contracts.




Fuck off shill

You are so mad, friend. How many ICO tokens were you holding today? You realize you can still save some of your money right, and make it all back when we pump to $100 minimum?

It's a big tent and you would be an early adopter. If you really think the first PoW token on Ethereum is fading away, wew lad. Don't you see how dedicated we are to this coin? Become a 0xBTChad. It doesn't hurt. All it takes is a few mouseclicks.


You're mad because you're losing money. Understandable. When you cool off a bit, why not do a little research on 0xBitcoin? You might like what you discover.

Because of you I know exactly how Shrek felt when he said GET OUT OF MY FUCKING SWAP FAGGOT BITCH

You missed out on Ethereum, you missed out on Bitcoin. Now you're going to miss out on Bitcoin on Ethereum?

Nonsense! You're smarter than that, friend. This doesn't have to be a day of despair. This could be the first moment of the rest of your crypto life.

so sad the pajeets have to use "Its not an ico" as a shill point.. so so sad...

What's sad is the people losing a fortune from ICO developers dumping on their holders. I genuinely feel sorry for you fellas.

Both are shit coins which is why the market is fucked right now. If they were great, the media would have praised them for how great they were when we had the spot light last year.

But you're too fucking retarded to understand that so IM GOING TO CONTINUE YELLING AT YOU BITCH

Attached: Screenshot_20180813-022032~2.png (1080x1715, 361K)

What do you prefer? Holo?

yeah people who bought this shitcoin at $3 are doing so well on their investment right?

pretty sure anyone who bought december or after are doing pretty shit on their investmen

>but other coins are down too!
bagholder bingo

This is fucking funny. They are the only ones not feeling a
The squeeze. I should have bought in months ago before the first big pump. Fucking blows I could have bought twice as much a few days ago.

Fuck it pajeeeeê I'm throwing my toilet paper out and joining you stinky fucks for a while.

You are completely deluded

By your logic, every single coin in existence right now besides for BTC and tether are shitcoins....

Welcome friend. Exercise your hands so they become iron. Sell some on the way up but never ever have fewer than 100 0xBTC.

You are going to lose so much money. First by holding ICO tokens, second by refusing to buy 0xBTC when it's early. I urge you to reconsider and do your own research.

I’m trying to buy 0xBTC. how do I go from having money to having 0xBTC in my 0xBTC wallet?

Do I have to buy bitcoin first? I’m in the UK is there something like coinbase here?

Look at this thread as an example. You are literally appealing to no one. Everyone -- I can guaran-fucking-tee you everyone on this board who sees 0xBTC posts knows you are a dumbass just based on the sentiment of each of your shitty threads. Prove me wrong.

Never have I seen such a fake fucking post in my life. What a joke.

How do 0xBTC holders even look at themselves in the mirror without thinking "what a loser?"

What other coins do you suggest I buy? ETH? I’ve only got about £1000

Oh so you don't know how to buy coins but you know the ticker symbol for Ethereum. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FUCKING SWAMP FAGGOT

Holy shit this thread

Literally wtf

I don't need to prove you wrong; the marketcap will do that for me, over time. 0xBTChads are the only ones not REEEEEing because we understand what real cryptocurrency is. HINT: It's not Link.

Well first you've got to get your shekels onto an exchange. Coinbase serves the UK too:

Poloniex is another well-known exchange:

From there you buy Ether. Then you install the Metamask plugin for Chrome or Firefox and follow the instructions to create an Ether wallet. Then you transfer your Ether from Coinbase to your new wallet. After that, you go to a decentralized exchange like and follow the instructions to trade your Ether for 0xBTC. Then you withdraw that 0xBTC into your Ether wallet. As you can see it's fairly involved; if you run into any problems feel free to post them in this thread and I'll try to help if I catch your posts. You can also go to the subreddit at 0xbitcoin.reddit .com and make a post, or you can ask for further assistance in the Discord (link on Reddit).

Alternatively, since you're new to crypto, you might check out r/cryptocurrency or r/ethtrader and familiarize yourself with the space and basic functions. It's pretty intimidating just starting out, I know. Biggest thing is to sign up for an exchange and get some money into it so you can play around and see how things work.

More like literally what the fuck are you doing awake at 3-4 AM in the United Kingdom, talking about buying a shit coin on an user forum in one of the biggest alt coin crashes of the year?

Seriously you are either your mind is fucked or you are the samefag who literally has mental disorders. Either way I'm dealing with a retard it seems.

You make this thread every night, is tonight actually the night to strap in?

I'm willing to bet a significant number of people on this forum are NEET vampires.

Shit I don’t even have online banking activated. This is going to take me a while

I always stay up late. It’s the only time I can smoke weed and no one will smell it

Excuse me? Link has volume and a high marketcap.

Your shitcoin .. *giggles* y-your ssshitcc *laughs* YY--YOUR SHITTC--- *LAUGHS HARDER*

*Cries in tears of laughter*

Man what were we talking about again? Oh yeah, the volume of your coin suggests it so low that it is only being traded by a single person.

0xBTC isn’t a security and won’t be severely affected once the SEC cracks down. There’s no ICO bags to dump, it’s finally true cryptoccurency within the EVM. If you can’t see the significance of this then I’m sorry. Stay poor Jow Forums otherwise I’d have no buyers when you ToMo in at $10+ ;)

Cant wait until this vaporware is $0.00. Only a few more months left at this rate

You know what? In the amount of effort that you guys put posting these threads. I will make a counter-effort to ensure that the SEC classifies this shit as a security.

You guys remind me of the ambrosus crew.
Whatever happened to those guys?
Oh yeah they got justed into the ground.
Well. See ya.

Like if it is EVER listed in a report that it is not a security. I will start threads on here to sign a protest and to reach out to their congressman.

