Just inherited a 1 million dollar house and about $500k in investments, already have 500k in investments from a past dead uncle.
I know this isn't enough to live without work, but I'm wondering what I should do next.
Just inherited a 1 million dollar house and about $500k in investments, already have 500k in investments from a past dead uncle.
I know this isn't enough to live without work, but I'm wondering what I should do next.
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LINK. You will end up a trillionaire
Keep working and contributing to the stack
It may not be enough to live off of but its pretty fucking close
Buy X shitcoins become millionaire overnight!
Sure, it's down 98 percent, but that just means it's now or never!
if you're in a good area you could totally rent that house out for some sweet sweet passive income, or airbnb it to people who have money to fucking blow
investments...you could probably toss some of that into a really good index fund if not already in there
I'm just worried about the headache of being a landlord.
I am debating between renting out the top and bottom floors separately. My jurisdiction is super hostile to airbnb sadly so that's not an option.
I'm honestly thinking of dumping it and buying a few apartments in a different city or an REIT.
2 million usd is enough to retire, just google "trinity study"
imo most of the headache just comes from first starting out -- kind of tricky business to learn the ins and outs of landlord-tenant law, how to do inspections, etc
but after that, it's not so bad
i recommend having a lawyerfag friend helping you out with all this shit, though, but once you get over that initial hurdle, you're good
I'm looking to build up enough assets that my children won't have to work either.
I've heard a lot of horror stories from other landlords in Canada. I'm debating using the money from the sale to buy a US investor visa so I can manage real estate down there.
Your uncle left behind 500k worth of investments for you? You were his favorite nephew or something? Out of all the people in the family how'd you get it? I'd be happy for you if I weren't so jealous.
I was his only surviving relation. It was actually my grandmother's money but he died before getting to spend any of it.
I am the only person left of my family now, only children of only children. I need to figure out how to have children so at least my family line can carry on.
Property management company if you want to rent the house. Typically they charge 10-15% of rent in exchange for taking a whole lot of time and hassle off your hands. Since you already own the property this is even more worth it because you don't have to pay mortgage or whatever. Just remember to save through the year for taxes + emergency repair and upkeep costs.
$1m in investments is not a small chunk of change and you could live off it without working. Let it sit in index funds for 10+ years and you will be light years ahead of your peers. Also think of this as raw capital to fund whatever career move you want to make next. You can work literally anywhere in the world, get whatever degree you want, maybe even start a business or other entrepreneurship, all with *zero* starting debt. That's immensely valuable in a way that's hard to even imagine.
2 million more than enough to retire, just invest smart
Do you have a history of generational wealth in your family? You probably have a financial advisor then. Whatever you decide to do with your assets, you should keep your wealth a secret if you aren't already used to doing that.
you should kys and let someone with brain inherit that
We do actually have one, and I have been following their advice.
I'm wondering more why I'm asking a taiwanese knitting board, I guess I just want a different perspective.
>I know this isn't enough to live without work
If you live frugally, it's much more than enough.
>I know this isn't enough to live without work
why not? invest it in ETFs, low risk ones pay 6-7% sometimes more, or you can go into the higher risk ones that pay 10%+
$500k even at 6% = $30,000/year which is a liveable annual income IF you already have your home paid off, which you claim you do.
imherit a 2 million dollar house and $1m in investments, duh
Sell it all and buy btc. Its that easy.
Anything but crypto or tech stocks
Pay a management company then you tard
>20k to spoil yourself with
>80k to speculate and do your own investments, business etc.
>400k go to a (((professional))) who will take fees from you but will also make you money.
low fee index funds nigga active management is a meme
Its what I did with my inheritance which was the exact same as OP's except the house was 850k. Until I learn more about finances and investing I am letting a expert handle it until I feel confident enough in my own ability.
get a half decent mediocre job that can pay at least $50-60k/year which isn't hard if you aren't completely braindead, and then minimize your expenses, don't do drugs, don't drink alcohol, don't buy stupid shit, live cheap (with parents or roommate/girlfriend and split rent costs) in a lower-cost city and you can seriously save like $15k-20k/year, if you start that shit in your early 20s you can be decently well off and invested by your mid 30s.
