Why do you think you're still single?

Why do you think you're still single?

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I have never tried to pick up a girl.

My standards are too high.

Irresponsibility and severe alcoholism

i dumped her a month ago
i want to move on but she randomly texts me that she loves me and misses me and it breaks my heart


the taff chad

mental ill , manlett ecc ecc

relationship require money. even if girl pays for herself you still need a certain amount of money in your pocket every time you go outside with her. also I still live with my parents so finding a place for fuck & suck is hard
not a virgin btw, I'm enjoying being alone for the most part

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cause im poor, dont have any social life and generally avoid women

that's not an excuse

I don't know where to find men who want anything other than a hookup.

nah it's just easier than saying that I'm a loser and don't want to bother playing the game, got enough trouble in my life and trying to get laid would just be more problems

are you actually gay or not?
cause im normal and my situation is pretty similar to yours

Try not being a faggot

I'm actually dating a cute 18yo boy right now. Haven't gotten the dick yet though.

I tried and failed. I've given up on trying to find a cure for my sexuality and accepted the fact that I'm pretty much cursed.

Because I want to be, at least for now and for some time.

Not gay, just a joke

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I'm a manlet
which is worse than death

Also I have a smol dick and a ugly face.

To elaborate, when I got to college which is where doors seemingly open up for everybody to fuck and suck, I just didn't bother. And of course now you could potentially ruin your life trying to fuck in college so I guess I really blew it.

This, I have never even tried. I feel there must be something fundamentally wrong with me, I'm not asexual I jerk off all the time.

to be perfectly honest i dont like sex or women or going out, but if you say that people are just gonna call you an incel

Go for it, the worst that can happen is that you get rejected.

youre a pussy.

Leftist indoctrination that discourages women from pursuing relationships with traditional men and encourages them to hook up with degenerates. I could be with many women right now but I'd rather stand by my values.

I'd like to know what it's like to be in a relationship but I have no social life anymore and I'm not going to go out of my way just to try to find a girlfriend. I'd like to have sex and touch a tit but it's not that big of a deal at the end of the day. I've been through enough shit to realize that there's more important things in life.

might be, the thought of even asking women out doesnt pop up in my head, I have never been on tinder and the likes either

I'm too afraid of getting hurt and one the same note all the girl I fall for haven't fallen for me.

why go for it tho?
i would probably reject relationship even if offered
maybe im a bit excentric

Nah, that's not too strange to be honest. Some guys are probably just better off alone, like me. I mean, I'd at least like to know what it's like to have a girlfriend but I don't have much to offer- I don't make a whole lot of money, I'm not especially tall or anything more than kind of plain, and I'm sexually inexperienced at a pretty advanced age. Besides that, women can be very high maintenance and can be very nasty after a break-up. All in all, the outlook on me getting into a relationship at this point is far from great.


These two.

I'm not though

I'm lazy and afraid

Have you always been drinking alone?


I am a manlet, even if I had a gf I would never want children. I would not want to pass on my manlet DNA

These. For both getting a gf and a job

Just find a girl shorter than you and create midgets lmao. That's kinda what I'm doing

You know, I was just thinking, I wouldn't even know where to begin if I actually wanted to find a girl these days. I live in the middle of nowhere and don't have the money to move, so I guess I'm fucked.

Unironically try dating apps

am a full time neet, not even trying, will try when i get a job, i messed up and lost my chance of being in the biggest mining company of my country