What is the most German thing you have ever done in your entire life?

What is the most German thing you have ever done in your entire life?

Attached: germany.png (290x174, 335)

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Be upset I didn't arrive 5 minutes early at a party.

Come at meetings on time.

Fremdschämen every now and then :^D

I wear my birkenstocks all day

got my ex to piss on my dick while blackout drunk

me, since 2005 or so.
I am surprised the shoe sole is still going strong.

I got a perfect attendance award in high school

Vote Merckel

Built moats at the beach.

Jokingly welcome my friends with Roman salute

I inspect my excrement

I let my wife fuck Mohammad


Attached: screen-shot-2017-05-25-at-6-35-25-am-1495690657.png (768x384, 328K)

Beat up the commie

Drinking beer. ,o)

This but unironically.
>not eating sauerkraut and drinking beer
lmaoing at your life

I make jokes to encourage laughter

Ordering Currywurst at a sausage stand

thanks for trying
you missed the castle

paid hookers in Pattaya for sex

Isn’t that just ’cringe’.


I called a group of people 'folk'

basierter Laibacher

Overengineer simple designs because fu

I studied well all my life, I have a good job, but I have no friends and family.

Paid off my credit card debt.

Wtf is with germans constantly posting these.

In my life I have
> used a Geodreieck
> kluggeschissen a tourist guide
> drunk sangría in Mallorca
> been mad at a friend for arriving 10m late
> been glad at finding a DM store in another country

filled out dumb useless forms for meager things
waited at dumb useless pedestrian crossing lights even though there was no car in sight

I bought a beerstein in germany.

Learn german, watch german films, work at oktoberfest, look at google earth for hours at a time, read about shit that ultimately won't matter but i can incorporate it into my worldview, be socialist, be extremely autistic (it's improving though)

farted in an elevator

LARP as a roman

I remember crossing a street against red lights at ~15 years old or something. My friend looked at me really weirdly and told me he’d never done that.
The same guy had robbed another guy with a knife at 13.

Sometimes I work all day without talking to any of my co-workers.

>waited at dumb useless pedestrian crossing lights even though there was no car in sight

Attached: oneofus.gif (382x284, 1.18M)

moved to germany

solid values on the guy
>robbed another guy with a knife at 13.
way for your fren to play into stereotypes

spotted the burger

Where from, fren?


being autistic

Midwest USA


I knew it was you god fucking dammit I'm good

Ruin jokes by saying how they don't make logical sense.

moving to Germany isn't very German, it's ungerman by definition

and what wouldn't be lame

that's the easiest guess there is

And where to? How do you like it and on a scale from Murican to Autist, how Germany have you become so far? :^D

Not being sharter

maybe but I'm still very happy about it since I knew it before giving away your burger heritage

Even better is how it happened:
He was selling other guys in my school snus. Selling snus is illegal in Finland so it’s imported privately enmasse from Sweden. He was buying it from the guy, who was also underage, and dealing it forward. He happened to have a knife with him when he met up with the guy, so he just told the guy: ’Nah, I’m not actually paying for these. What are you going to do? Tell the police?’


war immer schon autistsch, jetzt passe ich hinein

Enjoy bdsm scat porn and black bread

Sometime i smell my balls.

auch seething

Now that's just mean of you

>happened to have a knife with him when
user come on everyone knows everyone in finland has a knife on them
I still find it really funny that snus is illegal in finland but legal in sweden of all places

I complained about Dutch caravans on the motorway.

do germans really like scat porn?

Attached: Willkomen.jpg (640x400, 193K)

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anjenehm, willkommen an Bord. Wo lebst du jetzt? Ich hoffe doch HAMburg

I think snus is theoretically illegal everywhere in the EU but Swedes just don’t give a fuck.

Watch scat porn

>not being nice to frens in other threds
how rude


>Ich hoffe doch HAMburg
könnte sein brudi.

Attached: 1544885199701.jpg (882x731, 113K)

Being born
Every Christmas
When family visits

This is a common french practice as well


yes, kind of.
Fremdscham means literally 'alien shame'
It's when you feel ashamed not of yourself or someone close to you, but of a stranger.
Fremdscham is a signal sympathy when, for example, a stranger does something embarrassing in a way that makes you feel like this could have been yourself at one point in your life
while cringe (at least from what I have seen, correct me if I'm wrong) describes disgust and is used in a disdaining way.

0/10 since you cannot directly vote for a Kanzler you fucking retard. Turn ff your Proxy

He didn't say as chancellor. Of course you can vote Merkel. de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundestagswahlkreis_Vorpommern-Rügen_–_Vorpommern-Greifswald_I

>er wohnt in Vorpo*mern

Mein Beileid if so

scratch all that, I overcomplicated it.
short version:
fremdschämen = to be ashamed of a stranger

All right. I think it’s pretty much like Finnish ’myötähäpeä’ then.
myötä = by / along / for / with
häpeä = shame
myötähäpeä = being ashamed for someone else

Look in mirror

>I overcomplicated it
Is that a German thing to do? :^D

No, Germans are proud of their efficiency.

Probably singing and dancing to German songs in circle with a lot of Germans during silvesterparty

Crippling autism that makes me unable to converse with people normally. Pretty much a swamp German

2000+ hours in trainz

Murdered some Jews and incinerated their remains in an oven

Owned a Merc and a Beemer.

AFAIK, Snus has exempetionary status in sweden because of "muh tradition".
> Wake up
> Go to workshop
> "I want to build something"
> Build something
> Go to sleep
Daily routine during vacation. It's sad, I don't have time to work in the week, so I have to work on that stuff in the weekends.
Always have to build the thing to build the thing to build the thing to build the thing.

Attached: chocky_egg.png (806x585, 304K)

Dislike Jews.

being Japanese

I once explained somebody else's joke and then explained why it was funny but why it didn't work

German myself tbqh (white)

I think one of the worst personal attacks is being late on an appointment or fixed schedule.

It just shows that this person truly does not respect me and the matter of the meet-up at all.

Attached: 1558538747500.jpg (300x300, 22K)

What if he has a legit reason, like the trains were on strike or something

I read this thread wrong, fuck.

Anyway, I screamed (literally REEEEEEEEE'd) at someone being late.

>build the thing to build the thing to build the thing to build the thing.
Jens' guide to woodworking.pdf

>does german things

Then it's okay I think like when it really was unexpected and doesn't happen to often. But like when I meet up with a girl and say we meet 14:00 and she shows up several times 14:10, 14:15 (2-3 minutes later is np) it's triggering me real gud

being proud for not being proud

Well me too, and I'm not german at all, I think this kind of bullshit annoys everyone.
I always try to come 10 mins earlier, so my classmates used to call me "the Swiss" for that

I once shat on my hand, played with the turd and tossed it into the toilet.

Showing up early wherever I need to be and tinkering with various pieces of hardware and technology. Also giggling a little whenever I hear/see Dutch since it is pretty much the retarded version of German.
t. Slav East German mutt
It is called having standards.

wat zeg je nou tegen mij, kut?