That's what I did, 35 now and pretty comfy. Anyone can make it if you aren't retarded, you don't have to get lucky or be special.
link is the only true answer.
Your life sounds boring at
this. These rich niggers will always find something to complain about holy shit.
> Live with parents
I just inherited large round number value house and big round number investments in multiples of exactly 500,000 dollars.
>people don't round up for convenience
You must be a retard.
>believes the words of random tards on Jow Forums
Oh Jesus.
Well yes, believing someone had somewhat well off parents and them dying is not really such a stretch it happened to me and another kid while I was still in High-School.
I am giving them the benefit of the doubt, if you don't do this with most post why are you even here? is a better place if you just want to randomly be insulting to get kicks and (you)'s
>I know this isn't enough to live without work
The dude is trolling. 1 mil in real estate and 1 mil in investments is enough to retire on. A 5% yield on these investments is 100k, which is a liveable 'wage' in a first world country.
Because deep down you know that we're on your side frendo. Now buy some link, $5 EOY.
Unironically, you should let it roll in short term treasuries until the next recession. You will lose money in the short term due to inflation, but less that 1% a year. Then you deploy after a major sell off and lose -5% your first year (instead of -20 and you should be dca-ing) and then make 30%, 15%, 10% the following years and you let if ride
Jow Forums is a working class board. Go bacck to your financial advisors, trust babby
>I know this isn't enough to live without wor
Most people only make 2 million over their entire lives. You're just greedy.
>I need to figure out how to have children
it's not really hard actually. /gif/ would be a good starting point to learn the ropes.
i'm not even a poorfag, but the faggots making these types of thread on Jow Forums are a better argument against the moral legitimacy of generational wealth than all the screeching commies and socialists have ever thought of
couldn't live with myself if i worked hard and saw my kids turn out like OP, fuck
well then you won't, it's your money your choice
i don't think it provides much value the way op got his wealth and all, but overall people who seized that money somehow wanted him to inherit it
is it a good thing? most likely not
but the more things you forbid people to do with their wealth the more you change the whole field, and the less inclined people will be to work hard
generational wealth is basically giving money to your descendants. you can become ultra rich and not have generational wealth (i think bill gates is leaving everything for charity, only some $10m / kid or so?), but forbidding you to give your money away to anyone you want to doesn't sound healthy.
op's case is pretty rare i'm sure, and if he's actually lazy+dumb, he'll lose that money anyways
so do the opposite of these wage cucks
you don't have to forbid anything. only intensify the rules about passing wealth down we already have in place. and start raiding those offshore accounts.
won't work for long, that's big part what crypto is about
you can pass your private keys to anyone you want, the state won't be able to do shit
and even without crypto, if someone has generational wealth and wants to pass it down, they'll find a way. but that's a very-very small % of the population. op's case, i'd argue, is still better than someone who got that money through actual lottery
op is fine, to me at least. 1.5m isn't enough to totally shield you from life; anyone who's anyone doesn't post here. there's not a lot of money to make up for the trouble of going after generational wealth.
but the richest of the rich need to be tortured and killed by a roving band of NEETS.
Honestly, all I want is to acquire a house without mortgage and an apartment to rent out. Working would be no problem. I would need $500k or so then, and I don’t know how to get that in 5 years or so in my current state as a student
Working a $60-70k job after college would be a pleasure btw
>I know this isn't enough to live without work
2 mil is more than enough to retire comfortably. Maybe not in the US, but if you are comfortable with moving, you should have no problem retiring.
Is it time to kill rich people yet
>I know this isn't enough to live without work
From 2mil that's 60k/year in low risk stocks-bonds. And, you are still likely to end up with a huge pot at the end for your offspring.
You do not have to work another day in your life, if you invest safely and conservatively.
>I know this isn't enough to live without work, but I'm wondering what I should do next.
It is though.
Put it in dividend stocks and enjoy your monthly dividends for the rest of your life.