I will be sure to link them all these shill posts in correlation to the dumping price. The SEC loves protecting investors, to which I think they would go to town on 0xBTC.

Yeah it takes forever for exchanges to verify you too, so get the process started ASAP. There hasn't been as good of a time to get into crypto since May of last year.

Enjoy your developer dumps.

You have a mental disorder.

>I'm serious.

You are going to be so sorry you missed out on Bitcoin on Ethereum. At the same time, you guys are really making it hard to pity you.

You fudded ETH and XMR too, didn't you? Sigh. Such bitterness in your heart... such regret.

-You post this thread every night.
-You talk to yourself through different accounts.
-You don't listen to the masses' opinions.

You literally have a medical disorder.

Its sooo sweet watching this crash and burn. Really satisfying. Expecially that pathetic attempted pump.

The ICO tokens? I agree, hilarious.

Someone's projecting. 0xBTC infantrymen don't need duplicate identities. I'm happy to have the same one every thread, so you know who you're talking to. There are more of us than you think, evidently.

You believe that your shitcoin will replace Bitcoin. It has been mentioned before, you are delusional.

However, after conversing with you in particular I can tell that you have a mental disorder and I highly advise you see a therapist.

Like what do you hope to accomplish posting here? Do you think nightly threads like this bring good light on your shit coin?

You are literally the laughing stock of biz right now.

Nothing will replace Bitcoin. (Unless the Ethereum network as a whole ends up flipping its marketcap; then you might see massive amounts of money flow into 0xBTC. This event is lightyears from certain.)

It doesn't need to replace Bitcoin to be $100+.

All it needs to do is serve as the store-of-value currency on the Ethereum blockchain. It's Bitcoin that interacts with smart contracts. That makes it valuable.

"Like what do you hope to accomplish posting here? Do you think nightly threads like this bring good light on your shit coin?

You are literally the laughing stock of biz right now."

Jow Forums is crying bitter tears right now due to ICO scams dumping en masse. This is the Savior Coin. You can laugh all you want, we really don't mind. We're holding something of real value and invite you to join in after doing your own research.

Smart contracts are a scam, so it doesn't actually do anything.

Oh shut the fuck up. That is not justification for posting this every fucking night.

What price will this coin need to tank to for you all to stop this shit?

>tHe ICo tOKenS

Smart contracts are the future. So many brilliant things being built with them right now.

Dude, this is the first minable token, and it's modeled on Bitcoin. It's never ever going away, as long as Ethereum stands. That's what we're trying to tell you.

If the technology was good:
- You wouldn't have to post this every fucking day.
- You could hold you fucking bags silently because you know your coin will take off.
- The technology would speak for itself.
- The volume would rise immensely after you posted it for the first 30 days.

Do you see why it is hard to take you all seriously?

On the contrary, it's pretty obvious why you are posting this every night -- because you hope that one noob sees one of your posts and joins your cult.

How's that working out for you?

Lol, ETH and BTC were shilled constantly when they were new, and people laughed endlessly, called names, etc.

Nothing "speaks for itself" if no one ever hears about it. BTW 0xBTC has no advertising budget like all those ICO coins crashing right now, so expecting an instamoon is ridiculous.

Just getting the word out user, stay away if you want, but don't say you were never informed.

You are comparing your shitcoin to ETH and BTC. Like I said, see a therapist.

Still shilling this dumbass coin? IT'S BEAR SEASON!!!

And no. Since you are polluting MY FUCKING SWAMP with your bullshit, I won't stay away. Why the fuck couldn't you have picked Reddit?

nigger just sell your bags, wtf are you doing. Shilling a total shitcoin in a total bear market as if it will ever work.
I almost cant believe that ur that stupid. You actually bought this and held ? dude man. What is wrong with you.

He thinks that since cryptocurrency was "laughed at" when it first came out that people are laughing at him for the same reason.

Aside from the fact that he samefags in almost all of his threads (0xBTC support shows up at around the same time everyday), this guy has some kind of mental condition.


0xbtc is the saddest most pathetic turtlecoin/bazingacoin spammed shit because of OPs durr hurr I'll post my fucking scam repeatedly mentality. I shit in his mouth.

Guys listen up: 99% of people here are TERRIBLE with their money. They are browsing a board full of sweaty, fat, unsuccessful people who all are trying to make a quick buck. Don’t listen to them. 0xBTC is something fresh and new. Something like LINK will never succeed; no one will use it. You’re 100% delusional if you think it will ever surpass $5. Go read the smart contract yourself if you think it’s a scam, but chances are if you’re here then you’re way too unintelligent to comprehend solidity. Good day, niggers!!

user isn't shilling to try and pump his bags
user is shilling to get buy orders in so he can dump his bags. this shit has a daily volume of 40btc and 90% of that is the exchange wash trading.

LINK is a real project and vital to the entire crypto space. To even mention it in the same thread as this 0xbtc scam vomit is fucking appalling.

Hmm so if you say biz is terrible with their money and 0xBTC is such a great investment then WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU POSTING HERE? Surely the likes of your coin is far more deserving on the front page of Plebbit.

It's so weird that your technology is so revolutionary and you are not on the front page of Plebbit. Hmmmm.

There really are a lot of good investors on Reddit. I would be very happy if you post the link to your Discord there. A lot of BIG MONEY whales use Reddit, not biz unfortunately. We only post memes here.

You know what? ... It's crazy but it just might work. You should stop focusing your energy posting on biz and post on Reddit instead! That sounds like a great idea! I can help you make an account and everything. Let me know, thanks!

Bump. I see that you tried to create another one of these threads.

Link is an ICO meme. You WILL be dumped on, even more than you already have been.

Screencap this.