Mixed Race peoples

Why do mixed race people seem to only identify with one side of their heritage? Especially ignoring their white side. If they're half black they only identify as black, if they're Mexican they only identify with their indigenous side despite being like 80% european etc. I think this is more common in America but it happens here also. I

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the guy in your pic has a gf. How is that possible?

cause he is tyler motherfucking 1

white people don't consider half-black people to be white, so they won't identify as white when nobody thinks of them as such

Personality and he's chad

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He's E-famous and fixed himself up (stopped his bad stutter for example)

I'm mixed myself and I wonder the same thing. It's probably because of the retarded one drop rule. Whites usually don't accept mixed folks into their groups too, unlike blacks. I embrace both sides of my family and don't identify by one side

But that's the point. They're mixed race, i don't consider them black either. If i see a mixed race person i don't th

think for like 2 seconds and it should be painfully obvious

- I don't think "there's a black person"