Charlie Lee talking shit again

What did he mean by this?

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charlie lee the guy who sold the literal top and called it - BASED

Scamming insider trading POS
LTC is hot garbage and will continue to drop from relevancy

Agree with him. I'm holding with iron hands and am not worried about USD value, whats aggravating me is the loss of BTC I'm taking because of alts.

not his fault brainlets bought litecoin. the code is all there for anyone to see. its not like he lied about it just being a bitcoin fork with a few parameters changed. hes not the one that came up with "muh silver bitcoin" either. thats just pushed by bagholders.

keep fudding the actual coins that have survived since 2013. i think you cashies have to realize ltc is going to survive this culling as well, and arise greater and stronger.

Fuck this guy.

Coinbase is the only reason this thing is in the top 15 right now.

LTC has survived since 2013 but it's been in a satoshi bear since then.

sats don't matter the only metric you should be concerned with is the usd value since that is what you are being taxed n.

>early adopter

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some of us like to pretend, ok?


It's actually sad watching people delude themselves
He should just try and move on

It's over

>y u so poor y u no insider trading like me round eyes?

fucking LARPer impersonating me

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Damn sage advice. I wish I had listened back in Dec. But now my BTC stack is higher than ever from these delicious 6k buys. I'll heed the lessons of the past from now on


been looking for this screencap, fucking absolute baller that guy was

sats DO matter, every single altcoin is measured in sats. You are better off holding BTC, if sats don't matter to you.

>i lost 28 bucks, stop crying

He's being a samaritan (stopping people offing themselves after buying his garbage coin)


>the crypto market isn't manipulated
>Ex Coinbase employee Charlie Lee wasn't acting on insider knowledge
the absolute state

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you absolute fucking moron lmao. where do you think the USD value comes from? dominant trading pair, i.e. BITCOIN

Wow you're dumb as fuck. How the fuck do sats matter to anyone other than bitcorn maximalists? $1 is $1. 1 sat is worth how much? Who fucking knows. It changes by the minute.