the absolute state of Teslafags holy SHIT he just got destroyed
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Burn the coal pay the toll
He replied that he doesn't know her.
top kek, my fucking sides
Based Elonbro
Yeah slander a billionaire what could possibly go wrong sweetie
hahah Musk's days are numbered, fucking jew
Literal WE WUZ itt.
if this dumps the stock then i will kms. this world is worthless
elon really is beta. a chad would know not to get too involved with trash like grimes
We lolcow now?
I'm not a fanboy of this guy and I don't really know the story but to me it sounds like forced artist beef drama. The dude seems to be going through some midlife crisis, so I don't discount what's going is exactly what's been told.
It's not true, but even if it was, who actually gives a shit if some nobody pop star says something controversial? I had never heard of her before this "news" so I suspect it's just a PR thing to try and get her in front of a larger audience.
>tweeting the privatization of his company
>while on acid
oh shit, there goes the share price. again..
Why would anybody give a fuck what some literally who negress says on twitter
A racist negress using social media to talk about the white devil. Tell me something new
Reddit on suicide watch