DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2205.6

DJT is a Japanese language 勉強スレ for 人々 interested in the language, anime, manga, visual novels, light novels and Japanese video games.
Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.

No translation requests.

Read the Guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese:
Check the Cornucopia of Resources before asking where to download X or Y:

Archive of older threads: Japanese Thread/

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No one is left to post in these threads any more.

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so that is the ている form of ない. i didnt even knew that existed

chipped window

ない is not a verb you retard
What the fuck does that even mean you retard

>know I can never learn Japanese with my natrual work ethic
>find when I uncharacteristically apply myself and make progress, I lose interest in why I'm learning Japanese in the first place, (games/manga/anime), and think I could better apply myself
Anybody know this feel?

What the fuck are you even talking about you retard

There was nothing ambiguous about that except "I could better apply myself," in which I meant I could focus my efforts somewhere else.

I think you're just because your darling general isn't that popular for some reason.
I wonder why, that is, aside from the obnoxious pedanty from the most obesseive posters.

How about you learn English first because this one's obviously out of your league

you seem mad, lol

Keep it up you're keeping the thread alive

I do Japanese because I want to know Japanese also it's fun to learn.

When I wasn't learning Japanese I was learning other stuff in my free time. I guess if learning is not fun to you there's a chance you're not going to make it.

In any case you should reevaluate your motivation. Maybe learning such a difficult language just because of the entertainment is not enough. I know it's not for me.

>I wonder why, that is, aside from the obnoxious pedanty from the most obesseive posters.
In general I think there are a lot of people with a vague notion of wanting to know Japanese but they all don't want to work for it.

I would say the only thing required to learn this language is a lot of discipline to study.

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Is that what you want? If so, you must be much less happy than you were a few weeks ago.

Don't care

>I guess if learning is not fun to you there's a chance you're not going to make it.
It is, but it's still demanding and I have to quesiton whether its worth it. I'm just saying that the more I apply mysefl, the less I become interested in the content for which I'm learning the language. If I'm the only one who's ever experienced this, that would be good to know. If some people have experienced this, but overcome it, that would be good to know to.
>I know it's not for me.
Could you briefly describe your motives?
>In general I think there are a lot of people with a vague notion of wanting to know Japanese but they all don't want to work for it.
Well, that's a good point. Plus, I found that when I actually really apply myself, I rarely come here, because it's better spent actually learning the language, as opposed to asking questions or talking about it.



I'm trying to say "A picture of President Trump helping a lost child find his parents"

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>It is, but it's still demanding and I have to quesiton whether its worth it. I'm just saying that the more I apply mysefl, the less I become interested in the content for which I'm learning the language. If I'm the only one who's ever experienced this, that would be good to know. If some people have experienced this, but overcome it, that would be good to know to.
I guess I did before. When I last tried learning Japanese my interest in Anime and Manga faded and subsequently I stopped learning the language as well. Being too dependent on interest in the content was probably the reason I stopped learning then.

>Could you briefly describe your motives?
I'm much more interested in learning for personal self-improvement now. Also since I am more succesful professionally and not a teenager in high school any more, moving to Japan (even if only for a while) has become a much more attainable goal.

In the end personally it's also structurally different in how I attempt to learn the language this time around. Last time I used to keep thinking "if I only get to point x then I can play this game, watch this movie / this show or read this novel some day". Now I just try to watch / play / read whenever I can and complement this with studying on the side. This way the studying never feels like it's somehow useless. It's actively making me better at what I do.

>Well, that's a good point. Plus, I found that when I actually really apply myself, I rarely come here, because it's better spent actually learning the language, as opposed to asking questions or talking about it.
I'm a sucker for communities for everything I do. Whenever I played a game for a longer time or basically do anything as a hobby I sought out online communities for it. So that's really the main reason why I come here. It also helps me to stick with it somewhat as a daily reminder to do your fucking reps and so on.

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I wanna add something to this actually. I feel it has become substantially easier to go into native language content today. Back then I had downloaded lots of raws, but there was nothing in terms of Japanese subs. Also no hover dictionaries like yomichan or comprehensive online grammar guides.

I still have physical editions of the dictionaries of japanese grammar at home, but looking stuff up there is just a fucking pain. Same for looking up unknown Kanji.

The tools today just facilitate engaging with content much earlier and it helps a ton. Setting up your whole learning environment correctly in the beginning and knowing which tools to use is probably the most essential thing you can take from the guide in the OP. Afterwards you have to figure out your day to day routine yourself.

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Vey valuble responeses, especially since the condiiton in which you initially gave up seems identical to mine, only I have no desire to live in Japan.
> Now I just try to watch / play / read whenever I can and complement this with studying on the side.
Rather similar to me, only I don't have a clear idea as to how much any particular piece of content should require.

>I'm much more interested in learning for personal self-improvement now.
An undeniably good motive.

Your answer is helpful, in that you were once at my current point, and surpassed it, but for reasons I can't imagine ever motivating me, so I can't make any definite projection based on what you said. Again, thanks for the response.

Motivation is the wrong way to go anyhow. Discipline is.
Just like doing chores, it's just "something you do". The less you think about it, the less chance the "you know, you don't *have* to do it, you could be lazy" thoughts have to sneak in.

I have no motivation or discipline but I have a working brain and don't have autism, I think that's the most important thing.

>no motivation or discipline
>don't have autism
I would think at least one out of those three would be required though.

