What do I need to understand this image?

What do I need to understand this image?

Attached: 74816593_p0.jpg (892x427, 344K)

That one of these is not like the others

This. Finland is Fennomongol.

That the other Nordic countries want Finnish dick

You need to know that finland is the superioir country compared to these scandinavian bitches.

also winland would fuck anyone of them up in 1v1 easily.

Finland is military powerhouse of europe none other nordic country can't even compede

This isn't a competition

Finland has small tits

4 are north Germanic countries.

The other is Finland.

i'm from finland

have you personally called a black child a niger? if not, you're not

>also winland would fuck anyone of them up in 1v1 easily.

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There is only one TRUE nordic country in that picture. The rest are swarthy poo heads

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Who made this a user?

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Why do fins look like they have no soul?

because they don't

asiatic genes


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iceland: scholas and chronicolers, the scribes of the north
norway: explorers and groundbreakers
sweden: inventors
denmark: warefarers and brave
finland: eats poo in milk

>smallest dick size in the north

>post about finland
>insecure Finnish anons spawn out of the blue

I've always pictured finland personified as a shota

shit image

Attached: eesti cute.png (1093x526, 285K)

is this supposed to be funny or what? is this what passes for humor over on plebbit dot cum?


Yeah, newshit

Your mouth can't be THAT accurate

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