Do you get intimidated by the British power stance?

Do you get intimidated by the British power stance?

Me: Yes

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They look like they are about to floss on me

You can't rule the waves without a power stance

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So British power stance is standing as if someone stuck a broom up your ass?

There is a reason why they were the Empire and you the colony

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that quickly changed during the tea party

You finally got an 11/10 qt British girlfriend, she is beautiful and intelligent and you love her to death. But suddenly she does the British Power Stand to assort dominance in the relationship, over you.
What do you do?

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>British girlfriend
>beautiful and intelligent
>you love her to death

>What do you do?
Wake up

What a faggot, British girls are beautiful

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Exception proves the rule

Mein neiger

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Exception proves the rule

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The rule

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Sophie is a qt

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OK, no one fucking stands like this, so it’s obvious someone is telling them to do it, specially as forced as it looks. Yet they look fucking ridiculous, not powerful. Whoever is advising them does not understand body language and should be fired, but it looks like they’ve kept them for multiple administrations. Wtf

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Bow to your British master

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Pretty, except for the tattoos

I would

>Do you get intimidated by the British power stance?
My 1/4 Anglo genes kick in and I respond with a powder stance of my own

i would to who am i kidding i have no standards
but she's average at best

This body type is so fuckin hot

worst emma looking like Donal Trump in this picture