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not really, do things that you enjoy about learning the language and you may find yourself not losing motivation

the door has been opened (by someone) or the state is the door is now opened

You're retarded is what state you are in

>I wonder why, that is, aside from the obnoxious pedanty from the most obesseive posters.
these days I just google it first and usually get the answer from kotobank or some thesaurus
but if its a saying they use in niche ways or perhaps cut off because the speaker was too lazy to say all of it knowing that natives would understand

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I was so tired I was thinking of skipping reps for the first time in a while, but I decided to take a short walk and now I'm all ready to go.
I should learn to take breaks while doing other shit.

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I did my reps at 2 am last night when I got home.

Not allowed to go to bed before I'm done for the day.

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Whenever I do my reps in the evening I almost always fall asleep during and leave a few dozen for tomorrow. That's why I always try to do them in the morning/during the day.

Fuck the wagie life.


I'm trying to say "Every time I walk past my neighbour's house, his dogs bark at me" How do I say "Walk past"

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The continuous aspect form of the verb 泣く
: to be crying
The window which a part of was chipped off
連体形「かけた」はperfect aspect

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What is actually being said here?

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ほっとく + やがる in command form
"leave it the fuck alone"

If there's 男の子, 男の人,and 男の娘, is there 男の古 too?

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Is it true students who get caught doing this are sent to Fukushima and forced to shovel radioactive soil?

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開ける is a transitive verb and that sentence is the continuous aspect.
The state that the door has been opened and it is opened continues still now
(cf. 「あけられて、」 is the perfect aspect)

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Post what you want to say in English

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「俺のshit post はトイレに流してくれ」




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>だって、『働け』という、その言葉の、 彼女に言われることの説得力といったら…
This といったら can be expanded といったらない right? Context being the person (彼女) in question works a lot of part-time jobs.

When you use の to refer to you as in 何をしてるの
Is that の only used with the る form or can it be used in ます too?




How do I say "Got caught doing verb"?

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>といったらない right
seems so.
However, いったら doesn't necessarily expanded in that way.
>other adjectives could follow いったら, like 貧弱この上なかった
But in this context, your interpretation seems plausible enough, but it should be in the past tense, "といったらなかった(it was extreme)".


Thank you.


>the person in question works a lot of part-time jobs.


How do people compose japanese names?
And how do they understand them without having it written?
For example somebody tells you their name, how do you know how to write that name? Isn't it confusing as fuck?

How do you "understand" names in your language? How do you write a name you've never heard before?

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Literally sound by sound, in russian sounds are almost 1:1 to letters, and where they aren't they follow common conventions used in other words.
But in japanese it would make hiragana, but how to know which characters are used? There's a billion characters per "word" in a name.


I doubt you would have no trouble writing a name you've never heard before though. For most common names you just know how they're written.

I have no idea how it is in Russian but even for German you can write a lot of names in multiple different ways and you can easily get it wrong. And for last names you usually have to have someone spell it out because it's hard to guess the spelling correctly in all cases.

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In russian you can write a name you've never heard before with 90% accuracy, if the name isn't some funky foreign one. But even then the odds are you'll get it right most of the time.


捨てると投げるは辞書に「to throw」の意味があります。でも、落とすの意味も「to throw」です。


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"捨てる"は"to discard"で、いらなくなったものを手放す事です。"throw away"の意味ですが、"to throw"と一致する意味ではないです。
"投げる"はそのまま"to throw"で、物体を手と腕を使って空中に放すことです。
それぞれ比喩的な意味もありますが、英語の"to discard"と"to throw"と大体同じと思ってもらっていいと思います。
"落とす"は"to drop(vt)"です。こちらも比喩的な意味がたくさんありますが、英語のdropとだいたい同じだと思います。

>捨てると投げるは辞書に「to throw」の意味があります(意味が載っています or something is better, but the original text is passable)


I'm reading Fist of the North star and the line is


I know it says "It looked like all lifeforms were extinct" but what does かに mean?



捨てるの使い方は 「食べ物は腐りました。ゴミを捨てなければならない!」。
投げるの使い方は 「野球で遊んでいるの時は、ボールを投げなさい!」。
落とすの使い方は 「学校に途中で行った、財布が落ちたと思います。大変。。。」。

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You talk like a fucking retard

>捨てるの使い方は 「食べ物は腐りました。ゴミを捨てなければならない!」。
>投げるの使い方は 「野球で遊んでいる””時は、ボールを投げなさい!」。
>落とすの使い方は 「学校に”行く途中で”、財布が落ちた(or “財布を落とした”)と思います。大変。。。」。


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Why does this girl look so scared?

Ah, because she saw the message
あ、 メッセジ彼女に見てた

What message?

ARGHHH chino chan... arghh *sniff* *sniff* SEX chino... FUCK CHINO Arghh I want to envelope chino around me and CONTROL HER ARGHH THE chino... chino CHINO CHAN cute sex

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Why is yomichan so shit?

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maybe learn japanese

What do you think I'm doing?


ok sorry


My Japanese proficiency has doubled since the last time we met, Dekinai.

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This is me fucking up a line from a cartoon I watched as a kid. It's supposed to be "The first person to reach my shrine atop Iron Mountain will receive magic powers beyond their wildest dreams"

>The first person to reach my shrine atop Iron Mountain will receive magic powers beyond their wildest dreams




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