Chainlink OpenLaw

>infogrpahic shows LINK as the hub of every smart contract

What did they mean by this?

Attached: 1534259868914.jpg (750x1272, 136K)

This actually bearish for chainlink, fucking retard.

i told you not to swing trade. you must be hurting right now?



Wtf are you blabbering about?

>announcement by consensys member
lol literal brainlet

Attached: 1533140344922.png (474x711, 90K)

Okay, I'll invest in ChainLink now. I guess us 0xbitcoiners can get along with you stinkies after all. Afterall, we do love a good bargain at this time.

keep coping bro

>literal no name startup
>meme company with zero client base
i agree with that this is bearish for LINK. If Chainlink was this amazing new technology then actual respected companies with actual money behind them would be scooping that shit up but instead all we get is "affiliates" and meme startup "partnerships" instead. Fucking depressing desu.

From swift to some literally who crypto startup.

Moontime soon boys

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Link will be used by everyone. Big, small, and everything in between. When will you wake up? Will it be too late?

Seriously what the fuck, we get promised big name partnerships and all we get are literal whos.

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wow all those visa, mastercard and swift logos.

>shitcoin partners with shitcoin

vaporware joins vaporware D E L U D E D

I wonder if they're trying to keep a trickle of news out to keep the price from tanking with everything else. You've got to think that a lot of the young men involved in shit like Accord and OpenLaw have bought a few link tokens for fun and being into crypto themselves, so they have every incentive to keep the good news coming.