So when is this bear market over?

So when is this bear market over?

Attached: 06_james_bond_secretos_morland_s_grosvenor_street_quo_205_galeriaApaisada.jpg (616x421, 26K)

2-3 years

The bottom is in when Jow Forums actually gives up on crypto and most posts will be about business books and stocks again.

>.t boomer

First week of october

nah he's right, when the majority of threads on Jow Forums are "RESUME HELP", random begging from /b/tards and lookism runoff, then you'll know it's the bottom.

i predict bottom in 2020 anyways

How the fuck would I know you fucking cunt.

when the mega whales return from mating season

The chance of mooning is worth the risk of going to zero. Much better odds than traditional venture capital if you do proper research.

the bear market is over when the market finally dies